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Zelda Freak, all you ever do is cause confrontations in this and the PS3 thread, you have already been banned and you came back named as MrX begging to be let in saying you will calm down and you havent.


This is your last chance before i get a Admin to ban you again.


When have I caused controntations in the PS3 thread?


I was banned from this thread for using a disgusting slur that was directed at Takeo which I'm truely sorry for.


And why can't I say Halo are bad games? I don't understand these forums you can't tell a games crap these days without people being offended.

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I really like Annex on Gears, may give me a chance to get those 100 kills achievements.


Am i the only one who seems un impressed with Halo3's graphics? They look barley any diffrent to Halo2.

Well Halo's graphics are mighty impressive as it is, and they don't want to mess with the style.


Is anyone seriously buying Halo 3 for anything other than the multiplayer? I doubt I'll even touch the single player until either my internet screws up or my Live account runs out.

Yes, I really like the single player campaign.

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When have I caused controntations in the PS3 thread?


I was banned from this thread for using a disgusting slur that was directed at Takeo which I'm truely sorry for.


And why can't I say Halo are bad games? I don't understand these forums you can't tell a games crap these days without people being offended.


Theres a diffrence between having an opinion and cuasing arguments.



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Do you honestly think I come on here to have arguments with people, I have better things to do, I state my opinion. Sorry that its not popilist view like everyone else.


Hes saying (politely) that you spew shit out of your mouth constantly. Which you do. And everyones sick of it.

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Do you honestly think I come on here to have arguments with people, I have better things to do, I state my opinion. Sorry that its not popilist view like everyone else.


your opinion is the opposite of whatever else has been said, always causes arguments.


I just generally think your a dick, so never take your posts seriously.

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Not to be a graphics whore but I hope Halo 3 does get a graphical upgrade, I know the cinematic trailers shown before are not in-game but everything about them;the music, the atmosphere and the graphics were really getting me hyped for the final game, I don't want a slighty up-graded version of Halo 2.

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Guest Stefkov

Anything I read doest stick in my head anyway so I cant get angry at anything.


Just watched the Halo 3 multiplayer video. Graphics do look updated, shinier armour.

Looks the same kinda battles as the few I played in Halo 2.

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Not to be a graphics whore but I hope Halo 3 does get a graphical upgrade, I know the cinematic trailers shown before are not in-game but everything about them;the music, the atmosphere and the graphics were really getting me hyped for the final game, I don't want a slighty up-graded version of Halo 2.


And for the 2nd time (or 3rd if you count Bungie's news article), the graphics will be a lot better than that by the time the final build comes out and will be better than what they currently are in the Beta. What we saw there was from the Alpha build.

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To me the first two halo games were crap, chances of this being a good game 10%? If that even.


What was it you didn't like about them? The reason people dislike you is that you go around making controversial statements without backing them up.

If you have a reason for not liking the first two Halo's, say it.

Oh, and when you say "chances of this being a good game 10%", at least say "chances of this being a good game in my eyes is 10%", so it's your opinion instead of fact, and you use half-decent grammar and language.


Bungie today released some new Halo3 MP footage as well as revealing the all important X button.



Beta will be available 16. may


Oh, balls. I wish I bought crack down for that multiplayer better now!

It looks amazing!


I love it in that video when some one drops a mine just as they get run over, and you can tell from the reaction who's on what team (the cheers are the red team, the "aww!"s are the blues)

And I'm so glad the assault rifle is back.

And the maps look really good. I love CoD style asymmetrical maps. The one with the wall and the towers looks like it will be a classic, especially for me. If they have an assault or S&D-style mode, then you lot had better be aware of the fact I will start barking at people to work together.

Organised team vs organised teams is brilliant tactical fun.

Organised team vs disorganised team is slaughter.

And brilliant fun if you're on the organised team.

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yeah i was gonna send an invite for crackdown, but you seemed sorta....busy lol.


i probs would've accepted, i was doing the mages guild stuff today and just levelling generally. Got some nice new items and spells, as well as got a few of the downloads for it and access to the University at last :D

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i guess i should of really. Would of meant using my 48h gold trial. I'm not buying a gold membership until july. I go to boarding school see, and i only really get to play in holidays, plus im leaving this year so ill probably get more time with my games. then again, i have a-levels to do.

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i guess i should of really. Would of meant using my 48h gold trial. I'm not buying a gold membership until july. I go to boarding school see, and i only really get to play in holidays, plus im leaving this year so ill probably get more time with my games. then again, i have a-levels to do.


Wait for the Halo 3 beta if you can to use it i suppose . . .

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I think I'm going to finally get a 360. I've been planning for ages, and I've just decided, screw it. Instead of getting the mediocre and short Wii and DS games to fill time, get the great and epic games on the 360 too. I'll probably not even spend THAT much more money in the long run, since each game will last me alot longer. So. I was thinking; I need to get the Premium Pack. Looking at whats in the Core, it just seems pointless to get that one. Some questions though; I have a regular, 18inch or so TV. It has one scart input, one AV input. Can the component cables that come boxed with the Premium use either of these sockets, or will I also need to buy some AV cables? Is the 20gb hard drive enough? Is the headset that comes with the console good? What are the differences between Silver and Gold XBL? And finally, what games shall I get? I have Oblivion on PC and I'm not the biggest fan of FPS's on consoles, though I might get one or two.


Edit: To add to the games part, which is more played/more enjoyable online; Halo or GOW?


Edit 2: I just realised you get an ethernet cable with the game. Is that the only way to play online, does it not have wifi? If so, how long is the cable? Sorry to bombard you with questions, I'm just asking what I can't find with a quick google.


Cheers : peace:

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