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The only American one I saw was Cowboy Cyborg, what other episode was set in America? (Take note I might have seen it and forgot, haha)

There have been a couple


Daleks in Manhatten in Season 3

In Season 6 (The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon), the opener was very American, set in Washington, Utah, Florida etc. and was where the "Americanised" stuff began

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Oh, I thought you meant this season running. Why the fuck are people counting those for?! That's nonsense! As someone on here said, as long as it has a good story, I don't care where it's set. I wouldn't mind seeing the Doctor go to France or Spain or something though but still, as if people are counting those episodes from way back when!

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I loved A Town Called Mercy. I liked the general theme of morality and how it related to the Doctor's own morality, his darker side, his need for companions, etc.


It was mentioned in a discussion on a Doctor Who page how there are some recurring elements so far: The intro is getting progressively darker (as well as the title logo fitting the theme of the episode), and in each episode there's a mention of Christmas in connection with flickering lights/electricity. A hint at the Angels?


Also, the next episode looks VERY interesting and seems to be dealing with Rory and Amy's future life.

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There's a possibility...just a small one, that we're seeing the Ponds out of order at the moment


Actually, that makes a lot of sense. In DoaS they mention it was 10 months since their last adventure, but don't say what. Rory also says he's 31.


It would make more sense that there's a massive gap between those two (from the Ponds point of view) as the whole divorce thing sounds like it's happened within at least a year of season 6 as opposed to the 6 years it would be.

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I do wonder though,

they haven't killed a main companion in a very long time, and the series is getting darker

Maybe one or both of them die, and further to that down to the doctors actions or inaction


which may cause the doctor to reevaluate his stance on things and potentially take on a new companion who is/was/becomes one of his greatest enemies aka Oswin


or perhaps my previous prediction will ring true and the dalek nano bots repaired amy's body and she gets pregnant again



right now all we can do is speculate

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I've only just watched A Town Called Mercy and thought it was very good. Quite a mature episode with lots of ideas that can be applied to real life, such as responsibility and atonement.


Going by the three episodes this year I'd say Doctor Who is actually improving over the last two seasons. Each episode has been easy to understand and funny with it. I take my hat off to them for (presumably) listening to some of the feedback.

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Muuuuuuuuuuch better. I enjoyed that.


Although I noticed the Doctor left for dead everyone who was kidnapped on that ship.


Rory and Amy took them all away.


I thought the ending was really really poor. Just reverse what happened and everyone gets up and shrugs it off. This kind of stuff doesn't normally bother me but it just seemed really stupid this time. How long were all those people dead for too...


Or did I miss something more complicated happening?

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Anyone notice something interesting in Henry VIII's bedroom?




Rory's phone changer is in the picture. In A Town Called Mercy, the Doctor chastises Rory about that time he accidentally left his phone charger in Henry VIII's bedroom.


Also the opening theme now has colours changed quite drastically plus chirstmas song and flicking chirstmas lights.



Edited by Dante
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A Town Called Mercy could hypothetically take place in the seven weeks they were gone during their party, which also makes the "Our friends will notice we're aging faster than them" even more telling.


That said, The Doctor's stetson from that episode is hanging on the Pond's wall in this episode

Edited by Serebii
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A brilliant episode, I thought! Loved the life back with the Ponds, and Brian is great. Also yay for Professor Cox and the Wii! The ending did seem a bit rushed, but I also found it quite foreshadowing. Surely what was talked about with "the reckoning" and all becomes relevant later on - a new plot line, perhaps? Or something that ties in with the current, "fall of the Eleventh" and all that?

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I think Doctor Who keeps going from strength to strength in my eyes. I'm so glad we have moved away from the over acted and terribly written Davies and Tennant era. In Doctor Who Confidential he always used to talk about story arcs etc...but for me Moffat has perfected this way better.

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Totally loved that episode and all the little nods like the charger, stetson etc


I also agree with the comments above


now further to my previously spoilerd speculation....


The conversation with Brian about what happened to the previous companions

Is nobody else thinking they are hinting death now? i mean come on they lingered on death of companions and then Brian told him to keep them safe or words to that effect


I'm placing my bets now, at least one of them will die, and since we had Rory died so much last season i'm betting its the girl who waited

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