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Rate the last film you saw


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Nega-ReZ is a title I can live with.


Although I'd like to think I'd do the appropriate research as to where Molly is being stored before marching off to save her. I'm not like some retarded plumber who hears she is being held captive in a castle so storms off to Warwick Castle on the basis that "That's a castle! She must be there!"


I can only be told that she's in another castle before I being to question my hero credentials.


A quick Google search should help you find the right castle. A Google image search would give you a picture of that castle. And Google Maps would tell you how to get there. All bases are covered.


Except Molly's. Get to that castle.

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Nega-ReZ is a title I can live with.


Although I'd like to think I'd do the appropriate research as to where Molly is being stored before marching off to save her. I'm not like some retarded plumber who hears she is being held captive in a castle so storms off to Warwick Castle on the basis that "That's a castle! She must be there!"


I can only be told that she's in another castle before I being to question my hero credentials.


You could completely the Ninty naming route and call yourself Warez.

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A quick Google search should help you find the right castle. A Google image search would give you a picture of that castle. And Google Maps would tell you how to get there. All bases are covered.


Except Molly's. Get to that castle.


A quick Google search reveals Molly's Castle.


*Begrudgingly marches off to Utah, half arsedly holding his sword in the air*

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*looks at thread and smiles*


I think the Maid Marian type character would work well for me in this situation. She doesn't really need saving from the castle, but she does at the same time.


As for Moon, excellent film. Makes you so damn tense, I love it.

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I think Wander from Shadow of the Colossus would work well for me. I'm massively incompetent, so I fail to save the maiden and she dies. But then, in a misguided attempt to impress the corpse, I run around and kill a load of innocent giants.


Plus I'd look glorious riding a horse. It would be like a duel to see who has the best mane.

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I think Wander from Shadow of the Colossus would work well for me. I'm massively incompetent, so I fail to save the maiden and she dies. But then, in a misguided attempt to impress the corpse, I run around and kill a load of innocent giants.


Plus I'd look glorious riding a horse. It would be like a duel to see who has the best mane.


Goafer on a horse

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Saw VI


I really enjoyed it. I thought it was great. The acting was very good and the story was brilliant but I thought the end was the best. I didn't see the end coming...


I saw Jill doing Hoffman's trap coming but I meant the entire test being Tara and Brent's. I thought they were William's family so I thought that was a good twist.



But it's definitely one of my favourite Saw movies. Let's hope Saw VII is like this.


Now it's: Saw > Saw 6 > Saw 3 > Saw 2 > Saw 5 > Saw 4



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I started watching the original Solaris (and I love long-drawn out films, or at least, I have an attention span that appreciates them for what they are), but got bored/tired like a quarter in, and haven't gotten around to finishing it. I will, but it's so low on my agenda.

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What? Which Tarkovsky films have you seen? I mean, he's all BUT boring!! Just thinking of Stalker gets my adrenaline flowing!


Knew that'd get your attention, Stalker actually. :heh:


It's not because he's boring it's just something I do. I only saw The Godfather the fourth time without falling asleep. I put it down to bad timing.


I actually put it on when I was running my school's World Cinema Society. Really bad film to put on in a warm theatre with uncomfortable seats.

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I thought this would be a French film because...




But it was French Canadian so it was mostly spoken in English (well...Canadian eh?) with a scene of French.


Anywho it was interesting. That kid (who is weird looking; neither ugly nor attractive he's just somewhere in the middle...) places himself as the at-the-time fetus of a woman who nearly ended up in one of the biggest terrorist attacks of its time. Her fiancée/his father planted a bomb in her bag (unknown to her) before she got on a flight to Israel but it was discovered before she boarded...however those were not his parents. Its a real event, he just placed himself into it and spread it across the internet. The way it unfolds is interesting. Sometimes it does go into the eye-rolling cliches of indie cinema but its given to random people on webcams which sidelines it a bit, but I suppose its necessary to bring up some of the points. And the grandfather reminded me of my own.

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Watched Commando last night. Brilliant 80's mindless action film, I zoned out during the last 20 minutes or so as it was literally Arnie shooting the bad guys.


The bit where he's chasing that guy who tries to phone his bosses, but Arnie just rips out the phonebooth and throws it over his head, I just started laughing, it was so over the top.

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A Serious Man


It´s the latest Coen brothers film which makes it a instant watch for me.

It has the usual Coen feel about it but I think that if I were a Jew the film would be more accessible too me as it has a lot of Hebrew phrases and traditions, the opening scene for example makes no sense if you have little knowledge of Hebrew traditions.


Looking past that it is a very enjoyable watch with a couple good chuckles and a set of good actors playing interesting personalities.

It leaves you with a lot of things that your need to interpret in order to understand certain things but that pretty much what you expect in a Coen film.


Overall I left satisfied and would recommend people to watch it.

Edited by Mundi
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