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Stranger Than Fiction is just a massive rip off of Charlie Kaufman's "Adaptation" but with none of the subtlety. Granted, I haven't seen it yet but from the trailer it seems to be exactly that.


Note to filmmakers: No one but Kaufman can do Kaufman-esque films. Don't even attempt it out of flattery, you'll just fail miserably, he's too much of a genius for you.

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The Prestige


Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, Scarlett Johansson, Michael Caine, David Bowie (!)


I went to this simply because Casino Royale was booked up, and I'm glad I did. So many twists, not knowing which person is the "good guy", a brilliantly complex plot and David Bowie with a brilliant moustache and Russian accent. Only let down by a couple of dialogue scenes that dragged on a bit.


9/10, see it!

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I watched The Hole, this evening. ViPeR was also watching this and we chatted about it over msn.


I know he didn't like the ending, but i quite liked it. It does take a while to get going, and there's a lot of "what the poodle?" moments. But, if you stick with this, there's a decent story here.


I think a 7/10 seems about right.



I also watched A.I. a few days ago. A very, very sad film. I've heard bad things about this film, but i enjoyed it. It's very much like a fairytale, and some bits just make you want to weep.


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A.I is really good for the first 30 - 40 minutes, then it becomes a futuristic version of Pinocchio for the next hour and a half before overflowing with sentimentality for the last 20 minutes.


If they'd just stretched out the first 40 odd minutes to 80, it would've made a nice film. Oh, and if Kubrick had directed it instead of Spielberg it would've been even better.

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Only Yesterday

Long, but hauntingly beautiful film about childhood regrets. A prime example as to why a director may choose to animate something he could just as easily film. The subtleties are in the delicate character lines and watercolour scenery of the flashbacks, that contrast with the harder, clearer colours of the present day events. Drags a bit, but both heartbreaking and breathtaking on so many levels.



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My Neighbour Totoro


i FINALY got round to watching this and i say i was not dissapointed in it, a story about two young girls that move to a new home with their father and discover "forest spirits" around their house they kind of look like bunnies. Anyway one of the girls gets lost on the way to see her mother and so the forrest spirits and the ALMIGHTY CATBUS go out ot find her...they find her...the end



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This film is genius. All his conversations and how utterly believeable he acts is superb. Didn't laugh so hard in a while. Especially the part with the bear had me in tears.



A great movie. Especially the feminists bit and the bit at the dinner table.


"I could not understand what this old man was saying." Quality.

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Saw Casino Royale tonight. In my mind there were 3 good things about it. 1) The free running stuff was awesome. 2) The poker scenes were really good. And 3) Eva Greene is pretty hot. Otherwise it was as i'd expected, rubbish one liners and the usual Bond stuff. Granted, Daniel Craig is much more of a badass than Brosnan, but he's still Bond. And Bond films are awful.


But as Bond films go it was pretty good, so when compared to normal films, i'd say it was about average.



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The Little Norse Prince

One of the earlier and of the greater works in the Studio Ghibli collection. Nothing overly smart here, just straight up excellent story telling. A beautifully woven myth in a Nordic setting that remains utterly enthralling despite animation that may be considered dated by today's standards. Timeless brilliance.


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Lorelei: the Witch of the Pacific Ocean

Japanese film set right after the bombing in Hiroshima. A captain gets an advanced submarine to prevent more nuclear attacks from the Americans. But this submarine has a very special secret weapon: the Lorelei system. It's an advanced system developed by the nazis. If sonar is the boat's ears, then Lorelei is the boat's eyes. But at the heart of this system is

a human being. A girl that has been experimented on by the nazis.


Great film, check out the trailer.


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