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So are you the prosecutor then? Geez let the people who are having fun with the console alone. Stop trying to go out of your way to mess up their gaming.


The console is fine and the 4 games I own are good. I'm happy I bought it and I'm happy to say I'm going to keep it for more games in the future. Just don't bother coming i nhere if all you are going to do is dig at every PS3 owner.

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So are you the prosecutor then? Geez let the people who are having fun with the console alone. Stop trying to go out of your way to mess up their gaming.


The console is fine and the 4 games I own are good. I'm happy I bought it and I'm happy to say I'm going to keep it for more games in the future. Just don't bother coming i nhere if all you are going to do is dig at every PS3 owner.


chill out-enjoy your console.


just don't bash everyone who says something negative about Sony or the PS_ and i won't have to make stupid comments in order to see how easy you are to goad into a response.

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I love how everyone in this thread who has a PS3 is having a great time. Organising and playing games, generally having fun. And almost everyone who doesn’t have a PS3 is complaining about it and how it isn’t sold out. Ignoring the fact that, unlike Microsoft and Nintendo, Sony are competent enough to have more than 6 units for an entire nation.

What makes you people so insecure with your consoles that you have to complain about insignificant things all the time?

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I love how everyone in this thread who has a PS3 is having a great time. Organising and playing games, generally having fun. And almost everyone who doesn’t have a PS3 is complaining about it and how it isn’t sold out. Ignoring the fact that, unlike Microsoft and Nintendo, Sony are competent enough to have more than 6 units for an entire nation.

What makes you people so insecure with your consoles that you have to complain about insignificant things all the time?


It's fun. I'm going to get a PS3 before the end of the year- i have a really horrible feeling in my gut about it. So i'm actually looking forward to Sony's future announcements regarding PS3, also want to be able to get one in time for the Little Big Planet beta/demo soon.


I think other people are poking fun at Sony's PR and the level of spin they put on everything. It's nice to see a company get what they deserve. Sony have done well in making sure they have had enough consoles to meet European demand but is this just a side effect of them losing momentum in other territories and stockpiling consoles as a result?


It's also fair to say out of the 3 new (ish) consoles Sony has had the worst worldwide launch and has received the bad press as a result.


On the good side, Sony's Trojan horse style introduction of Blu-ray has worked, i can't see HD-DVD pulling back to draw level with it now.


Anywho, i am looking forward to the day when i can sit down with a PS3, enjoy it, play games online with my friends, inviting people to join in to games, and seeing if Sony can match what M$ has coming up for it.


Either way, this time in the videogames world is very exciting and is feeding tomes worth of discussions, all we have to do really is spend our money where we want to and enjoy.

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I love how everyone in this thread who has a PS3 is having a great time. Organising and playing games, generally having fun. And almost everyone who doesn’t have a PS3 is complaining about it and how it isn’t sold out. Ignoring the fact that, unlike Microsoft and Nintendo, Sony are competent enough to have more than 6 units for an entire nation.

What makes you people so insecure with your consoles that you have to complain about insignificant things all the time?


I wasn't complaining, i said i was surprised about the amount that haven't sold.

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LOl Fair play Caris. It's good to see the full extent of teh PS3's power actually being used for something(Folding @home) and Im glad that its somthing worthwhile. if they can harness all of that power for games we could trully be in for something special.


As great as this is, and I'm not trying to sound like I'm moaning about PS3, but is there not the trade off of it using up a hell of a lot of electricity?


Just to say something positive, I saw Virtua Tennis 3 running in 1080p today in Gamestation on a fairly big TV and it look incredible. I think it was running on PS3 (with the launch and everything) but it could have been XBOX360 (they both do 1080p). Either way, the game looked amazing.

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Geez for a borat lover you sure cant take a borat fueled joke


I'm a Borat fan not a INSULT PS3 CUASE TIS GAY LOLOLOL Fan.


EDIT: Killzone 2 in game shots in the next issue of Official PS3 Magazine, out 30th March :D

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It's fun. I'm going to get a PS3 before the end of the year- i have a really horrible feeling in my gut about it. So i'm actually looking forward to Sony's future announcements regarding PS3, also want to be able to get one in time for the Little Big Planet beta/demo soon.


I think other people are poking fun at Sony's PR and the level of spin they put on everything. It's nice to see a company get what they deserve. Sony have done well in making sure they have had enough consoles to meet European demand but is this just a side effect of them losing momentum in other territories and stockpiling consoles as a result?


It's also fair to say out of the 3 new (ish) consoles Sony has had the worst worldwide launch and has received the bad press as a result.


On the good side, Sony's Trojan horse style introduction of Blu-ray has worked, i can't see HD-DVD pulling back to draw level with it now.


Anywho, i am looking forward to the day when i can sit down with a PS3, enjoy it, play games online with my friends, inviting people to join in to games, and seeing if Sony can match what M$ has coming up for it.


Either way, this time in the videogames world is very exciting and is feeding tomes worth of discussions, all we have to do really is spend our money where we want to and enjoy.


The worst launch?


Where you living under a rock for the 360 and Wii launches?

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The worst launch?


Well, neither competitor did launch its console only with 320 000 units, and only on two regions. And neither of PS3's competitor sold only 4 consoles during first day on my hometown. I wouldn't call it worst launch in the console history, but it was easily worst from this generation consoles.

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Just played the ps3 for the first time ever, and it was Motorstorm that i got to play first.


Well, to start with the positves, i really did like the ps3 controller. I hated the ps2 one but the analogue sticks and R2/L2 buttons are awesome. The graphics were also pretty darn good too (was being played on a 42" HDTV).


Unfortunately, i found the game itself rather boring; it just seemed slow and uninteresting. Although, that said, I could see it being pretty awesome in multiplayer.


Would I pay £425 for it though? Definately not atm, although maybe 6-12months down the line i might change my mind.

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Well, neither competitor did launch its console only with 320 000 units, and only on two regions. And neither of PS3's competitor sold only 4 consoles during first day on my hometown. I wouldn't call it worst launch in the console history, but it was easily worst from this generation consoles.


Exactly my point by what i said in my lil mini essay/vent.

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Be interesting to see if it fails to match the E3 videos as badly as Motorstorm.


Look it did match kind of closely if youtake away from the fact you'd never play a game like you did in that renderered version.


And I was playing Motorstorm on the Unis PS3.


Absolutely fun game especially when you have a group of people saying " WOOOAAAAHHHH!!!!" Everytime you take on a jump or about to crash into something.

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I enjoyed Killzone and I know SimonM7 did too. The thing with killzone is that it was produce for a system that didn't have the power for it. It played good, had good story, had a great atmosphere and gunbattles. The problem was it was just bogged down with graphical glitches because the hardware just couldn't cope with it. The PS3 should easily be able to allow them to pull it off now. Not as nice as the trailer but I'm sure it will still look nice. It's not like they are the only ones to fail to meet up to trailer standards.

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