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Gonna have to disagree with you on the lag. Though it did seem to be a digital input system. As in the controller sensed motion to a point an then sent the ps3 a signal to tilt the craft.


your blind or just stupid then. the lag was definatly there

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Seriously... Sony has lost all my respect, Iam personally not buying 1 Sony product and I will get rid of the ones I have

I have 3 PS1's for sale people, If you pay me 10 pounds + shipping I'll send you one!

I also have a broken digital camera, I'll proably just burn that thing at school. God damnit Sony.. I hate you so much!

Same goes for this thread!




Suck you fony!

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the ps3 controller is crap it cant do half the things the wii controller can. it just senses tilt using gyroscopes and movement etc-where as the wii can sense exactly where the controller is pointing anywhere in the room etc.


overall very very poor press conference i was almost falling asleep until the last 30 mins when i was fuming!!!


sony are losers end of-the reason we all have a ps2 is mostly for square.

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Guest Jordan

Anyone who supports the PS3 is some kind of fool. I mean, they really showed nothing impressive, they stole left right and center from Microsoft and Nintendo.


Marketplace, online service, micro transactions, 360 style guide button.




Here's a count down of Sony's stealing on their joypad:

1, D Pad - NES

2, 4 Face buttons - SNES

3, Shoulder Buttons - SNES

4, Rumble - N64

5, Analouge - N64

6, Dual Analouge - XBOX

7, Gyro Technology - Wii

8, Guide Button - XBOX360.

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your blind or just stupid then. the lag was definatly there


Like I said I think that was due to a digital input system. Digital meaning on/off or maybe even degrees of being on (tilt angles). You can see this when he did those flight combo move things (fancy air movement). The system did NOTHING until he was done doing whatever special motion + button was needed to initiate the move.

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overall very very poor press conference i was almost falling asleep until the last 30 mins when i was fuming!!!



Very True. Majority of the games shown looked run of the mill titles. Its like they just shoved a motion sensor in the pad to annoy Nintendo. Methinks they will awaken a sleeping giant.....

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So to clarify:


They ripped of Microsoft’s Xbox live


Ripped off I-tunes


and ripped off the Wii's controller.


Put them all together and are charging £400 for it.




thats quite a good summary.....

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Very True. Majority of the games shown looked run of the mill titles. Its like they just shoved a motion sensor in the pad to annoy Nintendo. Methinks they will awaken a sleeping giant.....


totally agree! this is the gen where nintendo show sony why its still here over 20 years later!!!


all the games shown bar three were boring-graphically-and even then the only impressive thing was the animation of characters which the wii can prob do just as well.

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