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Oooooh, blackmail oppurtunity, I love it.


TWD volume 1,2,3 read time = approx 2 hours.


Watchmen read time = approx....hmmm. I dunno actually. I'd say 3 hours. Took me ages.


I will allow you to borrow Watchmen when you've read TWD.


I'M A SINNER I'M A SAINT I'M A BLAH BLAH !!!!! mwahahahaha.

Lol, you drive a hard bargain good sir!


OK fook it, I'm just gonna read it tonight, big comic session :geek:

Lol, you drive a hard bargain good sir!


OK fook it, I'm just gonna read it tonight, big comic session :geek:




Incidentally, this is to prove how fucking good it is.


Image comics have a comic book market share on a monthly basis of approximately 5%. Marvel and DC are massive, like 40% ish or whatever.


Graphic Novel sales for January = The Walking Dead Volume 9 was number 1 in the charts with 14,000 sales. Nearest contender was *fucks sake site wont load* but approx 5,000 I think.


Edit....oh actually it was 9,000, which was Watchmen.


Watched Frost/Nixon. Funsies. Like everyone else, it did make me want to know more about the whole watergate thing (the movie also cleared up the whole 'gate as a suffix' thing for me), so I found this video of the interview with an introduction/epilogue by Frost himself. Quite interesting to see how the movie dramatised stuff.


(I only skim-watched the above link -- it is 97 minutes long - five hours of nixon is probably a bit too much for one day)


wtf, who do you think I am?! Dude I own chinatown (literally, of course. [insert joke about having chinese children for a computer, or something, here])*... buut I can't remember any watergate scandals in that. The film is set a few decades before the debauchery.


Unless you mean the rather literal element of water? I dunno. Shh now.


*Crickety-CRAZY bracketz.}




Benjamin Button. Felt a bit creeped out for the first 45 mins, then forgot about the gimmick for the next 45, then spent 45 mins wondering HOW WILL HE DIE, and then felt a bit sad, then a bit dirty again, then the last 45 minutes I spent trying to work out if Daisy was the same woman who played that affair-lady.


Totally in the same vein as The Timetraveller's Wife -- a romantic movie (for girls) but with a gimmick (for boys... kinda). sympathynostalgiacyanide... sepia... what's that word... crummy... cheesy... No- Ah, fuggit.




















Confessions of a shopaholic

Typical girly girl film, but still pretty good. As though shopping really can replace other people and make it so that good feeling can appear by spending..shame it has to disappear when the item is bought. Pretty funny thorough out and some cringe worthy moments also.

wtf, who do you think I am?! Dude I own chinatown (literally, of course. [insert joke about having chinese children for a computer, or something, here])*... buut I can't remember any watergate scandals in that. The film is set a few decades before the debauchery.


I think it was more "it reflects the period in which it was made [just after watergate] and while not strictly dealing with that scandel it will draw upon the contemporary audience's knowledge of it"

I think it was more "it reflects the period in which it was made [just after watergate] and while not strictly dealing with that scandel it will draw upon the contemporary audience's knowledge of it"
Yeah the film draws upon the cynicism and pessimism of the post-Watergate era. The place 'Chinatown' itself serves as a metaphor for corruption throughout the film, and that is definitely its main theme.

I hate you both.


The Wrestler


Someone should've told me there were strippers in this, so I would've gone to the cinema to see it already.


The violence was well violent, and the nudity was mega nude. The sad bits were really sad and the wrestling was really gay... lolikid! Good film, interesting directing, shame about the botched plastic surgery!


I just finished watching Memento. What a film. Had to check a film synopsis afterwards, though - I got the story right in my head but wasn't sure if I was right and had to check it up afterwards.


Amazing screenplay, shooting and feel to the movie. Great story. Great twists. Couple of truly amazing things you only notice if paying attention - like how Lenny became Sammy for only a couple of frames in the final black and white sequence, pre-empting the final sequence. (Is it really pre-empting, given the timeline?)


Little touches like that really made it feels complete.


Loved it. And made a dent on my 235-long film list to boot.


Dunno what to rate it. Anywhere between a 7 and a 10. Big range yes, gotta be in the right mindset to watch it.


The thing about Memento is that it gets really annoying on the third watch. A second watch is really fun, once you know what's going on -- but any more viewings after that... just dull.

I hate you both.

...and the nudity was mega nude. ...the wrestling was really gay... lolikid!


Hate you too :love:


I'd love to see "the nudity is mega nude!" on a film poster.


And wrestling is really gay. I thought everyone knew that :heh:


All organised sports are but thats a different story


Nuh-uh! I watched E-@THLETES today; it was basically a film about pro gamers, and they said that that is the new 'team sport'. And I believed them. They were pretty organised too.


Slumdog Millionaire


I can't honestly see why anyone wouldn't like this movie. I NEARLY CRIED. I had to keep thinking of real manly stuff at the end - stuff like bear wrestling and crushing entire cans with a fist and breaking walnuts with just two fingers and opening bottles with eyesockets (I don't know which gets you the most man-points - using your own socket or someone elses) and golf and counterstrike.


Loved it. ETC!

Well, after a difficult choice which came down to a coin toss and advice from fellow members including Raining, Paj, Strider and EEVIL.


Total Recall


You know it enough, i know it enough. No need for my thoughts.


"See you at the party Ricter"



I felt like I had to watch this again. [i've been putting off watching the Transformers Movie for too long now]


Ten Shabba's






This is Spinal Tap


A great mockumentary about the band Spinal Tap (durr) and s still funny on a third watch and will have me quoting it for weeks to come.


I give it an 11


Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie


Terribly funny.

As in, terrible and funny but not the worst movie of the night.


Dragon Force Operation


70´s Chinese kung fu movie


About as cheesy and bad as it can get, every time someoone gets punched or kick it sounds like someone slamming a door.




I really like this movie, a lot but the only thing that holds it back from being great is that it get´s so damn cheesy and a bit stupid at times.


Also it has the most fabously evil villain imaginable.


Gran Torino

Amazing. Clint Eastwood just get's better with age. It start's off a bit slow, but then you're in for a real treat watching Eastwood in a memorable performance as Walt Kowalksi, a racist, who hates just about everything. The story itself is pretty good too, dealing with many theme's such as redemption, and the ending was just perfect. Why this film was not nominated for any Oscar's doesn't make sense.


Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie


Terribly funny.

As in, terrible and funny but not the worst movie of the night.

I've been meaning to get the original movie, the one thing which annoys me about Turbo is that there's a little shit who morphs into an adult when he becomes a Ranger.


Plus it's just cars...

I've been meaning to get the original movie, the one thing which annoys me about Turbo is that there's a little shit who morphs into an adult when he becomes a Ranger.


Plus it's just cars...


It´s terrible how the little shit gets into the group.

The Blue Ranger suffers a terrible back injury after a horrifying 2 meter fall on his back :blank:


But yeah it´s just big ass toy cars for the most part of it...

It´s terrible how the little shit gets into the group.

The Blue Ranger suffers a terrible back injury after a horrifying 2 meter fall on his back :blank:


But yeah it´s just big ass toy cars for the most part of it...

I tried finding the original series on the doovde, I found complete series' of the later incarnations, but nothing decent for our original Mighty Morphin'


It's a travesty.

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