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Guest Jordan

Gamespot is going very slow, the conferance isn't gunna start for atleast another 10 mins.


Not that i want to watch it, but i'll be making threads as we go along.

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so what is everyone expecting from this conference? prices, how many people it takes to life it, what newfangles shape their controller will be etc?


(am i the only one amused by the "optomised streaming experience" message under the non-moving inmage?)

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dont know what i am expecting really, maybe more form the ff13 games? Some metal gear solid? there is going to have to be atleast one major franchise here, hopfully some re5 will come aswell. Atleast they didnt blow it like ninty at gdc by putting the wrong slide up early then having to delay for ages! was funny though..

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so what is everyone expecting from this conference? prices, how many people it takes to life it, what newfangles shape their controller will be etc?


(am i the only one amused by the "optomised streaming experience" message under the non-moving inmage?)



I expect


- a definitive price (incl Blu-ray Drive)

- a definitive launch window


thats it



oh and a lot of SONY bluffing thru their arseholes!!


You've clearly never watched a conference before. 5.45 if you're lucky.



it was a joke (sp..?)


read my post above yours...:kiss:

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so what is everyone expecting from this conference? prices, how many people it takes to life it, what newfangles shape their controller will be etc?

Everything will be revealed. Price, release dates, games, etc. Lots of promos and stuff too.


It'll be awesome. SquareEnix already leaked an actual in-game shot from the upcoming Final Fantasy game. It's incredible - this baby will sell, sell, sell just from the sheer detail they put in the game.



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