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Doctor Who


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Wow, what a fantastic episode!

I really enjoyed it, suspenseful and great writing.


Also Carey Mulligan (who played Sally Sparrow) fucking hot.


Agree with all of that, really enjoyed the episode. They managed to make the Angels quite creepy, plus as you said Sally Sparrow was damn hot!

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Wow, what a fantastic episode!

I really enjoyed it, suspenseful and great writing.


Also Carey Mulligan (who played Sally Sparrow) fucking hot.


And a pretty good actress!


LOVED this ep, probs one of the best episodes there's been.

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I didn't like Sally, she seemed to be a bit of a bitch to me.


"OK here's the plan: you keep your eyes on him, while I make a break for it- it's what's best for both of us."


Also killing you nicely? 1920s Hull must be worse then death surely?


Great episode none the less.

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Latest episode was really cool :) I love Time Travel, but often the "Time Lord" just battles aliens and stuff, this really bought the concept of Time Travel into perspective.


I don't really follow Doctor Who, but whenever I see an episode it's always an 'odd' one, where the Doctor hardly appears. I've seen that one with the guy from Hustle and Peter Kay, where the Doctor only pops up at the end. The recent double bill, where he's a different character altogether, and this one, which followed Sally Sparrow. I want to see an normal ep!

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Didn't watch the episode (Saturday night always seems to start at 8pm for me, dunno what happens before that)


The Confidential is for once quite good. David Tennant interviewing people important to the Whoniverse (dunno who they are though, missed the start) about all things Doctor Who. For once its not just self congratulatory back patting.

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It had loads of great quotes, too:


"Because life is short, and you are hot" (I'll have to remember that one)


"The windows are the wrong size." (Yes, they are making fun at the fact that someone got the TARDIS design wrong)


"People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect... but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff."


"This is my timey-wimey detector, it detects temporal disturbances. And it can boil an egg at thirty paces, whether you want it to or not. I've had to learn to keep away from hens; it's not very pretty when they blow... "



""The Angels have the phonebox". That's my favourite line; I've got a t-shirt with that printed on it. "

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"The windows are the wrong size." (Yes, they are making fun at the fact that someone got the TARDIS design wrong)


It's a subtle nod to the people on Outpost Gallifrey who noticed the window sizes.

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I was sitting next to my sister while watching this, she was well freaked out and basically attacked me during the flickering light bit...So haveing the whole experience of being attacked at the same time, I can say that was some scary shit.


That episode has got to have caused a few childhood traumas!!

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I was sitting next to my sister while watching this, she was well freaked out and basically attacked me during the flickering light bit...So haveing the whole experience of being attacked at the same time, I can say that was some scary shit.


That episode has got to have caused a few childhood traumas!!


Statues are never going to be the same again to children.


I dare you to put a statue in your sisters bedroom for when she wakes up.

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Those aliens we so cool...just so cool!

I now place that episode on par with Buffy's 'The Wish' and 'Hush'!




That was the scariest fucking thing i had seen on TV since beetlejuice when i was a child! Gave me nightmares and also not being able to speak-would do my head in as many of you know, i find it very difficult to keep my mouth shout.

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Statues are never going to be the same again to children.


I dare you to put a statue in your sisters bedroom for when she wakes up.


I put a David Boreanaz cut-out just outside my landlady's room one night. It really does scare the shit out of someone in the morning.

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