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Afaik, all movies get dubbed, but some cinemas get the original versions too.


So I might if i'm lucky find a cinema in paris showing the origional version of shrek the third (probaly no chance seeing as its officaly dubbed with other people) or Die hard 4.0?

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So I might if i'm lucky find a cinema in paris showing the origional version of shrek the third (probaly no chance seeing as its officaly dubbed with other people) or Die hard 4.0?


When I was in Paris I remember seeing some cinemas offering the English version on some screens - probably got the best chance at multiplexes. It'll probably say something along the lines of 'Version Anglaise' or something on the schedule.

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When I was in Paris I remember seeing some cinemas offering the English version on some screens - probably got the best chance at multiplexes. It'll probably say something along the lines of 'Version Anglaise' or something on the schedule.


Thanks a bundle for the info. I'm going to be going to the biggest multiplex in paris so I should hopefully find something.

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Die Hard

I think I mentioned I watched this again already, but I'll rate it again anyway. It is by far the best in the franchise. Completely balls to walls, loads of gore and swearing, plenty of one-liners, and McClane is actually human in this (as in, he is not perfect and takes pain). Awesome.


9 Yippie-Ki Ay Motherfuckers out of 10





Haven't watched this in ages, even though it's one of my favourite movies of all time. I suppose it is the characters that do it do me. For example, what keeps you watching Fargo are the two kidnappers, because you never know what they're going to do next, which creates the bulk of the suspence in the movie. Macy's & McDormands characters are also excellent, and all characters have a sense of realism to them, which is refreshing, to put it in one way. It's also pretty witty as well. Not that I think a comedy should solely get it's laughs from exaggerated Scandinavian accents, but there were some other funny moments. Any way, I've rambled on too much.


9.5 You Betcha's out of 10



Pan's Labyrinth


There is only one small criticism I have to this film, and that is that it digressed to much to the non-fantasy part of the story; or, to put it another way, 'too much Kansas, not enough Oz'. Never-the-less, it's a fantastic film. It tells us about this girl who seems to be having these fantasies, but because they cause much emotional pain, it makes the viewer wonder if they are real or imaginary. The movie thrives on this very well, and even up to the very last scene, it seems indeterminable. Great film, which effectively about evil vs. the innocence of a child (in bare-bones, anyway).


9 giant toads out of 10



The Big Lebowski


Good film. The story is surprisingly complex for a comedy. It was funnier than I remembered as well. There are some great scenes which I'll probably remember more than most, which made the film worthwhile. The surreal dreams 'The Dude' has throughout, for example, and also there's the 'This is what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass' bit. Probably the best role I've seen Jeff Bridges in.


8 bowling balls out of 10

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Hostel Part 2 - Awesome, but a few things...okay, no one thing was wrong with it. Cool continuation of the story though. Great to see how things work behind the scenes. Hope theres a part 3.




there wont be..its been a bit of a flop.

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Pirates of the Carribean 3


meh it was ok I guess, went on for way too long. Haven't seen 1 or 2, and yet I understood most of it. It wasn't that confusing, unlike what some people have been saying.





V for Vendetta

I didn't see the first like hour of this (came in where natalie's dad was doing that comedy thing on tv), and so it may be why I thought it wasn't that great, I got annoyed with natalie portman (even though I love her) because all I saw her do was either cry or do nothing except stand there. Good ending with the army... but wtf, it didn't make much sense to me, guess I need to see it from the beginning.

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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire


Not the biggest fan of the films, but I was tempted to watch this last night due to playing a lot of Order yesterday. Does not really kick off untill they reach Hogwarts. The first 15mins or so is quite cringeworthy in my opinion, along with other random scenes further in, e.g when Ron says "Piss off". Enjoyed the Yule Ball scenes and Voldermort's rebirth, but that was too short!



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Recent films I've watched:


Ocean's 13: Better then I expected. Nowhere near Ocean's 11 but better than the tosh that is Ocean's 12. But overall, I would only recommend it as a DVD rental. 6/10


Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer: OK, better then the first but its still a forgettable family film. Extremely cheesy and predictable, but the Silver Surfer was pretty cool. 6/10

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V for Vendetta

I didn't see the first like hour of this (came in where natalie's dad was doing that comedy thing on tv), and so it may be why I thought it wasn't that great, I got annoyed with natalie portman (even though I love her) because all I saw her do was either cry or do nothing except stand there. Good ending with the army... but wtf, it didn't make much sense to me, guess I need to see it from the beginning.


Yep you really really do. I can be a bit confusing at times but it one of the best films in years.

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