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Thought that was pretty dull really, but then I don't think I've liked any of the specials - never enough time to build up the new characters, including the new assistants. Today's assistant just seemed to have no personality - she just spent most of the episode grinning. And to be quite honest, I'm sick of Tennant as the Doctor - roll on Matt Smith, I say.

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Huge let down. Best thing about that episode was those fly/bug aliens and as usual 'Davies' decided to kill them off. Glad that Michelle Ryan didn't join him, as she was awful, and Lee Evans was just as bad impersonating Rob Brydon.

Edited by welsh_gamer
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That was pretty bland. Plus the predictable at the end, something is returning from some darkness...Blah!


Agreed, I'm getting pretty tired of the unsubtle conspiracy clues shoehorned into every episode of Doctor Who. To be honest, it seems like the only reason they made that woman 'psychic' was to eventually lead into that ending...

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Guest Captain Falcon

Lover Ryan? She can't act, her voice is annoying and I don't think she's that pretty either if I'm being honest.


Almost made me miss Catherine Tate...

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Can't believe people didn't like tate, she was so awesome, didn't follow the doctor, had adventures on her own, saved the world, she was the least assitant type person they've had on the show.


As for the dark something, i'm thinking its satan/the beast

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Can't believe people didn't like tate, she was so awesome, didn't follow the doctor, had adventures on her own, saved the world, she was the least assitant type person they've had on the show.


As for the dark something, i'm thinking its satan/the beast


Let's not forget that tear-inducing finale either. :( Bernard Cribbins has been spotted on the set of one of the next episodes, I'd love it if he was a companion for at least an episode.


Satan was sucked into a black hole as far as we know, whereas an unidentified woman with clear nefarious intentions carted the Master's ring (and presumably his life essence) off following his cremation.

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Just watched the Easter special and I gotta say... pretty meh! It was good at the start with the Doctor getting on the bus- his likable charm and carrying an Easter Egg. But it didn't really get going at all. I thought Lee Evans was pretty good actually but apart from that there wasn't a lot.


It was good that the Doctor didn't take her with him. Firstly because I didn't like her and secondly because he's just not looking for a companion which you gotta respect. I liked the darker segments of the Christmas special which brought out his loneliness, I think its a good direction to be going in.


The man has great hair. :hehe:


I'm not looking forward to the new bloke.

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Let's not forget that tear-inducing finale either. :(Bernard Cribbins has been spotted on the set of one of the next episodes, I'd love it if he was a companion for at least an episode.


Satan was sucked into a black hole as far as we know, whereas an unidentified woman with clear nefarious intentions carted the Master's ring (and presumably his life essence) off following his cremation.


Surprised no one has posted this;


Russell T. Davies has revealed that Bernard Cribbins will play the Doctor's companion in a two-part Christmas special.


The Doctor Who producer told BBC Breakfast that the actor would be back to reprise his role as Donna Noble's grandfather.


Discussing the four Doctor Who specials this year, Davies revealed: "It's a long and huge farewell to David Tennant."


"There's probably [a special] in November, then there's a huge two-part Christmas special," he added. "It's going to be massive, I promise you."




Get the feeling I have just made Nathan a very happy man...

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Anyone see Confidential? It was impressive like with the amount of work that went in to getting the buses shipped to Dubai, but it doesn't change the fact that it was a really bland special.


Donna's grandfather is a good old character and he really understood the Doctor. Twill be good to have him back and potentially at his side when he regenerates. These bad times that have been foretold for the Doctor are nothing to do with whatever evil is set to rise up against him in the coming specials, no, its the fact that he's set to regenerate into you know who. Voldemort.

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I thought that this episode was very "filler". I do wish that they would stop trying to do effects that they simply can't pull off. The creatures looked fabulous on their own, the swarm from a distance looked great and the bus looked delightfully cheesy.


However, the close-ups off the swarm just looked terrible and weren't even necessary. Plus whatsherface was bland. Also, the explanation for how The Doctor was going to "stop" the creatures sounded like it was written in at last minute.


I don't want Tennant to go and yet I want the show handed to Moffat asap. Hopefully the next ones are better.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Hmm the details from the plot seem somewhat predictable but at least it sets everything up for an epic finish, even though a lot of people will probably complain about bringing back The Master again and so soon I really don't care because John Simm was excellent the last time around and it is only for the special. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Rose and Jackie spotted on set.




In a nice touch to get Tennant's Doctor to see her one last time, a scene towards the end of his last episode shows a wounded Tennant struggling to walk through a London estate.


All of a sudden it may look familiar to fans - it's Rose's estate, where Tennant's Doctor crash landed the TARDIS at the start of The Christmas Invasion - literally the exact spot.


He spots Rose & Jackie, on their way to a Christmas party. He asks her what year it is, she responds "2005, mate", and he tells her it'll be a good year for her - and they walk on, and he stumbles on in the other direction.


And a little more summary style:

Sarah Jane is in one scene. We don't know what the fuck is up with this scene yet, but Luke comes out of the house and nearly gets run down by a car. The Doctor appears, grabs him out of the path of the car, and returns to the TARDIS.


Luke recognises him and shouts Sarah Jane who comes running out of the house. By the time she's there he's halfway inside the TARDIS door. He offers her a rather sad wave as he steps back into the TARDIS, and without even saying anything takes off.


Donna appears alongside Wilf, though she still doesn't have her memory and Wilf & the Doctor are sneaking around together trying not to rouse her suspicion. It seems The Master has plans for Donna, though, who plays a larger role in this episode (even if it is the Master only threatening to fry her brain unless the Doctor reveals himself or something.) She definitely has a scene with The Master, though, filmed on a street near Sarah Jane's house - probably doubling as elsewhere, filmed the same day as the scene with Sarah/Luke after they'd left.


Jack is in - confirmed by Barrowman - but we have no idea if he has a tiny cameo like Rose and Sarah Jane or a larger role. No sign of Martha.


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