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Rate the last film you saw


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Well they've already butchered Harry Potter, Narnia, Hitchiker's, Lotr... they could make it 5th time lucky.


Agreed, Narnia sucked, it was extremly over religious and condesending, and then theres the fact in generally sucked.


The other films you mentioned I dont agree with. Harry potter as a series of movies has maintaned at least some form of quality throughout, their good movies in their own right, plus the girl that plays harmione(spelt right?) is great as the character, and snape. rocks. Then again, i tried reasing the first book when i was 11 and well i got half way through and burnt it.


Lotr? lol


hitchikers, well i fell asleep while watching it, nuff siad.

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Get out. Just...get out.



(Narnia and HHGTTG were pretty good, too)


Lotr was pretty decent, still nowhere near as good as the books. And Lotr was "butchered", they cut so much out (granted they had too, but still...).

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No not really... I'm still hugely looking forward to/ dreading Northern Lights (Stupid American fiends!) coming out, although they'll most likely turn a masterpiece in childrens literature into some fantasy crap that makes absolutely no sense.


Well, I'm hopefull... the cast and director make me believe that it can work. I'm excpecting it to suck, but if it doesn't I won't be too shocked. :D Let's keep our hopes up.


And LOTR was not butchered. It's a fantastic adaptation. Of course the books will always be better, but they got as close to the books as they could, and the movies are fantastic. I dare you to say against it, Zell.


(Narnia and HHGTTG were pretty good, too)


Well, I haven't read Narnia, but I think I never will, now, anyways. I'm getting very very very tired of fantasy novels. And judging by the movie, it's too simple for me to like it.

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Didn't end up going anywhere tonight. Luckily Terminator was on tonight, getting reaquainted with this film, I reckon Dan Dare is right; it's the best of the series. In T2, Sarah just seems far too stoic, and John is the most annoying little shit of all time. Kyle is played well too.


Dodgy special effects though: 9/10

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Whatever tickles your fancy man.


One's fugly, the other's plastic. :S Me no likey.



Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance

Had been meaning to watch this ever since I first saw Oldboy. Hence, since I have no life, I downloaded it and... I just finished watching it.


Well, let's sart it this way. Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance is not Oldboy 0.5, don't go watching it thinking it is.

Where Oldboy was a "Revenge! COOL!" flick this is an exercise about how cold revenge is. This is a dark, sad and cold movie about the nature of revenge, how's it's a never-ending cycle.

The only thing this movie and Oldboy have in common is the vengeance theme. All simillarities stop there. Where Oldboy was a Guns'a'blazing type of movie with great action and powerfull music, this is a gloomy fucked up trip to the land of silence and sorrow.

This is a very powerfull Drama, not an action thriller.

If that is clear, then, I shall proceed to the actual film itself: this one requires patience, it's all about pacing. The silences are long (added to that the fact that one of the major characters is a deaf-mute) and work perfectly that way. The scenes are slow, but powerfull & extremelly meaningful.

You can clearly see that this is a movie that took carefull planing to be made. The details are everything in this baby. Every single detail is in the right place at the right time.

Watching these two people slowly getting destroyed bit by bit by the world that surrounds them is a morbid pleasure. Fascinating cinema.


I was expecting Oldboy 0.5 and ended up finding so much more. This is no arthouse like Oldboy, this is documentary style, it is devoted to detail.



That being sad, a warning: if you love Oldboy, you most likely won't like Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance. Comparing both films is like comparing Terminator 2 with Lost In Translation. :D

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Didn't end up going anywhere tonight. Luckily Terminator was on tonight, getting reaquainted with this film, I reckon Dan Dare is right; it's the best of the series. In T2, Sarah just seems far too stoic, and John is the most annoying little shit of all time. Kyle is played well too.


Dodgy special effects though: 9/10


Have to say, I kinda like the effects. For the most part, they compensate for technology with clever direction, and the only thing that goes beyond their limitations is the final skeleton scene.


amusing fact: Some spakker in the effects team made that terminator out of solid steal instead of an alloy, plastic or indeed, hollow steel. As a result, it weighed a fuckton and took several men to move around for the whole shoot.

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I would probably turn her down, mainly because I like to think I have some integrity. Either way, I don't find her very attractive at all.


Have to say, I kinda like the effects. For the most part, they compensate for technology with clever direction, and the only thing that goes beyond their limitations is the final skeleton scene.


amusing fact: Some spakker in the effects team made that terminator out of solid steal instead of an alloy, plastic or indeed, hollow steel. As a result, it weighed a fuckton and took several men to move around for the whole shoot.


Yeah that's what I meant by special effects; the terminator skeleton. Other than that the effects were fine. How did they do the skeleton in T2 then? Was it purely CG or did they build another skeleton?

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Aiiiii. I just mean that I don't find her, or other women like that attractive. She just has that boring, hollywood model look...I can't be doing with that. I prefer ordinary gals. I'm not being wierd, I genuinely don't find her attractive. Maybe there's something wrong with me?

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i can see where ur coming from, even so turning down sex with her as a fellow straight man is sorta suspect in my eyes...


even if she isnt ur type, u cant deny that she is incredibly fuckable


I have to agree with Bard on this one. I wouldn't go near that with a ten foot pole.


The bottom line is, Kristanna Loken looks too much like a stereotyped glammy beauty. I hate that. That's why I think Natalie Portman is the most fuckable actress out there.

Seriously, I find Jena Malone 10 times more attractive than Loken.


And now for a bit of heresy. I think that Carmen Electra is the most awfull thing on earth.



This is the kind of girl I find repulsive.


Now, why the fuck are we discussing this here? :D

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