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Rate the last film you saw


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Wild Wild West


Will Smith gets a lot of slack for this film, but i actually quite like it. It is utterly ridiculous for sure, but at no point does it attempt to be taken seriously so i dont know why people get their knickers in a twist over some aspects of it. Will is as funny as ever in my opinion, and there are some classic scenes (in the desert with the magnets for instance - i love that whole sequence).


So yeah, not as bad as they say.



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Have you watched "An evening with Kevin Smith"?

Because the scene with the giant mechanical tarantula is 10 times more funnier if you´ve seen it.

Is that like the interview where someone recommends him using a metal spider, he says no saying it'll be too silly/something. Then he goes off to do Wild Wild West [cue audience laughing] ?

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Iron Man


Starts off pretty good, but I find it goes downhill after he escapes from the cave. There's no decent thread until the very end. The fight in Afghanistan wasn't really a fight at all and seemed to be just a bunch of stuff designed just to make the trailer look ace. The final fight was OK, but not really memorable.



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Is that like the interview where someone recommends him using a metal spider, he says no saying it'll be too silly/something. Then he goes off to do Wild Wild West [cue audience laughing] ?


Something like that.

When Kevin Smith was supposed to write a script for a Superman movie the producer demanded that there should be a giant spider in it.

That producer was the producer of Wild Wild West.

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Ah ha, the thread has had its title adapted. I feel I can rate Batman: The Dark Knight now.


2/10 and I'm not quite sure what its getting that two for. Being Batman I suppose. Bollocks film, too long, boring, Christian Bale is still crap as Batman, the Joker was cack, the story was useless, took itself too seriously, your man is still cack as Senator Gordon, Michael Caine is still cack as Alfred, the gadgets were cack, that sonar caper was cack... his voice as Batman was absolute rubbish! I could go on, but it feels good to finally get that bit off my fingertips at last.


Rated IN MY OPINION of course, you Dark Knight loving slags. :p


Check out Mr Negativity! I'm not usually a fan of Hollywood movies, their all too generic and predicable. But I loved the dark atmosphere surrounding the dark knight. The Joker was FAAAAR from cack, brillantly acted and scripted to near perfection.


Yes the film was serious but it helped create a more realistic, tense film.


I beleive your expections were more along the lines of this......




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The Original Star Wars Trilogy

Managed to purchase one of those delightful new box sets with all the new shizzle added in. Boba Fett having the voice of Jango Fett, which I first thought what was the point of since the son doesn't always have the fathers' voice. Of course it took me some time to remember that he was a clone, silly me.


Towards the end I started getting fears as to whether or not I had the version which has Hayden as Anakin at the end [which I wanted], but I was pleasantly surprised when I recieved it.


I want to have a pr0 Star Wars Marathon sometime, and I'm not sure which half to watch first, the original 4-6, or the latter 1-3... I like the later trilogy because of the pimpsmacking action.


Nine Shabba's



Bad Santa

A quality film. Billy Bob Thornton and mounds of swearing never looked so good, plus it's got Bernie Mac.


Seven and a half Shabba's


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The Andromeda Strain (TV Film/Miniseries)


The first half was pretty good (even if they changed one character's gender and added another one, but the extra one was Dr. Cox's wife so that was fine) and seemed fairly faithful to the plot of the story (even though the mention of a wormhole seemed far-fetched, it did help bring across the suggestion that it may be alien).


And then they completely changed pretty much everything.


Well, the accidental nuke they added as well as the mass spreading and danger I was perfectly fine with as it was probably needed for a TV film thing.


However, the origin on the Andromeda Strain in this one is just complete BS. From what I remember from the book, they talked about the possibility of alien life and stuff. The cool twist was that it was an Earth-based substance that mutated in space, and that by the time they had figured it out the virus had adapted to become harmless.


In the miniseries they apparently had to make it more interesting. And so they turned it into a sentient virus that could communicate with itself over great distances to adapt to anything and that it was apparently bent on destroying mankind. Not only that but they had to throw in an environmental angle - the only thing that could kill it was a bacteria that was getting destroyed by seep sea mining.


Oh, and the shutting down the automatic self destruct was confusing. A sample broke containment and so they had to go up the central shaft like in the book, only that everything was falling apart (which I assumed was from the virus as it could disassemble polymers, like one variant of it in the book). So they shut it down but seemed to totally forget that it was apparently still harmful and free.


Oh, and did I mention that in this it was sent back in time by our future selves with an extremely obscure note written using binary and ASCII with a latin name of the cure (the note for some reason was encoded into the substance that contained the virus rather than just including a normal message) because in the future aliens infect the Earth with the disease and because in the future the bacteria needed is extinct they sent it back in time?


A bit of a rant, but I really don't think all this was needed. Some small twists to make it more dangerous would be fine. Just having it as an alien disease would have been bearable (but not one that was purposefully wiping out humans). But no, they had to throw some environmental BS and time travel so they could save some Humpback Whales...er...I mean bacteria.



Enjoyment: 7/10 - Some of the changes were decent and added to the enjoyment of the story

Score: 4/10 - But overall the changes to the actual virus were just stupid and ruined it.

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