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I just think the gameplay has no flow to it at all.


well at least lost planet comes from a more competent developer than sonic does.


Lost planet will be totally awesome cos its a survive for your life game - your enemies are the insetcoid things, space pirates and the cold.


And I played the demo of sonic that was messed up why should I buy a game that ign, gametrailers and gamespot think its worse than sonic heroes, and that was the most average game you could ever hope for.

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All I can say is why did they do the first sonic level with the whale chasing him again why?, look all they had to do is say make a fun game without all the crap characters.

Sega need to sort out Sonic team or move the franchise to a more deserving team in sega itself


:bowdown:QFT :bowdown:


I don't care if I get banned


Takeo you are a fucking homosexual what do you know. And fatrox of course you can compare sonic to lost planet. Their aren't really any genres now in the games industry. Apart from sport games and racing games.

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Dont ban ZeldaFreak.


Ok fair enough, i too haven't played sonic (except for the demo)


So yeah, what i dont like, is the furry sex Sonic has with the princess, I mean, this is beyond bizarre, firstly, Sonic doesnt even have a penis. Now, lets analyse, how the hell is he supposed to consumate his love for that princess without a penis, If he did, i reckon he would be the best sex ever, for her that is, with his speed an all. It would be just like fucking machines.


Tails however, you see, he has the advantage, he has TWO tails. Almost like Two penis'. The problem is, his voice is irrating. Imagine two girls getting it down with tails, and tails just shouting YES everytime, weve heard it before, sonic rush anyone?. YES

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I personally found the Demo of Sonic to be quite good fun, but it did have some annoyances which judging by the reveiws have not been removed. I never liked Sonic games anyway, but his 3D ones have been below average. I played Lost Planet for about 5 minutes before wishing i wasn't playing another shooting game. I'll download the multiplayer demo to see if it's any good.

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Ah ok, sorry about that. So zelda, is the same genre as Halo? nice. dick


Do you actually read your posts before you post them?


Anyways, enough of trying to talk to this dickhead.


Anyone up for splinter cell co-op once my cheapy copy arrives :)


Em well techically speaking you could class both as action adventure games

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Well as genetic people have proven time and time ago that its not natural occurance


I hate these forums because when all the press say sonic is craptacular you defend it to its grave. Oh yes and these forums seem to think that because its me I'm not entitled to a fucking view.


Right Takeo, I think you yourself should be put infront of a high speed train to rid us of these gays


But its not your view (apart from playing the demo but that doesn't mean you know what the final version is like) that you're spouting, its the presses and thats why people aren't taking it seriously! People like Caris have actually played the final game and if they like it then its a good game (in their eyes)


Also you flame Caris becasue he is 15, but I'm willing to bet his mental age is twice as high as yours!

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Hey? How did this thread become like this? Let's just calm down. Sonic isn't nearly as awesome as he was on Sega Megadrive / Genesis, we can agree on that, I think. Some of us will care about the flaws in the game, while others will ignore them. Just respect each other.


Oh, and I had fun playing PSU online this morning =) I hope some of you will play togheter with me.

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Hey? How did this thread become like this? Let's just calm down. Sonic isn't nearly as awesome as he was on Sega Megadrive / Genesis, we can agree on that, I think. Some of us will care about the flaws in the game, while others will ignore them.


i think Sonic and the Sacred Rings looks like a good 3D Sonic game infact i may even enjoy it even though I'm not a Sonic fan.


Gears tonight is it?

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Guest Stefkov


im up for some Gears tonight. :D

I cant be arsed getting into an argument, as one im no good at them and two, ive been reading the posts then i just stopped as its gotten immature and pointless.

So... Why cant we be friends...oh why cant we be friends.................



I played Pro evo a bit with my bro, i forgot how good it looked, how bright it was compared to those dark GoW and COD3.

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Deleted a lot of posts. Edited one of Takeos (as the rest of the argument was deleted, but his post spoke of other relevant things). Given ZF an infraction and banned him from this thread.


Don't you people realise I have essays to write :P

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Anyone up for any multiplayer action tonight?


Also I have 2 profiles, well use to as 1 of them got deleted (it has a couple thousand points on it) but the game saves I had weren't. Now is it possible to attach those game saves onto my new profile?

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Given ZF an infraction and banned him from this thread.


Thank goodness


Also I have 2 profiles, well use to as 1 of them got deleted (it has a couple thousand points on it) but the game saves I had weren't. Now is it possible to attach those game saves onto my new profile?


Some game saves are not transferable between profiles, some are. The ones that are you should be able to detect with the relevant game anyway.

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