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re recreating the paintings; we've got a GOD AWFUL van gough sunflowers painting hung in the kitchen (or at least we did have till recently when i finally got a step ladder and hid the damn thing in a cupboard in hopes that the landlord wouldnt notice it'd gone...) they're a dime a dozen at car boot sales... bumpy painty effect and all. :)


raining - i thought the whole 'taking him to the fuuuutuuuure to see that he'llone day be appreciated for blah blah blaaah' would've been the thing thatd drive him totally insane and lead to his suicide... or the doctor would know the kind of ramifications caused by such a big change in history as gough NOT famously committing suicide... :blank:


*shrug* eh!

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Meh well I think it's probably in my top 10 stories in the almost 50 year history of the show.


And Matt Smith's a fantastic Doctor, probably one of my favourites. He's born to play the role, much better then David Tennant who was too much likely a likable big brother... the Doctor's much more interesting when he's a bit of a dick and very alien... cos that's what he is.

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The Doctor tried to re-write time on the Waters of Mars episode and failed, so why does he keep trying?


He didn't try to rewrite time, he was giving Vincent some more happy times in his life before the inevitable happened. It was Amy that thought time would be rewritten, whereas the doctor was sad but you could almost tell that he knew it was going to happen regardless.

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They did manage to change time a little bit with Van Gogh, as we saw with those slight changes in the paintings. In this season, as we now know from the Angels 2-parter, time can be re-written for some reason even the Doctor isn't sure of. His only clues as to why (so far) are the gigantic crack in time dated from Amy's wedding night following them around with charred shards of what appears to be exploded Tardis inside it.

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They did manage to change time a little bit with Van Gogh, as we saw with those slight changes in the paintings. In this season, as we now know from the Angels 2-parter, time can be re-written for some reason even the Doctor isn't sure of. His only clues as to why (so far) are the gigantic crack in time dated from Amy's wedding night following them around with charred shards of what appears to be exploded Tardis inside it.


They can change little things (like how the woman on mars did actually get home) but the big important things will never change.

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BBC Cymru Wales, BBC Worldwide and US premium entertainment network, Starz Entertainment, have today announced a three way co-production partnership that will develop a new series of the hit BBC sci-fi drama Torchwood. BBC Worldwide will also distribute the series to broadcasters globally.


The 10-episode instalment will be written by a team led by Torchwood creator, Russell T Davies, and produced by BBC Worldwide Productions. Davies and BBC Worldwide Productions’ SVP Scripted, Julie Gardner, return as executive producers with BBC Worldwide Productions EVP Jane Tranter. The series has been commissioned by Controller BBC ONE, Jay Hunt, Controller BBC Drama, Ben Stephenson, and Starz President and CEO, Chris Albrecht.


While previous series were based on location in Cardiff, Wales, this new instalment will see storylines widen to include locations in the U.S. and around the world. John Barrowman and Eve Myles will return in their roles as Captain Jack and Gwen respectively, along with new faces.




Well, the series is confirmed now rather than rumours. Woo

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Plus it would kind of be hugely ironic - a show part owned by the Beeb and Murdoch.


But still...I'll give Starz their dues, they really are trying to some oomph. Shame this won't be soon enough to get more people to subscribe and impact upon Party Down's ratings (and lets face it, most people will Netflix...)

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Just caught this on iPlayer. Not bad, but not the best.

I would have preferred it if the monster was the personification of his depression.


Just seemed a bit too mixed up and convenient that this alien was invisible and blind.

They've already used the manifestation of personality with the "Dream Lord", didn't want to reuse something too quickly perhaps?


I was surprised there weren't any ear jokes.

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Torchwood International!

The BBC have announced that a new series of Torchwood will be produced by the BBC Wales, BBC Worldwide, and US network Starz Entertainment.


The series will see John Barrowman and Eve Myles reprise their roles of Captain Jack Harkness and Gwen, and will comprise of ten episodes overseen by series creator Russell T Davies. Other former cast members (like Gwen's husband Rhys played by Kai Owen) have yet to be confirmed, but new faces will appear in the team, with adventures taking place around the world.

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Well, the series is confirmed now rather than rumours. Woo


This has made me very happy and very sad. Happy because Torchwood is just awesome and sad because...

I'll never see Toshiko! No, I still haven't gotten over it and I don't think I ever will! lol. I don't mind Owen much and it was sad seeing Ianto go but I loved Toshiko!




Still, can't wait for it! :D

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I have no idea WTF Starz is but I love them after Sparticus: Blood and Sand.


Some cable channel with very few viewers but recently trying to make themselves known by making original shows. Thanks, I knew there was another popular one other than Party Down.

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I think everyones iplayers will be busy this weekend. Can't imagine many watched tonights episode!


To be fair the episode finished before the England match started so people would only have missed the build up... ITV's excruciating build up at that.


Thinking about it I would expect more people to have watched it tonight - I imagine half the population were switching the channel looking for something else to watch, after 2 minutes of Robbie Earl opening his mouth...

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Oh I was watching the Grand Prix Qually then.



EDIT: Just watched it.


Enjoyed it for the most part... it was the traditional episode of the series where the comparion is pretty much elsewhere I see!

Though I thought the last 5-10 mins felt very rushed, and the interesting story was somewhat cheapened with a lame 'love' get out clause.


So next weeks finale (part 1) will feature the Cybermen we saw in the original series trailer... seems strange that they showed us a glimpse of the final in that!

Looking forward to seeing what Dr Who goodness is in store!

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