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Rate the last film you saw


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Original Star Wars Trilogy

I just bought the new boxset and re-watched the original three for the first time in a long time and I thoroughly enjoyed them. Each is a perfect two hours long and combines great story, character, action and humour. For me it's very difficult to seperate the three in terms of quality, as I like Return Of The Jedi just as much as the first two. And yes, everyone should see Star Wars! 9.5/10



Tremendous film. A superbly flowing story of the life of Henry Hill: "As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster". 9/10



Another film I really enjoyed. Al Pacino and Robert De Niro squaring off over a coffee is classic and the shoot out after the bank robbery is brilliant. 9/10


Pulp Fiction

I didn't think this was as good as it's reputed to be. I didn't really enjoy the mis-match of stories, but the script and action is good. 7/10



Not brilliant, but still interesting and enjoyable to watch. 7/10

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Aww... come one, are you serious? :(


Well, I just watched those two after seeing them ranked highly in Empire's Top 500, so maybe I was expecting too much. My first impression wasn't great, but 7 is not a bad score. Perhaps when I come to re-watch them, my opinion may improve.

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To be honest, Pulp Fiction changes in my mind everytime I watch it. Some times, I love it. And then, other times, I grow bored of it. It depends how you look at the scripting: You'll either think Tarantino is a genius, or an over-the-top arrogant so-and-so.


Fargo is good, but won't be to everyone's taste. Kinda like how people either love or hate Garden State.

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7 is an excellent grade, yes. But these two require more. PF is at least a 9, and Fargo, at the very least an 8 (personally, it's a 10).


Pulp Fiction is probably going to always be classed as a masterpiece. And, I think Tarantino will always be proud of his work there. But, I don't think the film is entirely accessible to anyone or everyone. Like with Fargo. It's very much going after a particular audience. Particularly with Pulp Fiction.

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Beverly Hills Cop II


Watched this again on Thursday night, still freakin brilliant. Liked the whole "we really need to have a chat" was good as it progressed. Story is good. 9/10


Wild Hogs


4th watch of this, just felt like watching it after seeing about 200 bikes go past my house. 9/10

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I think I didn't quite 'get' Fargo when I watched - I enjoyed it it but didn't see it as the 10 / 10 that I'd heard it was. Id give 7 - 8 myself.


Waking life


Really curiously interesting film I randomly recorded late on Saturday night. Nice style (filmed and then each frame hand drawn over the top), though I can see others not liking it so much (There is no real plot, more a collection of meetings and conversations with people about life, dreams and philosophy). Interestingly surreal watch.


8 / 10

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I think I didn't quite 'get' Fargo when I watched - I enjoyed it it but didn't see it as the 10 / 10 that I'd heard it was. Id give 7 - 8 myself.


Waking life


Really curiously interesting film I randomly recorded late on Saturday night. Nice style (filmed and then each frame hand drawn over the top), though I can see others not liking it so much (There is no real plot, more a collection of meetings and conversations with people about life, dreams and philosophy). Interestingly surreal watch.


8 / 10


ABOUT FUCKING TIME SOMEBODY ELSE WATCHED THIS. I've had it on DVD for two years and first saw it four years ago. I've tried to press it onto nearly everyone I've met, and, yeah, you know if they'll like it or not fairly quickly. The style's called rotoscope animation. What I like is how you can see that different artists were clearly given different bits to create.


It's one of my favourite movies -- you know, that movie-nobody-else-has-seen-but-should-so-you-say-it's-your-favourite? Yeah. This is my one of those.


You should check out What the bleep do they know? and The Man From Earth if you like these philosophically-orientated movies, and maybe read Ishmael if you ever get the chance. All these items have one utterly awesome thing in common; they all attempt to encourage the audience to use their own heads and think more about the world-- the reality we all live in.



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Pulp Fiction though...always prefered RD from Tarantino's output. It's tighter and punchier than PF.



Really, being honest, I thought Reservoir Dogs is the weakest film from Tarantino's Filmography. As for Fargo, though. I loved it, but I agree with you it's not for everybody.



But as to what I've seen lately, and as the US elections are just around the corner, I've seen two White House centred films, Recount and The Contender.


Recount: 8/10

The Contender: 6/10


The former is about all that jazz that happened in Florida in 2000, and the latter about a woman striving to fill the spot of Vice President after the death of her potential predecessor. Both good, with plots strong in the political system, but the Democrat bias in both annoyed me in both (although it's forgivable in Recount, as only hard core Republicans deny that the 2000 election was stolen; The Contender had no excuse).

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ABOUT FUCKING TIME SOMEBODY ELSE WATCHED THIS. I've had it on DVD for two years and first saw it four years ago. I've tried to press it onto nearly everyone I've met, and, yeah, you know if they'll like it or not fairly quickly. The style's called rotoscope animation. What I like is how you can see that different artists were clearly given different bits to create.




Woop! :yay:


Yeh I think I will be recommending it to many. And I think I'll check out the Man From Earth, sounds interesting. Then possibly Scanner Darkly for the rotoscoping, and I think it's based on a Philip Dick novel, hmm

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Twelth Night (1996)


Liked this a lot. Second film version I've seen, first theatrical release (seen the one with Parminder Nagra in it, which is interesting too). Stellar cast, and great performances all round.


Only unbelievable thing (other than the obvious) is Imogen Stubbs voice...it's no where near manly enough to realistic. But then Orsino points that out so I guess it's meant to still sound womanly.



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City Of Ember


Really entertaining.


The idea of the story was captivating. I loved how it was very much set in its own world, with loads of things left unexplained. Like why there were massive animals etc. If felt like the audience weren't supposed to be privy to that info, which I liked. That could be intrepreted as bad story-telling though...


Great casting. The acting was good, especially for a film with alot of children actors. It was surprisingly un-wooden. The main character was played by Saoirse Ronan, who is superb. She was in Atonement aswell, and she is awesome, and I expect she'll become a big star. She's has a natural beauty about her aswell; very "clean" features.


The story was relatively engaging. A couple of sad moments - when the Granny dies; when they have to leave the pipeworker guy to die. The director could have made it alot more dark and emotional, but I suppose because its primarily a kids' movie they chose the safer option by making it child-friendly.


Overall, a great watch. Probably wouldn't watch it again though, since it lacks the substance needed to persuade me to sit down for another 2 hours of my life.



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City Of Ember


Really entertaining.


The idea of the story was captivating. I loved how it was very much set in its own world, with loads of things left unexplained. Like why there were massive animals etc. If felt like the audience weren't supposed to be privy to that info, which I liked. That could be intrepreted as bad story-telling though...


Great casting. The acting was good, especially for a film with alot of children actors. It was surprisingly un-wooden. The main character was played by Saoirse Ronan, who is superb. She was in Atonement aswell, and she is awesome, and I expect she'll become a big star. She's has a natural beauty about her aswell; very "clean" features.


The story was relatively engaging. A couple of sad moments - when the Granny dies; when they have to leave the pipeworker guy to die. The director could have made it alot more dark and emotional, but I suppose because its primarily a kids' movie they chose the safer option by making it child-friendly.


Overall, a great watch. Probably wouldn't watch it again though, since it lacks the substance needed to persuade me to sit down for another 2 hours of my life.





The books offer a better understanding-I enjoyed the film myself

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