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Crazy Revolution Conspiracy


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Dunno if this has been posted, but meh..apparantly the rev is a fake :confused:


Notice: There have been updates to this story. Please read through the entire topic.


Ladies and gentlemen... I present to you, the Nintendo Revolution conspiracy.


Yes, this is quite long, but read it - you'll be glad you did.


Apparently, we've been led to believe that the Revolution pics and details that Nintendo has given us are fake. Nintendo even got IGN and GameSpot to play along with them.



Part One: The NintendoON video


You need to watch this video first.



Mirror: http://www.missouri.edu/~bah347/gprime/nintendoon.wmv


It's around five minutes long. When it was released weeks ago, everyone thought it was a fake. But look at it! It is way too professional.



Part Two: The Revolution pictures


Take a good look at the pictures Nintendo released of the Revolution.




Weeks ago, IGN released a picture that showed the approximate size of the Revolution system: http://cube.ign.com/articles/613/613493p1.html


But look at that IGN picture! It intentionally has a grey side, just like the Revolution's stand! How did IGN know this so far in advance?

Even the buttons that they drew in are correctly positioned - one on the left, two on the right.


And this last picture from IGN is a dead giveaway that something is going on:


That's another picture of the Revolution's approximate size, from weeks ago. But look in the background - it's a poster for the movie "Catch Me If You Can." shifty.gif



Part Three: Failure to cover the video and conspiracy


Notice, IGN and GameSpot have failed to cover any of this conspiracy story, which has been buzzing around the internet for quite some time. All that IGN did was write this dinky story: http://cube.ign.com/articles/613/613578p1.html

It's too suspicious. They haven't said a word, even after more buzz developed.


IGN still doesn't even have a dedicated Revolution page. 360 and PS3 have one.



Part Four: Aries' postings


A while back, a guy named Aries posted all this stuff that he said would happen at E3. Something about what would be unveiled, what games would be announced, etc. Everyone ridiculed him and called him a liar. But then, during E3, all the stuff he said came true. Aries also said that Nintendo would play a trick on us this E3. The Revolution they were unveiling would be fake, and they were going to play a game with us; just like in the movie, "The Game".


The buzz is that Aries is completely correct. I mean, come on. You have to admit that Nintendo's details are pretty lacking.


Now, people are beginning to believe that Aries was really Reggie Fills-Aime, marketing director for Nintendo. And Reggie's birthday is March 25, which makes him an Aries.



Part Five: The IGN goof


Go here: http://cube.ign.com/articles/615/615089p1.html


It's a transcript of the Nintendo E3 press conference. Big deal, right?


But look. Halfway through the interview, exactly when Nintendo unveils the Revolution, the times skip back an hour. In the end, the conference ends right when it starts.

According to that transcript, the Revolution really wasn't unveiled.



Part Six: The number 19


Look at this picture from before: http://cube.ign.com/articles/613/613493p1.html


Notice how horribly "The Nintendo Revolution" is spelled. IGN spelled it with only 19 letters. The number 19 keeps popping up all over the place. Nintendo mentioned the date May 19th for no apparent reason on the first day of E3 (and nothing big happened with the Revolution on May 19th). And remember that NintendoON video? During the Super Mario 64 castle footage, a huge number kept adding itself up. This number, when seen as milliseconds, converts to 19.



Part Seven: Your right brain


In the NintendoON video, it shows that you use your right brain to play games and your left brain to make games. At the end of the Nintendo press conference, Reggie (marketing director for Nintendo) says "Be prepared to let your right brain run wild." fear.gif



Part Eight: Other hints


- At E3, Nintendo president Iwata says that there is a puzzle and a mystery, and they they're not showing their revolutionary new controller quite yet.


- A visit to http://www.nintendoon.com brings you to an explanation of the video. The WHOIS on that domain is guarded, but someone was able to trace the IP to Redmond, WA (Nintendo territory).


As more and more evidence unfolds that something is going on, I'll post it here.


We know that Revolution won't be a virtual reality device just like it was shown in the NintendoON video.


Chances are that you're completely lost right now ( blink.gif ), so if you have questions I'll try to answer them.



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Chances are that you're completely lost right now ( blink.gif ), so if you have questions I'll try to answer them.






yes ...

i am lost ...

yes ...

i do have a question .. what are you smoking , and were can i get some ?...

other then that .. wow ..just ..wow

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Well the controller is definately real. However the actual Revolution console might not be?


We will just have to wait and see!


There is supposedly a third 'big' secret which i could never work out, it would be pretty cool if it turned out to be that the console's look has been updated and it's really spectacular or something...although i like the way it looks now!


Either way i still can't wait for May 9th!

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a really easy way to sum all this nonsense up?












No company would ever spend the kind of promotional cash nintendo have in trying to prove a concept and get people on board just to throw all the equity they have built up over what is nearly 3 years of hype away.

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Oh god, the best part is in "Part one" when he talks about the Nintendo ON vid


"It's around five minutes long. When it was released weeks ago, everyone thought it was a fake. But look at it! It is way too professional."


Didn't the guy who made it say not long after releasing it that it was a fake. And the whole it looks professional part...technically not really. While it was 5 mins long, it was meant to be about 30mins long, but a week before E3, the guys comp had a problem and lost it and was only able to rebuild 5mins worth. And seeing it end when it clearly shouldn't isn't very proffesional. Although that guy did also make a few other vids (i remember an F-Zero one and a remake of the Majora Mask intro) that are very professional but have nothing to do with Nintendo.


Then in "part 2" about the pics on IGN


"But look at that IGN picture! It intentionally has a grey side, just like the Revolution's stand! How did IGN know this so far in advance?"


I don't get how that could mean it was a fake... could it not be possible IGN knew before hand it would have a stand like that? Or it was just a conicendence"


The rest of it is just out dated and clearly made long before the controller was reveiled

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This is old.This is what we spoke about last year on C-E about the whole conspiracy thing,man that week was funny so many people let down,there was also a date that kept cropping up,it was the date that was on Nintendogs when the woman was playing it.

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I like that obervation about the grey part but as many have already pointed out, it's old and won't come true.

But what was really funny, some of the excitement came back, it was almost the feeling I had before last years E³ - well not that extreme but you get what I mean.


Just wait until this years E³ and see what the excitement is like :heh:

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