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You didn't re-read my OP in that thread? It's a legal grey area. The thread does not promote downloading illegally. The thread does not say "share your illegally owned music!" Plus you're saying you didn't re-read my OP in that thread! Which is the silliest of all.


But you can't share music that you legally own either. It doesn't matter if you own it. It matters that they own it.

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I'm somewhat surprised Jay isn't already a mod anyway.


I thought he was a former admin?


I did own it/a license to distribute it. Please prove otherwise.


Who cares anyway, are you with the RIAA or something?


If I was with them, I would probably ask you to prove you had a distribution license.

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Emasher: IF you read my original post again you will see some links in there which address the whole sharing-mixtapes-of-music-with-other-people thing a little. I've only suggested you do so, what, two or three times in this thread and two or three times in the actual thread itself.

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Just curious Emasher...what drove you to have such a strong hate for piracy?


There are so many things that have it would be impossible to list them all. There isn't even one main one.


Emasher: IF you read my original post again you will see some links in there which address the whole sharing-mixtapes-of-music-with-other-people thing a little. I've only suggested you do so, what, two or three times in this thread and two or three times in the actual thread itself.


I've read your original post several times. I couldn't find anything in it really justifying it. Yes you do pay royalties on CD-Rs but thats just the government trying to recover some of the money. It doesn't actually give you the right to distribute it.

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I've read your original post several times. I couldn't find anything in it really justifying it. Yes you do pay royalties on CD-Rs but thats just the government trying to recover some of the money. It doesn't actually give you the right to distribute it.


Just drop it. Those who run the site and the forums are OK with it so leave off Jayseven, at the end of the day it's none of your business.

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Emasher, I feel I should point out that Bowser, or King Koopa, is the intellectual property of Nintendo. You better have a note for using his image in your signature!


I'd like to point out a few things about this though before I leave the topic.


Piracy is a criminal offense, copyright infringement is a civil problem. So you're comparing oranges to apples there. And also, The two requirements for having a copyright are, You need to prove you created it first (now I'm sure Nintendo wouldn't have a problem doing this). But, you also need to defend it. If you don't you actually lose the copyright, so, since Nintendo hasn't stopped people from using images of Bowser in their signatures, they can't really do much about it now.


Just drop it. Those who run the site and the forums are OK with it so leave off Jayseven, at the end of the day it's none of your business.


Sure. Actually, you've just answered my initial question anyway. And to be honest, I was never trying to offend Jayseven, I was just curious about what was going on with this and others ended up blowing it way out of proportion.

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Read the rest of my post...


That's ridiculous and not true whatsoever. From that logic I could steal an image and use it as my own, if Nintendo didn't find out about it they would lose the copyright because they hadn't challenged me about it? Which means Nintendo no longer hold the copyright to any pictures of Bowser?

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Not quite, They still hold the copyright to it. They could stop lets say Sony from making a game with bowser, but they would have lost the right to stop any random person from using the image for non-profit purposes. I believe Nintendo will stop someone if the go public about using it even if its not for profit. You ever hear about rich people suing some random guy for copyright infringement when it doesn't really matter to the rich person.

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