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Maybe spoilars of latest episode:


That episode was pretty cool :D can someone get me up to scratch on who that dude was that said "You are not alone" with teh evil eyes? (I guess it was that 'master', another Time Lord, but no idea who that is :)) I only started following the show 3 episodes ago ^^;

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The Sun also reported that Derek Jacobi would be the Master, then they changed their minds to John Simm.


And they were right, on both counts, let's hope they are right about RTD leaving too.


As for tonights episode, I can sum it up in one word, predictable.

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Whilst still human, 'The Professor' claimed that he was found as a naked orphan, with his pocket-watch, on the Coast of 'The Silver Devastation'. Earlier in the series, in the third episode ("Gridlock"), the Face Of Boe claimed that The Doctor was not alone. It is probable that he knew the Master as a child, as the Face Of Boe's homeworld was 'The Silver Devastation'. The Face of Boe's precise prediction, "You Are Not Alone", also spells out an acronym of the Professor's name, Yana.

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What was Martha on about when she said she had 'herd that voice before'?


Awesome episode...I wonder how the Doctor is going to get back.


She heard that voice before because i believe he is the prime minster of UK in her time before she was off on her travels with the Doctor. 'Mr Saxon i think his name is'


Great episode though! I'm excited for the last 2!

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I don't know what to say really. Absolutely sodding amazing. Great performances, utterly enthralling, it was just truly, simply magnificent. My brain is still coming to terms with itself after witnessing such an awesome display. I knew it was going to be good but that just blew me away. Next week cannot come soon enough.

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What was Martha on about when she said she had 'herd that voice before'?


Mr Saxon aka The Master is the Prime Minister.


Awesome episode...I wonder how the Doctor is going to get back.

With a time watch hopper from Captain Jack Harkness?

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I agree. I predicted it would be fucking brilliant, and it was.


So, you didn't think it was obvious from the start that the professor character was a timelord, that he was the Master, that Captain Jacks indestructability would be made trivial use of, and that the Doctor leaves his TARDIS unlocked far too often?


Whilst still human, 'The Professor' claimed that he was found as a naked orphan, with his pocket-watch, on the Coast of 'The Silver Devastation'. Earlier in the series, in the third episode ("Gridlock"), the Face Of Boe claimed that The Doctor was not alone. It is probable that he knew the Master as a child, as the Face Of Boe's homeworld was 'The Silver Devastation'. The Face of Boe's precise prediction, "You Are Not Alone", also spells out an acronym of the Professor's name, Yana.


I think all the flashback sequences pointed it out for everybody lacking in the grey matter stakes.


What was Martha on about when she said she had 'herd that voice before'?


Mister Saxon.


Awesome episode...I wonder how the Doctor is going to get back.


Obviously going to rewire Captain Spacks space hopper.

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Whilst still human, 'The Professor' claimed that he was found as a naked orphan, with his pocket-watch, on the Coast of 'The Silver Devastation'. Earlier in the series, in the third episode ("Gridlock"), the Face Of Boe claimed that The Doctor was not alone. It is probable that he knew the Master as a child, as the Face Of Boe's homeworld was 'The Silver Devastation'. The Face of Boe's precise prediction, "You Are Not Alone", also spells out an acronym of the Professor's name, Yana.
Thanks for the summary :) I actually thought that 'Face of Boe' was this 'Master' and that he and the Doctor had met in the past - but the possibility (and probability) of them being seperate had occured to me as I made my post.
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It was a nice episode but those claiming it to be incredible, awesome, fantastic and all these other hyperboles need to watch some more television. There are a lot better programmes out there. and most of them ain't from Britain

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Loved this episode and it is great to see The Master back after his apperance in the awful made for TV film of a few years back with Paul Mcgann (sp?) in it.


Who is this Saxon bloke, I thought John Simm was playing the master? (has he appeared in another episode as another character, but really may have been the Master acting as some one else without us knowing at the time?) So as soon as I clocked the old guy was the master I assumed he would regenerate into John Simm.


I havn't reallly watched this series that much but glad I saw the one with the watch otherwise would not have had a clue what was going on with the watch....great if predictable twist though...

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So, you didn't think it was obvious from the start that the professor character was a timelord, that he was the Master, that Captain Jacks indestructability would be made trivial use of, and that the Doctor leaves his TARDIS unlocked far too often?


I only knew about most of that because a combination of the desire of those numb fucks at The Sun to openly print spoilers for TV shows and the people at work who leave the areforementioned rag open at those pages. The Doctor leaving the TARDIS unlocked was probably because (until now) he was the only Time Lord around. As far as I'm aware, only Time Lords and pre-approved passengers can operate the TARDIS, so it wouldn't matter if anyone else got inside. And be fair, the Doctor's always left the TARDIS unlocked for anyone to sneak into it. After all, that's how Zoe, Tegan and Sarah Jane became part of the crew.

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I only knew about most of that because a combination of the desire of those numb fucks at The Sun to openly print spoilers for TV shows and the people at work who leave the areforementioned rag open at those pages.


Oh, come on, the 1900s dress sense, the archaic look of the technology, it was screaming out 'first Doctor'. And even without spoilers, who could it have been but the Master? Romana?


The Doctor leaving the TARDIS unlocked was probably because (until now) he was the only Time Lord around. As far as I'm aware, only Time Lords and pre-approved passengers can operate the TARDIS, so it wouldn't matter if anyone else got inside. And be fair, the Doctor's always left the TARDIS unlocked for anyone to sneak into it. After all, that's how Zoe, Tegan and Sarah Jane became part of the crew.


Still, it's got a lock on the door for a reason, whether or not that reason is enforced in anyway is immaterial. Martha was shown to run in to the TARDIS right at the beginning without the use of a key, that was thje clue you should have been picking up on, they do telegraph their storylines afterall.


Yea but Lost has a huge budget, this is filmed for about £10...


I'd think their budgets weren't that different really, considering the Beeb were payinng a million an episode for Robin Hood I doubt they'd be paying much less for this, even if it doesn't show.

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