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Those last 20 seconds were a bit...odd. But other than that, I loved that episode.


yeah i thought it was a fairly decent episode just the last 30 seconds or so were so wierd and not needed, hell even

the time traveller be their grand daughter wasn't needed, a better episode wrap up would be to do something with the time traveling grand daughter rather than suddenly make the monster in love


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No discussion again? What's wrong with you guys :(


Thought it was a decent enough ep.

Worked out who the zombies were as soon as past echoes started to appear, though originally I thought there were survivors from the Time War



Loved seeing so much of the TARDIS, and things like the 7th Doctor's umbrella, Amy's TARDIS model etc.

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I worked out who they were when chasing Clara around the console, mirroring her.


I thought the episode kind of undid it's good work in the last 5 minutes with that ending.


For a minute I actually thought Clara was going to die again and that would have made for much stronger character development and a really surprising/shocking scenario... him having to find another Clara mid 'season'!


But still.


Inside of the Tardis was interesting, but budget let it down a bit. I liked the library.

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No i really liked that episode, i kind of think it would have been cool to kill off Clara again and see what happens but i can live with it the way it was.


All in all it was a great episode and i loved seeing more of the TARDIS sometimes they make it seem like its only the control room and i just don't like that impression you get.


The library was awesome, i suspect we'll see it or items from it again before the end of this arc

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The library was awesome, i suspect we'll see it or items from it again before the end of this arc


I think that book will certainly return.


I loved the small details: like the liquid memories making up the Gallifreyan Encyclopaedia.

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Only got around to watching it last night, another enjoyable episode, a little predictable in places but what really made it for me was just that we got to learn a little bit more about the Tardis... which I suppose was the whole point of it all.


Next weeks looks promising...

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I quite disagree, I was happy they didn't kill her off again; one of my worries was that they'd kill her off so often she'd never get any actual character development. She's the Woman Twice Dead, so I really hope they stick with this Clara for the rest of her run.


I loved all the references to the past, though I wanted to see even more of the TARDIS! :D I also liked how the Doctor (albeit fakingly) threatened the Van Baalen Bros. when they wouldn't cooperate; one of the things Matt Smith does so well is switch between the Doctor's silly, lighthearted, happy-go-lucky persona and his dark, haunted, menacing side.

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That would have made her a really interesting character in my opinion, having to learn about herself each time, and the Doctor that bit more about discovering who she is.


That she was a companion in danger, someone the Doctor wasn't always able to save... and yet the person he keeps coming across, almost like a punishment. Considering the Who companions are completely out of their depth, they don't half do a good job of surviving! Clara could have been something different...


The ending just felt like every other time Doctor Who has solved things ridiculously easy with a wave of the Sonic Screwdriver or what have you.

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So... who else thinks the Doctor's name reveal will show him to be Jesus?


Nah, he's going to be God. He did fight the literal devil.


I think we'll see the consequence of the name, but not find out the name.

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Nah, he's going to be God. He did fight the literal devil.


I think we'll see the consequence of the name, but not find out the name.

Chances are he'll just whisper it in River's ear, paralleling River whispering it to him in the Library

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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought the internal struggle was badly acted tbh.


And I'm so bored of stories with the Cybermen etc.

No real sense of danger whatsoever in that episode, you just knew everything would be fine. *yawn*




I'm really disappointed they're not doing anything more interesting with Clara.


Every single episode we have the Doctor saying 'who are you' and no progression.

I don't understand why they aren't leaving little clues or doing a running theme, like with the 'cracks in the walls' or other such running threads throughout a series.

Edited by Retro_Link
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I thought the internal struggle was badly acted tbh.


And I'm so bored of stories with the Cybermen etc.


No real sense of danger whatsoever in that episode, you just knew everything would be fine. *yawn*

Is that not true of every single episode ever of every single show that doesn't end in everyone dying?

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God, missed it again. I wish Iplayer was available here..


Is that not true of every single episode ever of every single show that doesn't end in everyone dying?


There’s a real threat whenever they change the lead actor..

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