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I've only just watched Dinosaurs On A Spaceship and... I loved it! It was exactly what I've been asking for - light-hearted entertainment with lots of humour. I liked the innuendo and double entendres, but apart from that, there was some very sly humour too. "Indian Space Agency" was worthy of Russell T Davies himself and would have flown right over kids' heads.


The theories about the Doctor's merciless side are interesting. Maybe it is because he has been without a companion, but remember David Tennant's Doctor was also very harsh sometimes, notably with those arachnids in the Catherine Tate Christmas special and the Family of Blood in Season 3. He's not always the nicest bloke.


Matt Smith is growing on me a lot. I've always liked him, but he has absolutely nailed the eccentric/barking mad side of the Doctor:


"Are those kestrels?"

"I hope so!"


...The way he said it had me in stitches.


Oh, and Karen Gillan is gorgeous all round, but if she's not your type, she's not your type - which she is mine (lucky her! ;))

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Was ok, but the story's all just feeling too forced really in this build up to Amy & Rory leaving. Think I'll be glad of the shake up tbh.


Also, did this really have to be another Earth story? Seems like one they could have set on another planet.

A western episode on another planet? Hmm...

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A western episode on another planet? Hmm...
Why wouldn't other civilisations on Earth like/hospitable planets have similar settlements? And why would it have to be a traditional Earth based western?... it already wasn't this due to the Aliens!


It's a perfect story to have taken to another planet. It could have been an outpost somewhere that was beseiged in the same way. It even could have been set on the home planet of whatever this humaniod alien race was called.

Edited by Retro_Link
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I felt the episode was good, not amazing. Had a lot of hilarious western clichés but it was a bit by-the-numbers.


The Doctor being dark and starting to actually be willing to kill people arc is interesting...it makes me wonder if he'll actually be directly responsible for Amy & Rory's exit by killing them

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I thought it was better than the last episode, Dinosaurs on a Spaceship did nothing for me! Remember, the first two in this series were set in space, this one in the past on earth (but with spacey elements), the next one in present day Britain, then the final one of this run in Manhattan. To me, that seems like a nice variety.


Also, I don't think there has been too much set-up of Amy and Rory leaving. Sure, little hints, but it's been more focused on the darkness of the lone Doctor and individual stories rather than the large story arc of the last series.

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I thought it was better than the last episode, Dinosaurs on a Spaceship did nothing for me! Remember, the first two in this series were set in space, this one in the past on earth (but with spacey elements), the next one in present day Britain, then the final one of this run in Manhattan. To me, that seems like a nice variety.


Also, I don't think there has been too much set-up of Amy and Rory leaving. Sure, little hints, but it's been more focused on the darkness of the lone Doctor and individual stories rather than the large story arc of the last series.


Yeah I would agree in that there has been good variety in terms of locations this series.


Hmm, maybe thats why I haven't been enjoying it as much? Because there isn't a big story arc this time around and this is more individual episodes!


I'm probably just being Mr Negative for no real reason...

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Yeah I would agree in that there has been good variety in terms of locations this series.


Hmm, maybe thats why I haven't been enjoying it as much? Because there isn't a big story arc this time around and this is more individual episodes!


I'm probably just being Mr Negative for no real reason...

Thing is, there was a lot of complaining last season because of the arc, people saying it was too complex, that having an arc turns viewers away etc. so they changed it up to be more standalone


I thought it was better than the last episode, Dinosaurs on a Spaceship did nothing for me! Remember, the first two in this series were set in space, this one in the past on earth (but with spacey elements), the next one in present day Britain, then the final one of this run in Manhattan. To me, that seems like a nice variety.


Also, I don't think there has been too much set-up of Amy and Rory leaving. Sure, little hints, but it's been more focused on the darkness of the lone Doctor and individual stories rather than the large story arc of the last series.

Isn't it better for there to be no "build up"? Life doesn't have massive buildup to major events, it's just sudden and that's how it should be

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Thing is, there was a lot of complaining last season because of the arc, people saying it was too complex, that having an arc turns viewers away etc. so they changed it up to be more standalone

They did the same with season 5 of Angel, but that didn't stop it from being considerably weaker than season 4. :p


Isn't it better for there to be no "build up"? Life doesn't have massive buildup to major events, it's just sudden and that's how it should be

Maybe at the end of the season, they'll just decide to leave. "You know what? I'm tired of always having to tape The X Factor and watching it when we're not having crazy adventures. Goodbye forever, Doctor."


Just like in real life!


*Doesn't watch Doctor Who*

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Thought this episode was an absolute travesty. Piss poor story with a mild attempt to delve into the doctors personality using a mirror character. Similar to things that they have done with Matt Smith in other episode but it all ends the same, by the end of the episode it might as well not have happened.


At least with C.E and D.T those kinds of insights got woven into the long running fabric of their character and were referenced as part of an ongoing arc.


The series is trying hard to American audiences and is forcing it to go into territory that it doesn't feel comfortable with. The recent episode was completely derivative and poorly directed. The vast majority of the screen time was spent with held or slow panning shots, like in Anime where they don't want to spend much money on making things move. It didn't make it moody or atmospheric, it just pointed to how ridiculous Matt Smith looks when he's trying to be hard or angry.


This is literally the worst episode I've watched since the reboot.

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The Asylum of Daleks (first episode) was awesome, I adored it. However, the Cowboy cyborg sucked balls. I got bored of it really fast and the whole story and the characters were awful too. I genuinely disliked Amy and The Doctor and everybody except for Rory.


Oh and I liked Dinosaurs on a Spaceship. It was fun.

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I fail to see how it's being "Americanised".


All of time and space, he's going to hit America a couple of times.


They also know it's popular in America because it is what it is, they're not going to change the content of the show, and they haven't.


Just because you didn't like an episode which happened to be set in America doesn't mean they're Americanising. Chill out

Edited by Serebii
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I don't get how it's being Americanised but I just thought the Cowboy Cyborg sucked in general. When you guys say "Americanised", how do you mean? Do you mean with the soppy "We're human, we're better" dialogue or what? Sorry, just not sure what you mean exactly.

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I don't get how it's being Americanised but I just thought the Cowboy Cyborg sucked in general. When you guys say "Americanised", how do you mean? Do you mean with the soppy "We're human, we're better" dialogue or what? Sorry, just not sure what you mean exactly.

Yeah, I don't get it too. The only time I see the "Americanised" comments are when the episode was set in America. It's like "It has to be set in England or space else it's Americanised".


It was still a Doctor Who episode. Sure, the writer & director decided to lampoon Westerns with some of the stuff including establishing shots, but it was at its heart, a Doctor Who episode...albeit not the best one

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