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Speaking of Dead Space, I just found out that Warren Ellis does some of the story, background and shit.

I am now psyched for this game.

Not that I wasn´t going to get it anyway.

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  Dan Dare said:
Nintendo don't do gaming any more. they do lifestyle bollocks and shovelware, remember?:heh:




  Jordan said:
:( I miss old Nintendo.


I don't want a single Wii game this year (apart from Samba Di Amigo) and only 1 DS game... Where as i want 9 360 games, 3 PS3 games, 2 PSP games and a couple of PC ones.


Truth. I'm really hyped for getting some Gears 2 games going, just like the good ol' days. Any omissions i've made on that list?


Wish they'd spread 'em out a bit. :heh:


Personally I'm most looking forward to Fable 2. I'll end up picking that up along with Gears of War 2 and Mirrors Edge most likely.


Gizmo - You received a Fable Pub House Games code yet from Game?

  Colin said:
Personally I'm most looking forward to Fable 2. I'll end up picking that up along with Gears of War 2 and Mirrors Edge most likely.


Gizmo - You received a Fable Pub House Games code yet from Game?


I can't wait to do mischevious things in my mates' worlds. :smile:


Negatory Colin. Somewhat disappointed, but I'll give it a few more days. If I haven't got it by this time next week I don't think I'll be getting it.


Yeh, would of really expected it today considering the order was placed on Friday. May hit them up an email in a few days.


All I want to do is farm some cash up for when Fable 2 releases, as obviously the glitch in the pub house games will be fixed in the retail release in October.


The only two Xbox games I'm really looking forward to is Mirror's and 4 Dead. Possibly Fall Cry 2, but we'll see.


  Jordan said:
:( I miss old Nintendo.


Believe me, you don't.


Mirrors Edge, L4D, BKN&B, Fable, Fallout.


Plus possibly Pure, Viva Pinata, Far Cry, Gears.


Plus Resi5, but that's next year. Any I've missed?


fallout 3 - 31st oct

fable 2 - 24th oct


great times...and then gears2 shortly after


fallout 3 is looking immense that is most most wanted at the mo (gears close second)


I'm really looking forward to L4D. But I was wondering...do you have to have 4 players all playing at the same time....i.e can it just be 2 player co op? I hope I'm just being stupid lol.


Also looking forward to Gears 2....There's not alot of future releases I'm looking forward to on either consoles.....still need to play older games on the 360 which will occupy my time!

  Dan Dare said:
L4D has seemless bot support, if memory serves. They take over any spare slots and can be replaced with new players.


coolio. can't wait to play it with a bunch of mates! : peace:

Guest Stefkov

All these lists of games only just make me sadder that I'll be in starting my Uni debt when I want to buy these.


Cannot wait for Fable 2. I've been keeping as much up to date as I can with it and I'm psyched. Pig intenstine condoms ftw!


My car failed an MOT today and it's costing £235 to fix, on top of the £50 for the test, and then £26 for a retest. So I've had to cancel Viva Pinata 2, and Gears of War 2 for now. :-( Hopefully Banjo Kazooie and Fable 2 will make up for it.


I'm actually looking forward to Fallout 3 and Fable 2, even though they remind me of Oblivion, which I can't fucking stand.


I think the games that top my anticipation list though, are Jade Empire 2, Rock Band 2, Resi 5 and SF4..


*Jumps on Xbox 360 anticipation bandwagon*


Brothers In Arms Hell's Highway - it comes out a dozen days before I go to Uni, so I'm still not sure whether or not to buy it.


Gears 2, and I'm interested to see how Mirror's Edge turns out.


OK, so I'd say RE5, Mirror's Edge, GoW2 and maybe Banjo. Never bought a 360 game at full price, don't know if any of these will change that, but probably RE5 :P


For me its....


Banjo Kazooie ( XBLA )

Banjo: Nuts and Bolts

Viva Pinata 2

Fable 2

Gears of War 2

Infinite Undiscovery

Last Remnant

Star Wars: Force Unleashed


Sonic Unleashed

Lego Batman ( I LOVE the Lego games )

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