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I think the trees might have heard the TV interview at the end where the interviewer said they would believe it was a warning from the trees if it wasn't an isolated incident.


They probably has some free off peak minutes on their mobiles and thought France was as good a place as anywhere.


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I think the trees might have heard the TV interview at the end where the interviewer said they would believe it was a warning from the trees if it wasn't an isolated incident.


They probably has some free off peak minutes on their mobiles and thought France was as good a place as anywhere.


Man, you have a point, they were asking for it really weren't they =]





All the annoying people die, wow, the trees know how to selectively attack ay, oh it was orignally going to be called the Green Effect too.



Close Encounters of a 3rd kind


Just wow, wow, if you want to see a film about aliens this is the one to see! powerful and commanding, controlling 1000s of people and shaping the lives of a few, all in a couple of hours! the ending still blows me away O.O


10/10 << masterpiece

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So....the plants kill people. Wow. That really is rather shocking.


Its not even as exciting as that.


The trees are there. The wind occasionally blows. *cut to shots of trees in the wind* Sometimes this makes people stop and kill themselves.


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YES! quite a revelation for me, will definately watch more of him...


Beavis and Butthead do America

Very entertaining



Great film in Belgian tradition. I hate critics putting this down when Belgian cinema does nothing but make alternative Hollywood Spinoffs. Fits into the line of; c'est arrivé pres de chez vous, camping cosmos, la vie sexuelle...


I believe Belgian cinema has a great tradition which has faded the last years (thanks to Jan Verheyen & co) apart from the work of Koen Mortier and Felix van Groeningen (Steve+Sky). I hope I can have a chance to work with one of these guys in the near future

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'Elliot deduces that plants and trees produce an airborne neurotoxin when the number of people that are present is larger than a threshold'


That could make sense


'and also that this threshold is decreasing with time.'


This does not make sense



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Yeh, it looks to be awesome! the trailer in hi def is mmm




The Departed


This is how a proper gangster film is done! it was alittle slow to start off with what with the whole understanding why these people are who they are. But once it really picks up you really care about the characters. The ending is amazing! Martin wasn't afraid to kill the popular characters, damn the twists in it were superb!



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Finally saw this last night. I have to say, although i liked it i don't really see why it has won so many awards etc. It's a nice, charming film with a very simple storyline. Ellen Page is a fantastic actress, we knew that already, and she adds lots of wit here and there but other than that i dont really see why there was such a fuss.



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Yeh, it looks to be awesome! the trailer in hi def is mmm




The Departed


This is how a proper gangster film is done! it was alittle slow to start off with what with the whole understanding why these people are who they are. But once it really picks up you really care about the characters. The ending is amazing! Martin wasn't afraid to kill the popular characters, damn the twists in it were superb!




You should watch Infernal affairs, it´s practically the same movie (The Departed being made after it) but better in my opinion

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But nobody's even reviewed it yet...


Going to the UK premiere thing for it at the Edinburgh Film Festival a week on Saturday. Should be good...


Aintitcool had a screening, and theres a long report about how amazing and universally loved and appealing to all ages it was/masterpiece/breathtaking/emotional etc etc etc. Its a good and spoiler free read.


In fact heres the link http://www.aintitcool.com/node/37098

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But nobody's even reviewed it yet...


Going to the UK premiere thing for it at the Edinburgh Film Festival a week on Saturday. Should be good...


You in Edinburgh? If you are, snap.


My cousin (he's like 11) and his class are going to that too, I think.

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I quite wanna go to see this The Happening, Im quite into watching crap films for laughs at the moment.


As for M. Night Shyamalans other films...


Sixth Sense - 7.5 / 10


Signs - 4 / 10


Villiage - 2 / 10 (probably the worst film i've seen at a cinema...


So yah, pretty much disliked all of his...


Speaking of crap films, I got a couple of £1 DVDs in sainsburys. They were so bad that the disks themselves were printed in black and white - like the age rating was grey rather than red, and then there were typos on the box of one.




It was hilariously bad :D Hopefully Keifer Sutherland wasn't trying to be a serious actor then... every line was said with exactly the same phrasing and pheonetics. 'Bullseye'... O.o



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It's very well remade, yes, but none of that was Scorcese's doing. Nothing. :heh:


What are you talking about :|


It's been done before? all of it? where! i must see this film! is it internal affairs! i know what i'm renting now!

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Infernal affairs


Need to watch it actually. I acquired it the other week but haven't found time as of yet...


What he said.



Anywho, people, help me out, I can't decide wich movie I'll watch tonight at the theater... I can't decide between Forgetting Sarah Marshall, The Incredible Hulk or Sex And The City. Help me.


PS: I pretty much can't pick between the underlined ones, Sex And The City isn't really what I'm in the mood for.

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Forgetting Sarah Marshall is very feel good and generally a light hearted laugh. Haven't seen the Hulk myself as of yet, but I'd still go for Forgetting Sarah Marshall, because I left the cinema feeling happy.

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Um, The incredible hulk really, this is largely to do with whats going to happen after it, ie all the superhero movies, plus, its far better than the first (read ed norton!).


Forgetting sarah marshall, while not a bad film, not a great film, a good film


Plus side lots of nakedness, man et woman. Bad sides, well Russell Brand if you don't like him (i do)


Personally? the Hulk

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