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GDC 2006


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I think it starts March 20th which isn't that far away. I don't have my hopes up but, in the back of my mind I know they'll release something GOOD. I hope for 3rd secret and name. :awesome:


REMEMBER The real :shock: :shock: :shock: Is at E3 2006


: peace:

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Who is publishing it anyway? Nintendo of Europe or Opera? If Opera is I can see it coming a whole lot quicker..


Have we even seen a tech demo of it yet? Perhaps GDC will enlighten us more so with the alternate DS titles in the works and not focus on Revolution at all.. (you're not gonna be getting anything but teasing so quit fooling yourselves)

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you're not gonna be getting anything but teasing so quit fooling yourselves)

He's right don't get hopes up,remember E3 and a lot of us were convinced of more to come cause of the 'Trojan Horse' and Aeries.Wait till E3 anything else will be a surprise

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Guest Stefkov

if we dont get our hopes up theres more to be surprised about, if[ they reveal anything, which would be a lot more satisfying than hoping to hear somethign and not being said. im not hoping for anything. except a good E3

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You know what I am going to put my money on them saying something, but if anything they'll probably just name a few titles.


You can pretty much bet that Iwata will be regurgitating the same old innovation story again, and holding up the DS & lite for everyone to see. Then again, who can blame them.

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I'm hoping for at least the final name - it would make a big difference (imo) wrt e3. It could get kinda confusing goin to e3, expecting big Revolution news and it nowhere to be seen, rather big news for Nintendo new name console.


I dont think we will get pricing at all, thats something that can be left to e3 no prob, seeing as none of us will be buyin it for another 9 months-ish.


A list of confirmed titles in development would be nice too.

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I'd like to see...


Final Specifications (Not the actual power of the system but how much flash memory there is, how many usb's, what picture output it will support etc. - If there are any changes to what we've already been told)


Final Design and announcement on what colours will be available.


Final Name for the system.


Controller Shell.


How many games will be available for launch, and how many are currently in development.


What the final secret is.


A confirmation that the system will launch worldwide in 2006.


However, I don't expect most of that till E3. I do think we will hear some new stuff but I'm not counting on it, don't want to be disappointed.

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1. Final Specifications (Not the actual power of the system but how much flash memory there is, how many usb's, what picture output it will support etc. - If there are any changes to what we've already been told)

2. Final Design and announcement on what colours will be available.

3. Final Name for the system.

4. Controller Shell.

5. How many games will be available for launch, and how many are currently in development.

6. What the final secret is.

7. A confirmation that the system will launch worldwide in 2006.


Okay, that's about everything that could be released.. I can't think of anything else we want under our E3 christmas tree. (you don't have one!?)


1. I think this is quite likely.. I think they will talk about the system a lot.. it's something that concerns developpers. I think the chances of them talking about the USB ports, the nunchuka free hand port and wireless features of the console.. it's something that directly relates to games possibilities and they want to inspire potential developpers (remember they're selling this console)


2. I'd like to know this too, Iwata has had many months to shave his console's edges.. I think it's highly likely he will pull a black system out of his pocket and plug it in on his keynote. Not only that but get a white one out of his other jacket pocket :)


3. Final name? doesn't really concern developpers.. they will probably reveal this at E3 really.. they want to get buzz in the media and steal as much as PlayStation's thunder. If it changes at all.. if they keep Revolution as a final name then it doesn't rule out them announcing it tomorrow.


4. Yeah this concerns developpers.. Nintendo needs to stress to the big third party developpers in the audience 'You can make a racing game or a snowboarding game for our console' and they may release a price.. and show it on stage. That would be quite important really..


5. Yeah, I think games will take a big role here.. they want to show off their efficient development models.. maybe showing how the costs are lower and stuff. I don't think we'll see new Miyamoto brain juices until E3 though.. that's if he has even started his new title.


6. Not a chance :D E3 baby


7. Europe has confirmed it, but it would be nice if they could stop this 2006 act, and really say to developpers 'get one of these dev kits now and ma

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All the big stuff about rev will be at E3 no-one should kid themself,don't want tons of flaming on how nothing big happened.There will likely be a few small things and maybe 1 major thing (closer date) then that will be it.I swear to Ganon there better be a Zelda trailer...

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Yeah I think we're probably gonna have to hold on till E3 for the final secret - I'm betting that, the virtual console games and pricing, system pricing, exact launch dates and all actual game announcement and footage to take place at E3. The real meaty stuff.

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nintendo already anounced that there will be two usb ports what i want to know what they will be used for.

i whould like to see the shell at gdc and there bond to announce something about the virtual console maybe even the first line up of games on it. but even if they don't e3 is only 2months away so it's not a long wait.

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I think it would be clever of Nintendo to announce the other Rev secret at GDC to take away the buzz from the PS3 announcements.


Then come E3 hit us with everything (even though they say it won't be everything) to imprint the console on our minds!

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