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I can't believe how good tonight's episode was - to me, maybe even the best ever. The tone was perfect, like a really, really top tier sci-fi film, and the story made you think big. Was very funny too, in parts, but only when appropriate.


Using the light on Earth as a "poll".



I don't think I've been this impressed since the 2007 series. Don't get me wrong, Russell T Davies was awesome, but his best episodes were entertainment extravaganzas (eg. Daleks vs. Cybermen). This, however, was Doctor Who at its most "sci-fi". As fond as I was of Matt Smith and Karen Gillan, I'm so pleased they have ditched the fantasy/dark fairytale feel of those series.


Peter Capaldi brings the Doctor to life in a way I haven't seen since Christopher Eccelston, except more callous. Jenna Coleman is one heck of a good actress as Clara, and was absolute dynamite, especially in her (wholly understandable) speech at the end. I have a feeling she might not be in the programme much longer, but what a great co-star she has been.


Really impressed.

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I enjoyed the ep, despite the dodgy science in it :p


I don't like the Doctor & Clara's conflict here. I side with the Doctor, he did the right thing. This wasn't an invasion or anything, it was a natural occurrence and wasn't his place to decide what humans should do. The argument was well-acted and done well, though. I just don't like that it's happening :( I blame Danny for putting the seed of doubt into Clara.

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Pink is one of the worst actors I have ever seen on who , otherwise I'm really liking the new series . Tonights was up there either the best Episodes of the last few seasons on my opinion. I think the young school girl will be the new assistant. Clara was a bit of a bitch to the doc at the end . He did nothing wrong it was an overreaction .

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I don't like the Doctor & Clara's conflict here. I side with the Doctor, he did the right thing. This wasn't an invasion or anything, it was a natural occurrence and wasn't his place to decide what humans should do. The argument was well-acted and done well, though. I just don't like that it's happening :( I blame Danny for putting the seed of doubt into Clara.


Except that he was responsible for Clara being in that position. Without him taking Clara on jaunts in the Tardis, she would never have been on the Moon, let alone at that point in time.


Also, he could at least have given her some advice. The Doctor must have had some idea whether the creature was dangerous or not - instead he just left her to it.

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wasn't his place to decide what humans should do.
The Doctor must have had some idea whether the creature was dangerous or not - instead he just left her to it.

And after giving humanity the choice decided "fuck it" and ignored what humanity had decided.


The episode dragged on. The Doctor jumps into a dangerous hole, action is bound. But no, we get "character building" with Clara and unheard-of-character-concept sassy black teenager.


Doctor reappears, lays down the explanation for everything, hops off again. More boredom and a heartfelt plea to the world. Which, I must confess that due to the heartstring pulling it was doing I expected humanity to want the creature to live. BUT NO. SO LET'S KILL THIS FUCKER. Oh, here's come the Doctor to fuck things up again.


Move on to drawn out break up scene which will be swiftly forgotten about next week.

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And after giving humanity the choice decided "fuck it" and ignored what humanity had decided.


The episode dragged on. The Doctor jumps into a dangerous hole, action is bound. But no, we get "character building" with Clara and unheard-of-character-concept sassy black teenager.


Doctor reappears, lays down the explanation for everything, hops off again. More boredom and a heartfelt plea to the world. Which, I must confess that due to the heartstring pulling it was doing I expected humanity to want the creature to live. BUT NO. SO LET'S KILL THIS FUCKER. Oh, here's come the Doctor to fuck things up again.


Move on to drawn out break up scene which will be swiftly forgotten about next week.

Will it, though?


Jenna Coleman isn't listed on the cast list for next week.

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hmmm i'm not sure i liked the episode, a lot of it felt forced like Evilmurray said,it was certainly interesting,but Capaldi did act what little he was in well...apart from that cringeworthy bit at the start where he bounced around like an idiot


It was probably Clara centric because next week she isnt in it......Not liking Pink much at all, i had high hopes for him and so far he's just abysmal

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I just think Jenna Coleman probably wants to leave, so the writers have made the theme of this series "Let's turn Clara off the Doctor". Almost every episode has something to assist this:


Episode 1 - Lets Clara believe he's abandoned her

Episode 2 - Doesn't give a stuff about the soldier killed by the Dalek antibody. Actually uses him as an experiment. Then, when it seems they are doomed, he basically says "Who cares? I brought you here. So what?"

Episode 3 - Tells Robin Hood he's not a hero, even though Clara thinks he is

Episode 6 - Dislikes Danny. Can't even be bothered to remember he's a maths teacher.

Episode 7 - Takes Clara and a schoolgirl to the Moon, then forces them to make a decision without any help


It's good writing. I'm just saying that the character of Clara is not overreacting - the writers are definitely making the Doctor more of an asshole this season. He's callous, not cruel. The Doctor has always put his companions at risk, but usually gives them as much information as he can.


Remember Matt Smith's first episode, where he told that alien "This planet is protected"? he should have added: "Unless you're threatened by the Moon and don't know what to do. Then you can get stuffed."

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Will it, though?


Jenna Coleman isn't listed on the cast list for next week.


She is for the week after.



"After Clara stormed off two episodes ago, viewers might have wondered if they would ever see her again..." No. No one did. And if they they're fucking idiots.



Called it.

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One thing I'm not sure about is why the Doctor is pushing Clara away...it all started with his throwaway comment "I'm not your boyfriend" and it was as if this wasn't coming from her but more him believing he had been waltzing around time and space acting like her boyfriend. It's odd when you consider how important she essentially is to the Dr Who lore on a greater sense, you would think he would be grateful for all the times she intervened and saved his life.


Still though I love this cantankerous old Doctor who you never quite know where he will go with things. It reminds me of the Doctor's of old who I crew up watching.

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Very much enjoyed Mummy on the Orient Express. A simple but mysterious episode, with another tour-de-force performance by Peter Capaldi. Good pace, all flowed nicely.


* In-joke about over-reliance on Sonic Screwdriver

* "Are you my mummy?"



I am rather fond of the singer, Foxes, and thought she'd be in it more, but I enjoyed her rendition of Don't Stop Me Now. Loved how the Doctor boasted how, if he could see the monster, he'd have it solved within moments. The actual villain in this episode was pretty evil, so I'm sure we haven't seen the last of him.


What I like about Doctor Who now is that you can just sit back and enjoy a good script. There's some great writing this year and the acting is peerless. I also like the fact there's proper drama in it now - real conflict about who the Doctor is.

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Really good episode. Thought it sounded silly at first, but it worked really well.


I am rather fond of the singer, Foxes, and thought she'd be in it more, but I enjoyed her rendition of Don't Stop Me Now.


Full version (mixed with scenes from future episodes)


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