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Rare - Viva Pinata?!


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Dont know if anything about this has been posted so i apologise if so..


Ok.. now, i know there are mixed feelings towards Rare, i personally think they are amazing, yes even now with Perfect Dark Zero and Kameo being two of my most favourite games. They have a way with me. You can imagine my surprise at seeing this on their upcoming games page... my words exactly were something along the lines of WTF?!





Go see for yourself... im not sure what to think at the moment. (http://www.rareware.com/)



Im all for them creating games for all ages, the younguns play games too. My issue is it says:


"A brand new and original franchise from the core team behind the Banjo series, featuring all the Rare hallmarks of innovation, charm, gorgeous visuals and gameplay in spades. Viva Piñata is a game of creation, evolution, imagination and customisation, a fully Xbox Live-enabled slice of instantly appealing all-ages entertainment, backed up by the birth of a high-profile animated series from 4Kids Entertainment. We think you’ll like it."


No Banjo Threeie?! i know they'd always joke and say there were never any plans for such a game but, we all hoped, this just plain sucks if this is the replacent project for such a telented team.


Heres a screenshot: http://www.rareware.com/games/upcoming/pinata/shots/pinata_01.html


And theres a website here: http://www.vivapinata.com/vivapinatacom/announce/


Is this some TV Series or something its based on?


Either way, im at a loss i tell you.

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And it's not just the graphics that make you shout KIDDY! Apparently it's aimed at the younger market, with the cartoon being launched shortly before the game.


By the time the game comes out, the cartoon will have made the brand so embarrasing, I definately won't want to buy it.

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Even MS shifts to new gameplay ideas. Nintendogs, Animal Crossing, Spore, The Sims, ... those are games which entertain a majority of people. I have to admit I really like the graphics of Viva Pinata - if I will like the game I can't tell. The only problem I have is that RARE again used something existing to make a new game. Don't they have own ideas anymore?

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hehehe :)

Pinata 64? Was there previously a Japan exclusive N64 game based on this, because I've never heard of it on the N64?? So it's not as if Rare are being original with this game either!


Anyways, here the trailer for the 360's Viva Pinata;




(when the window opens, click on the Viva Pinata picture/trailer)


I was impressed by the graphics (when I first saw the pictures), looks like they've used the Kameo graphics/effects to me;

Seems they're trying to create an animal crossing/doshin the giant/black and white type game, but i'm not convinced as yet!

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Pinata 64?

Was there previously a Japan exclusive N64 game based on this, because I've never heard of it on the N64??

So it's not as if Rare are being original with this game either!


It's just a fan made Nintendo 64 commercial :)


I just saw the trailer... it looks cool.. damn >_<

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Why don't Rare give gamers something they want, like a sequel to Killer Instinct? I mean, I appreciate that they wanna try new stuff, but I think they need to revive some old franchises for the new generation, and Killer Instinct would be perfect. They haven't really impressed me since they made N64 games. I think they've lost their touch when they lost important members of staff. I think it's easy to see why Nintendo weren't too bothered to sell them off.I never thought I'd see Rare do a game that was a tie-in with a kids TV show.

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So you always write-off a game on first impressions?




Honestly though, I'm pretty sure this will deliver the standard Rare adventuring. I'm also betting it'll turn out better than it looks, not that saying that is really saying anything because it looks somewhat awful now I started watching the trailer midway through typing this.


Wow... This is looking very bizarre. Seems like a lot of those visuals are Kameo-related at the core, so I expect them to churn this mystery choice of game out rapidly. I'm willing to bet this show will be CGI based like the award-winning Cubix*. The horse pinata sounds like Kratos from Tales of Symphonia, by the way.


Rare fans, wait until E3 before you start killing yourselves.




*I shit you, Cubix won nothing.

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Hmmm...another wannabe trend, i just have the feeling this will fail.

I havent seen any of the younger generation interested all that much in 360, in my town and in watford all the young kids were wanting handhelds such as PSP and DS for last year Xmas.


And the TV show is apparently based on improving gameplay, so it looks like its going to take the yugioh and pokemon approach, which does show they are intending on this to be the next big trend.


But i just cant see it happen in this country, maybe in the USA. I would advise against them trying it here, the younger generation isnt a good audience with 360 at the moment, may be later in the year. Which i ask the question, when is this Viva Pinata inteneded to release??

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  • 3 weeks later...

The more i think about it, the more i think, 'maybe it will be good'. Rare have already sold out, they dont need to sell out anymore by making games based on TV shows.. yes, thats what this will be, but then i query myself that very statement, i dont think they would do it unless they genuinely saw a good game idea in there. Reading a few previews, i think they might be onto something.


It seems like the world of Viva Pinata is going to be really lively with a whole bunch of evolution, coaxing these weird animals to you to eat your food and grow up there. Sound lame? Explain Animal Crossing to someone who has never heard of it and they'd probably have the expression you have when you heard about this, but it works.


If this wasnt based on a TV Show id reckon more people would be a little more interested.


You may think im being hypocritical from what ive said earlier, but i genuinely think this may be ok. Im not saying it will be amazing, but it might be a surprise. I guess im one of the fans Rare still has left. I cant wait for E3. Quite frankly, id love it it they were able to shut up all the bad mouthing theyre getting, then everyone would be like 'omg Rare teh rox0rs again!!11!1'. It could happen, they have the talent.

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