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Female shepherd is so much better than male shepherd.


I did it like this;


1st play; Male shepherd, gave up after an hour because I didn't like the class I was.

2nd play; Female shepherd, making decisions using my own morals (:p), didn't know how to do the romance stuff

3rd play; Female attracted to hot blue aliens, renegade decisions


Will at some point almost certainly do a 4th, making the good decisions. I'll probably go the tech/bio hybrid and take Assault Rifle as my extra skill, and use this shepherd as my ME2 playthrough.

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The best bit is if you advance along all of the romance storylines and they confront you and make you pick who you want, it's an awkward, hilarious dialogue.


I'm loving my 360 at the moment. Playing through too human for the second time on hardcore, though it doesnt seem that much harder.... but anyways! basically i need another RPG; Blue dragon, Lost Odyssey or Eternal Sonata. Which should i get???

  Jimmy3000 said:
I'm loving my 360 at the moment. Playing through too human for the second time on hardcore, though it doesnt seem that much harder.... but anyways! basically i need another RPG; Blue dragon, Lost Odyssey or Eternal Sonata. Which should i get???


Say what now?


and that one

  Jimmy3000 said:
I'm loving my 360 at the moment. Playing through too human for the second time on hardcore, though it doesnt seem that much harder.... but anyways! basically i need another RPG; Blue dragon, Lost Odyssey or Eternal Sonata. Which should i get???


Getting a game a full month before it's released? Good stuff!


(thinks you might be referring to Mass Effect..?).


Oh, and Sonata is wicked.


All this talk of Mass Effect. If I hadn't already completed it like 12 times and didn't have a backcatalogue of other titles to wade through, I'd be back there giving it another run :D Can't wait for ME2....

  Shorty said:
All this talk of Mass Effect. If I hadn't already completed it like 12 times and didn't have a backcatalogue of other titles to wade through, I'd be back there giving it another run :D Can't wait for ME2....


Yer i am really looking forward to the second. Hopfully they can iron out the problems that the first had and just make it an overall great game!


I'm glad to see such Mass effect appreciation. I'm on my 3rd play through, at least I was until I got RRODed. I just love the benefits of having your upgraded character. Especially being able to avoid certain fights using Charm/Intimidate. The story really appealed to me and I can forgive the lag during parts of it.


More mass effect luvin from me too! loved the game.


Right now playing COD4 online all the time baby. add me if you want. babs24.


Yeah, only things they need to do in ME2;


Sort out the texture breaking

Make it so when you press A to run, your speed actually increases :p

More variation and meaning to sidequests


And then I'm sure I'll be playing it through it 10 times instead of 5 :p


Sort out slowdown and the annoying elevator loadtimes too.


On top of that maybe make combat better somehow. Make the bio's more useful or something.


lol, sry yeah i ment mass effect. Guess ill buy sonata then, going pretty cheap online. Is there any sort of release date out for ME2? Is the dlc for ME worth downloading aswell? its seems a bit expensive =/

  Dyson said:
Sort out slowdown and the annoying elevator loadtimes too.


On top of that maybe make combat better somehow. Make the bio's more useful or something.


Ah yes, elevators. Always thought it was weird how you snapped into position in them but not anywhere else. At least make the movement smooth.

  Jimmy3000 said:
I'm loving my 360 at the moment. Playing through too human for the second time on hardcore, though it doesnt seem that much harder.... but anyways! basically i need another RPG; Blue dragon, Lost Odyssey or Eternal Sonata. Which should i get???


That one! Dont listen to Rob :)


I'm guessing i'm going to have to stick spoilaar tags if i'm talking about the ending aren't I even though we're all talking about completing it multiple times lol


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  Jimmy3000 said:
lol, sry yeah i ment mass effect. Guess ill buy sonata then, going pretty cheap online. Is there any sort of release date out for ME2? Is the dlc for ME worth downloading aswell? its seems a bit expensive =/


You shouldn't have to ask. Lost Odyssey is easily the best out of LO/BD...Blue Dragon really is quite a bog-standard, watered-down RPG (own both). Lost Odyssey is made by the creator of FF (IIRC), and is very well put together. It has dream sequences which are well worth the read, and the battle system is like Final Fantasy but with a bit of interaction to keep it from getting dull. I haven't a clue about Eternal Sonata, but I would definitely recommend Lost Odyssey.


Having finished all 3 of them I enjoyed Blue Dragon the most. Its just a proper old skool RPG than doesnt really try to do anything new even the story was a little cliche but the characters were so lovable. Lost Odyssey was good but it felt a little boring, only Jansen kept me from slipping into a coma. Eternal Sonata is very meh and very short for an RPG. Of course this is all opinion and you may like ES more than any other. My advice would be to try them all :)

  Hero-of-Time said:
Having finished all 3 of them I enjoyed Blue Dragon the most. Its just a proper old skool RPG than doesnt really try to do anything new even the story was a little cliche but the characters were so lovable. Lost Odyssey was good but it felt a little boring, only Jansen kept me from slipping into a coma. Eternal Sonata is very meh and very short for an RPG. Of course this is all opinion and you may like ES more than any other. My advice would be to try them all :)


sounds far better than the others already


Lost Odyssey is the closest thing to a classic no-nonsense rpg, although they couldve tried harder with the story. If you like watching anime, read manga and all that crap then Blue Dragon is more towards your liking. All the main characters are kids! I mean com'on they have shadows that turn into dragons? If your looking for a bit o' spice in an rpg, not that Ive tried it, Eternal Sonata could be good. But I'd rather not play on rpg based on Mozarts dream world based souly on music and music alone. I mean as a FF fan I'd rather not cast 'crescendo' rather than the classic magic that everyone loves. No waht I'm sayin peeps?

Guest Stefkov

All that is a load of bollocks Rob.

The story is about Chopin, not Mozart. It's not based soley on music, the names, place and whatnot are the names you see in the music area yes, but what else? And what are you on about casting crescendo?

It'd be better if you actually played the game instead of playing Fifa all the time before typing a load of bollocks about it.

  Stefkov said:
All that is a load of bollocks Rob.

The story is about Chopin, not Mozart. It's not based soley on music, the names, place and whatnot are the names you see in the music area yes, but what else? And what are you on about casting crescendo?

It'd be better if you actually played the game instead of playing Fifa all the time before typing a load of bollocks about it.


Fifa is a quality game


Meh... it all kind of pales into insignificance when you realise that for all their graphical trickery and gimmicks while a lot of recent RPG's on the 360 may be "good" they still don't match the classics Imo.


*goes back to playing Chrono Trigger*

  S.C.G said:
Meh... it all kind of pales into insignificance when you realise that for all their graphical trickery and gimmicks while a lot of recent RPG's on the 360 may be "good" they still don't match the classics Imo.


*goes back to playing Chrono Trigger*


Agreed. This generation has sucked so far when it comes to RPG goodness.

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