Samdecahedron Posted February 3, 2007 Posted February 3, 2007 Yeah but most of this stuff you need, or will most likley buy for example the play and charge kit, a HDD which is a decent size, etc and even Blu Ray are better for games as they hold more data. I think 360 games will start to need 2+ disks for the main storys of games. EDIT: Blu Rays wont fail there outselling HD DVD's 3:1. What's the big deal with 2 disc games? It doesn't affect us at all so it's not really a problem. The only add-on i have for my 360 is the charge kit.
Samdecahedron Posted February 3, 2007 Posted February 3, 2007 haha Fair enough. Don't get me wrong, I'll end up getting one, but when the price comes down, and it actually has some good games for it! I love my PS2, it's given me so many good games, but the asking price for a PS3 at this stage is madness.
Owen Posted February 3, 2007 Posted February 3, 2007 I don't know what it is about the PS3, it just feels like a well designed console compared to the 360. I agree. It's very....i don't know....simple and well crafted. I like the PSP type menu as well, it's just very modern and cool. Not cluttered or too much going on and looks and feels it's price. Shame about it's size, but even that seems to work.
Calza Posted February 3, 2007 Posted February 3, 2007 Blu-ray isn't better for games btw... Sure they might have more storage but the PS3 has a slow read speed which devlopers have already commented on and that they find it hard to deal with.
AshMat Posted February 3, 2007 Posted February 3, 2007 I agree with some of those things about the 360 vs PS3. Like the play and charge kit for example, you'd definitely want one of those for your controllers.
That Guy Posted February 3, 2007 Posted February 3, 2007 I should probably pick up one of those actually. I do think the main thing with the PS3 price is that it's all forced on you straight away. Even though I'd end up getting it all anyway, like I have with 360...
Caris Posted February 3, 2007 Posted February 3, 2007 By the way if anyone gets sick of any of there PS3 Games or buys one they dont like, drop me a PM and i may be interested. Genji is still up for trade/sale if anyones botherd.
Dante Posted February 3, 2007 Posted February 3, 2007 The next issue of Famitsu is supposed to contain the first preview of Resident Evil 5 since the Sony Meeting in 2005. It is expected to have the first screenshots of the game. Rehorror.
The fish Posted February 3, 2007 Posted February 3, 2007 The next issue of Famitsu is supposed to contain the first preview of Resident Evil 5 since the Sony Meeting in 2005. It is expected to have the first screenshots of the game. Rehorror. *Jumps for joy!*
Melainon Posted February 3, 2007 Posted February 3, 2007 EDIT: Blu Rays wont fail there outselling HD DVD's 3:1. Source please. If you go to the front pages states that Blu Ray is expected to outsell HD-DVD by a 3.5:1 ratio, and here it states that Blu Ray is catching up with HD DVD, but are expected to out sell HD DVD.
fanman Posted February 4, 2007 Posted February 4, 2007 Wow only 7 PSP games? I've got about 20, heh. There really isn't that many "triple A" titles though. I can only think of GTA LCS and VCS, then portable ops when it comes out.
HazyUK Posted February 4, 2007 Posted February 4, 2007 I can't say who will win the HD format war. But just look at the last time with video cassettes, Betamax was superior to VHS but still lost. The fact is a lot of regular people don't know what a Blu-ray disc is. But with the HDDVD at least they would have a clue as to what it is. That's just what I think though, I could be completely wrong.
fanman Posted February 4, 2007 Posted February 4, 2007 Right ok, i wanna get this off my chest as its doing my head in. The Playstation 3 is NOT too much for a console. Whys that Caris? Jimmy take a seat and listen. PS3 60gb - £425 Features: 60gb HDD BlueTooth Six Axis pad with a Rechargable battery built in Joypad charge lead Free Online Service HDMI output Memory Card Reader. Blu Ray HD player. Xbox 360 premium pack - £290 Features: 20gb HDD Wireless pad without Rechargeable battery Silver Live No HDMI output So lets add up what it would cost to make the specs equal to the PS3. 1 Year Live: £32.99 Play and Charge kit: £12.99 HD DVD Drive: £129.99 so there the 360 is £466, and thats still without a HDMI output, a much smaller HDD, none bluetooth pads, Memory Card Reader, a slighty less powerful machine etc etc. I love both Consoles but people should know that PS3 is not overpriced. There you go Jimmy. That may be value for money, but I don't want all that stuff. I want a PS3 for MGS4, and that's basically it. I really wouldn't use a blu ray player or 60gb of memory. The 360 lets you pick and choose, so is easier and more attractive to a wider market
Hellfire Posted February 4, 2007 Posted February 4, 2007 Its true though theres prob around 10 brilliant games on the DS, the rest are either way too short or just purely bad to play If you say so.
Domstercool Posted February 4, 2007 Posted February 4, 2007 What if you dont want a Blu Ray player built in? Blu Rays will fail. Fact. Note; This is not a jibe against the PS3...Id be stupid to do that in the PS3 thread heh heh. For me it's for the games. I'm happy that the PS3 is using Blu-Ray discs for gaming media, sure beats DVD anyway. Lots of lovely space for devs to stick stuff on. Read speed isn't a concern when you have a hard drive. I've seen the loading for PS3 games.
ReZourceman Posted February 4, 2007 Posted February 4, 2007 For me it's for the games. I'm happy that the PS3 is using Blu-Ray discs for gaming media, sure beats DVD anyway. Lots of lovely space for devs to stick stuff on. Read speed isn't a concern when you have a hard drive. I've seen the loading for PS3 games. Do you mean loading times or just general disk read speed? Not that I know too much about I wont pretend I do. :shock: Also regarding the BR VS HDDVD thing, I heard that pornography was a big decider on the winning format and that the Porn industry is backing (No pun intended) HD-DVD.
Jasper Posted February 4, 2007 Posted February 4, 2007 For me it's for the games. I'm happy that the PS3 is using Blu-Ray discs for gaming media, sure beats DVD anyway. Lots of lovely space for devs to stick stuff on. Read speed isn't a concern when you have a hard drive. I've seen the loading for PS3 games. Oh yes. What you'll be seeing is the load times for PS2 games, original ones, not the slink-a-dink PS2 edition, on the PS3 as well. Why? Becausse it reads at 2X. Now if you were to read a Blu-Ray at 2X, even though it has a hard drive, it would still require loading. Okay, the second time you enter the loading will be minimized if the game is programmed to make use of your hard drive but in any other circomstance, I wouldn't hope to get loading times that are small. Your PS3 is going to lod as hell. Why are loading times so minimal on Wii and X360? Because it's a 24X drive. But on PS3, you're with a X2 drive. Also, though PS3 has more data read in 2X, it needs more data than beginning PS2 games to be on a graphic level. So it wil have the same relation and loading. And just so you'de know - if I had the cash i'de buy a PS3. sadly enough, a new Macbook, iPhone and Creative Suite take the front seat with me, so PS3 isn't really in my pocket.
Owen Posted February 4, 2007 Posted February 4, 2007 I'm keeping my eye on the USA 'Ratchet & Clank' review this week. See if thats any good, i'll definately be buying it if it's like Daxter. Decided not to buy/preorder Chilli Con Carnage. Probably get it at a much later date or when it's around £15.99-£19.99. Also considering 'PXL' or whatever it's called. WarioWare type game! Again, only if reviews say it's a very good game, otherwise i won't get it. Thats it for PSP games this year though it seems....for now, anyway. No announcements of new 'Sony' made PSP games soon is there? --------------------------------------- No good games's not that bad: Me and My Katamari Medal Of Honour MGS: Portable Ops Daxter Ridge Racer Syphon filter KillZone GTA: VCS GTA: LCS Loco Roco Everybody's Golf Ape Escape Are the best PSP games in my opinion though, it's a good machine overall, just lacking more of the titles like 'Daxter'. It's like Sony has kinda given-up on it. However saying that, i'm definately keeping my PSP so i can download PSONE games onto it from my PS3, cannot wait to do that.
KKOB Posted February 4, 2007 Posted February 4, 2007 I'm going to have to get a PSP again before the years out-damn you Konami! the best psp games are for me: Loco Roco Lumines I + II Ridge Racer 1+2 Burnout Legends MGS:PO Everybodys Golf Tekken DR Wipeouts good too! almost forgot! and add Castlevania to the list soon, but thats all of the decent PSP games i can think of atm . . . and yep, sony now only want you to use the PSP with PS3 as an amazing rear view mirror or a way of watching your media on a tiny screen when you want to give your big ass HD TV a rest oh and for paying for over priced PSone downloads! We love you Sony!
fanman Posted February 4, 2007 Posted February 4, 2007 I downloaded the loco roco demo and couldn't get into it at all. The gta games and mgs portable ops are the only great games for psp in my opinion, or that are worth getting a psp for.
Domstercool Posted February 4, 2007 Posted February 4, 2007 Like I say it doesn't matter if you have the hard drive. RR7 loads faster than RR6 with the hard drive feature. Update: There seems to be a bit of confusion about Blu-ray's read speeds in comparison to DVD's read speeds specially given the Xbox 360's 12x DVD rating. I am going to attempt to clarify the differences. The first difference that should be noted in a DVD vs Blu-ray discussion is that DVD's are Constant Angular Velocity (CAV) and Blu-ray is Constant Linear Velocity (CLV). CAV: The drives transfer rate is variable. Information on the inside tracks of the disc is read at approximately half the speed as the information on the outside of the disc. CLV: The drives transfer speed is linear or constant regardless of whether information is on the inside tracks of the disc or the outside. This is important to note because each of DVD's X ratings have a minimum and a maximum read speed and the advertised read speed is taken from the maximum, consequently a DVD drives maximum read speed is almost never realized. On the other hand Blu-ray's only has one constant read speed:
Domstercool Posted February 4, 2007 Posted February 4, 2007 Damn all you people that don't count Lumines as a great game, YOU NEED TO BURN IN HELL!
fanman Posted February 4, 2007 Posted February 4, 2007 Damn all you people that don't count Lumines as a great game, YOU NEED TO BURN IN HELL! I only played lumines for a bit on my friends psp, but I thought it was horrible.
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