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Rate the last film you saw


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Had never heard of it, but it was on film 4 and it stars the man from the Specsavers adverts so I was sceptical to say the least but I enjoyed it, part guessed what was gonna happen but it was still surprising when it did, enjoyable anyway.



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Films what I saw on the plane on holiday:


The Boat that Rocked


7.5 / 10 - Pretty good fun and all, pretty great soundtrack to match. Can't go wrong with that cast either... Murray from FoTC and everything!!




Which was rather what I was felling like, at 6am on a long haul flight and a fat guy sprawled across me stopping the sleep. Anyways, pretty good, Nolans worst film imo, still gets


7.5 / 10


I Love You, Man


It had the mighty Paul Rudd in it, that's all that matters really


7 / 10

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(know what else has Paul Rudd in it? Veronica Mars! :heh:)


Who Framed Roger Rabbit?






Umm nah. I haven't seen this in fucking years, since I was a child and couldn't remember much which was nice as it constantly suprised me with how great it is. Its very noir, they hit the right grey notes (and everytime I was think of its noirity I just thought of the line "that kid of yours, she's pretty hardboiled eh?" but I digress). Its actually quite dark at times for a film which many would presume is a kids film. And of course, there's Jessica Rabbit. It feels so wrong but who wouldn't play patticake with her eh?


Its wonderful how slyly (one of the best spelt words in the English language) dirty it is. I laughed when Jessica said to Roger "I loved you more than any woman has ever loved a rabbit" and then a second later I kinda went :o! and then laughed more as the impact of that line really hit.


Oh and I love how Disney and Warner only agreed for them to use Mickey and Bugs if they were on the screen for the same amount of time and the studios counted it in milliseconds.

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Being John Malkovich


So lovely!


I saw Adaptation, so I sort of knew what to expect script-wise, but I loved. What was Cameron Diaz doing there so incongruously? (Although she was like...the second main character).


I loved Maxine the most. Too machiavealian (sp?) to handle.


Really good.



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Being John Malkovich


So lovely!


I saw Adaptation, so I sort of knew what to expect script-wise, but I loved. What was Cameron Diaz doing there so incongruously? (Although she was like...the second main character).


I loved Maxine the most. Too machiavealian (sp?) to handle.


Really good.





Absolutely mind blowing film, that. I absolutely love it.

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Inglourious Basterds


I loved it. As many have already said, if Christoph Waltz doesn't get an oscar, I will eat my hat! Astounding acting; I am still revelling from how good he was. I love how Tarantino can make something horrific be funny, the comedy was brilliant. Great story and all the rest. Oh god, the first scene is just sublime acting from all involved.


My main criticism would be the length, could have been half an hour shorter I reckon; I didn't really appreciate Mike Myers that much either.


Hitler died. It was just like ''He probably won't die''....''Oh yes he fucking will''.


Excellent. 10/10

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Inglorious Basterds 10/10


One of the greatest films of all time.


So much so that if you didn't see the unbelievable brilliance in this film, I pity you. Not only that, but I consider your opinion worthless, and your intelligence low. A harsh statement, But that is how good this film was.


I can't even begin to describe why, still reveling in the spectacle, reliving every moment from when a smile appeared on my face at the opening credits, to when the audience burst into applause at the end.


At the first oppotunity i'll be seeing it again.

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You check the shit on IMDb too? :D


Urrr Wiki, or the book by the animation director I've been reading. Seldom read IMDB, and even less frequently believe it.


And forgot to mention before; urgh, Tarantino. He made some, granted excellent films, and has been riding on that success to make mediocre since. I wish grading at uni was like that; do well in your first year and guaranteed a 1st :p

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And forgot to mention before; urgh, Tarantino. He made some, granted excellent films, and has been riding on that success to make mediocre since. I wish grading at uni was like that; do well in your first year and guaranteed a 1st :p



I agree


Basterds is such a return to form though. It's miles better than anything he's done in ages.

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Its IMDB. It may as well be The Sun.


I never listen to critics, if there is a movie that i like to watch i shall watch it and decide on my own verdict afterwards. I do read movie reviews though, i just don't decide to watch movies from them though.

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I never listen to critics, if there is a movie that i like to watch i shall watch it and decide on my own verdict afterwards. I do read movie reviews though, i just don't decide to watch movies from them though.


Ummm....good for you? I'm not sure why you're tellingme this...


You don't think any of this is true?



I'm not saying it may or may not be true, but I'd rather look elsewhere. There are things in The Sun that are true, but its surrounded by muck and crap so I'd rather get info from a more reputable source.

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Iron Man


Whilst it didn't captivate me incredibly, I thought it was a good superhero film as it wasn't the typical formula. Still a predictable bad guy and I really thought the guy who plays Iron Man suited it perfectly. I just wish I had been kept eagerly watching.




Looking forward to seeing the sequel!

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Just got back from Inglourious Basterds


It am good / not The Fuck


Bit of a return to form, actually. Really good- although perhaps not quite what I expected. The titular Basterds feature much less than I imagined they would, although to the credit of the rest of the cast you never feel it's a great issue.


It won't win Tarantino any new fans but it definitely restored my faith in his ability to actually make a really good film from time to time.



Inglourious Basterds


So. SO. Stunning.


I loved.


Genuinely funny. A treat for the eyes. An uncliched, engaging story. Stunning performances from a cast of beautiful people (Brad Pitt arguably looking the worst). So exhilarating - I was actually anxious, because at one point it looked like all possible forms of shit had hit the fan, and all things precious had seeped down the drain.


Just brill.


A bona fide 10/10. One of the best films I've ever seen.




"You're all Nazi cunts."


Inglorious Basterds

Fan-fucking-tastic. I've been on a high since the film finished at 4:30 pm! Great story, beautifully shot, great soundtrack, engaging dialogue, superb tense and thrilling moments and just the right amount of humour. Fantastic acting by everyone, especially Christoph Walzt who should be getting an Oscar next year.


One of the best cinema experiences I've ever had.






It felt like a perfected version of what Watchmen set out to achieve.


Inglourious Basterds


I loved it. As many have already said, if Christoph Waltz doesn't get an oscar, I will eat my hat! Astounding acting; I am still revelling from how good he was. I love how Tarantino can make something horrific be funny, the comedy was brilliant. Great story and all the rest. Oh god, the first scene is just sublime acting from all involved.


My main criticism would be the length, could have been half an hour shorter I reckon; I didn't really appreciate Mike Myers that much either.


Hitler died. It was just like ''He probably won't die''....''Oh yes he fucking will''.


Excellent. 10/10


Inglorious Basterds 10/10


One of the greatest films of all time.


So much so that if you didn't see the unbelievable brilliance in this film, I pity you. Not only that, but I consider your opinion worthless, and your intelligence low. A harsh statement, But that is how good this film was.


I can't even begin to describe why, still reveling in the spectacle, reliving every moment from when a smile appeared on my face at the opening credits, to when the audience burst into applause at the end.


At the first oppotunity i'll be seeing it again.


Lord. The trailer didn't make it seem that good. I need to see it!


Someone carry me to the cinema.




Inglorious Basterds


Tarantinos best film. It was SO good, in every single way imaginable. The camera fucking angles, the fucking dialogue, the long scenes, the acting (OMG THE ACTING) every single damn thing just oozed absolute blockbuster entertainment. Film of the year most definitely. I either had a big ass fucking smile on my face, or my jaw was on the floor for the whole damned movie. Ghhhaaaaddddd. That fucking dude...whats his name...Christoph Waltz, if he doesn't get an Oscar this is bull shit. I'd say the best villain in any film certainly that I've seen.


Oh man, this film was so good. The scene with the super hot French chick looking from the projector room in her red dress, the way the light hit her clear skin. Oh my god. And the ....awesome bits, the subtitles, its self awareness. Good god. Everything. When I was discussing it afterwards I was practically tripping over my words, you could hear the complete and utter excitement in my voice, practically dribbling everywhere.


I can't believe some stupid ass muther fuckers are rating this low. That cock crust from The Guardian gave it one star. Stupid bitch ass, crabs rash.


Oh and gorey as fuck. That last scene....most gorey thing ever. Then "This might just be my masterpiece."


Too fucking right, Quentin. Too fucking right.



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Inglorious Basterds


Tarantinos best film. It was SO good, in every single way imaginable. The camera fucking angles, the fucking dialogue, the long scenes, the acting (OMG THE ACTING) every single damn thing just oozed absolute blockbuster entertainment. Film of the year most definitely. I either had a big ass fucking smile on my face, or my jaw was on the floor for the whole damned movie. Ghhhaaaaddddd. That fucking dude...whats his name...Christoph Waltz, if he doesn't get an Oscar this is bull shit. I'd say the best villain in any film certainly that I've seen.


Oh man, this film was so good. The scene with the super hot French chick looking from the projector room in her red dress, the way the light hit her clear skin. Oh my god. And the ....awesome bits, the subtitles, its self awareness. Good god. Everything. When I was discussing it afterwards I was practically tripping over my words, you could hear the complete and utter excitement in my voice, practically dribbling everywhere.


I can't believe some stupid ass muther fuckers are rating this low. That cock crust from The Guardian gave it one star. Stupid bitch ass, crabs rash.


Oh and gorey as fuck. That last scene....most gorey thing ever. Then "This might just be my masterpiece."


Too fucking right, Quentin. Too fucking right.




pretty much all true.. WAY better than i thought it was.. took a large dump on watchmen for whoever mentioned it :D


He did everything right this time.. Probably my favourite of his films. this had it all.

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Inglourious Basterds


So good. Brilliant. People clapped at the end.


I'm not Tarantino's biggest fan, his stuff verges on silly/cheap in things like Kill Bill, for example, but this was brilliant.


Just my kinda film, brilliant pacing, sustained tension throughout each scene/chapter, brilliant acting, and an uncompromising approach. Loved it all.


Long, but I didn't notice the length at all. It was perfect length.


I loved. It alll. So good. It will get Oscar noms (acting I assume, but I genuinely think this is a candidate for Best Picture, it's a wonderfully directed film).



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I love that it has a perfect score from everyone *claps* :D

Oxigen's not allowed to come and ruin it :heh:


Iron Man


Great action film. ReZ, it does have all kinds of awesome and I can see why you rave about it, so much better than other comic films. The effects are amazing! Robert Downey Jr does have an alluring charm that is so watchable and his wit shone through the script.

In the cave they would have seen him put on the suit WAY sooner, that was annoying. Also when he did his first fly over the enemy camp he could have blown them all up, but he just didn't. Also far too obvious that the big guy was the baddie.


Very Good/10

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