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Ah nice, it's better than the first then. Had doubts about it and didn't like the one a few years ago at all, might give this a shot.


I was worried it would suck like the first too when I first saw they were making a 2nd, then when I saw a trailer and noticed, none of the same actors were in it, I wondered why so looked it up. When I found out it had nothing to do with the first that's the first clue to it being better....seriously just pretend Ang Lee never made a Hulk film, it was a bad dream.


The new one is superior in everyway, stays closer to the comics, better actors/acting, better characters, a better story that flowed more fluidly with just the right balance between action and story.


As for Superhero Movie....i'm avoiding that like it was Sars

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Superhero Movie


I wasn't expecting much and got exactly that. The villian is kind of cool in a cheesy way but apart from that there's not much good to say. Dialogue and most of the jokes are terrible and it really suffers from budget limitations. Sometimes they tried too hard to make scenes funny and that's the main problem of the film. Still I'm a fan of anything to do with super heroes and the joke density was so high that I eventually had to laugh.



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Superhero Movie


I wasn't expecting much and got exactly that. The villian is kind of cool in a cheesy way but apart from that there's not much good to say. Dialogue and most of the jokes are terrible and it really suffers from budget limitations. Sometimes they tried too hard to make scenes funny and that's the main problem of the film. Still I'm a fan of anything to do with super heroes and the joke density was so high that I eventually had to laugh.




Actually yeah, I forgot that, I remember thinking the villain's name and his little devices were kinda cool, lol. If just a blatant rip of Dr.Doom and G.Goblin.

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The Happening


The WORST film I have ever seen and I have seen some shite. I've sat through a 4 hour Indian movie about a fat guy who dresses up and plays the drums which consisted of the camera being aimed point blank range at his sweaty face for 90% of the time. This was worse.


Avoid like anal rape with a shard of glass.





Hhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmm. :(

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ReZ the twist is meh =[ i loved the village, signs and sixth sense


But yeh, not good, oh and M. NIght (<<why he makes horror movies, it's cuz he has night in his name) compared it to the stellar The Birds






While not utterly perfect, you see more of the monster than i realised, and more clues i noticed to give way to what happened, will watch again later for special features!



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(John Cusack, Samuel L. Jackson)


I felt it was pretty good.. focusing on Cusack going out of his mind! It was kinda weird and, to be honest, the way it was created you got to the stage yourself where you couldn't tell what was real and what wasn't (much like the main character of the film) ..and I actually felt strange after watching it like my head had been messed with..


Not sure what score I would give it as I'm not hugely into films..


I'll go 7.5/10 ..or maybe 8/10 :heh:

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ReZ the twist is meh =[ i loved the village, signs and sixth sense


But yeh, not good, oh and M. NIght (<<why he makes horror movies, it's cuz he has night in his name) compared it to the stellar The Birds


There was a twist in it?!?

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Only in terms of finding out what happens to cause people to kill themselves really, oh and the thing that could give birth to a sequel, the paris attack


I hardly call it a twist when about 2 minutes into the film, after finding out about the "chemical attacks", you get Marky Mark going, "Why would they attack a park?". It was painfully obvious and that man could have been out acted by Keanu Reeves, he was that bad.



I'm not a big fan of Mr Shyamalanimanilamilamilan, I only really like Signs, I think the rest of his films are pretty atrocious but this film was a breach of human rights.

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It's Shyamalan. He did two good movies and died. I mean... Signs? The Village? Lady In The Water? What the fucking fuck was that?


Evaluation times!


Sixth Sense


Ok, i hyped myself up over this, and watching it knowing the twist was kinda shooting oneself in the foot, however the last 30 mins of the film seem VERY rushed. Por examplé, the kid starts helping the dead people, i know it was to make em go away but even so it was kinda out of the blue. But i liked how the main character was switched at the end.






I love alien films, i love twist films, so i thought this would be good! I loved the suspence it created from all the unrelated things happening (dead birds, the video, the crops etc). And the way it clicked at the end, all perfectly, felt very fitting as a finishing note to the film.





The village


Well, below par, i liked the acting, didn't like the twist, the ending sorta was disjointed really. But the monsters added tension really =]




The Lady in the water


WHAT THE HELL!! OH GOOD GOD!! he tries to create a universe of stuff and fails BADLY! go wiki it, it's awful! Narfs, Scrunts and A Great Eatlon. Eurgh i was like this sucks so MUCH



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I'd pretty much agree with that except I'd give Sixth Sense less, I thought it was a bit dull. 6.5/10


You forgot Unbreakable, which is awful. A cinematic stain.




Unbreakable and Sixth Sense are the only worthwhile movies he's done. Signs is awfully bad and unimaginative.


As for the rest, yeah, he was right.

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Unbreakable is a joke. It isn't even funny how silly that film is. The problem with Shyamalanimanilamilamilan's films is that if you have half a brain you are already way ahead of the characters and the slow pacing of the films only adding insult to injury. Signs manages to negate this problem because it's tension isn't based on any kind of twist (Although Night feels the need to put one in almost to the ruin of the film).


Unbreakable completely ignores the most interesting question brought up by the film, why are some people born strong and others weak? Bruce Willis' character questions whether he is "unbreakable" but never asks why. There is potential for depth but M. Night Shyamalan doesn't even want to go near it.


Unbreakable is a extremely poor film. It fails on so many levels, its sad.

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Incredible Hulk


Thought this was a pretty good Hulk movie. Action sequences were good, some nice nods to other things in the Marvel universe aswell.


Unlike the 03 Hulk this ones Bruce Banner scenes were a lot better and not boring. Thought Liv Tyler did a good enough job as Betty Ross aswell.


I thought the second fight between Blonsky and Hulk on the university campus was like what id hope a fight between Captain America and Hulk would look like, very impressed.


Not entirely sure on the CGI for the Hulk, didnt really like his face and mouth in particular. Plus I still think his shade of green is a bit too dark.


Overall a very good movie. Im very much looking forward to more Marvel superhero movies. I love this new universe they are creating for them to interact in.



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I'd be surprised if M Night Shyamalanimanilamilamilan made anything good ever again, it was that bad.


His next film (or at least the next one hes doing that Im aware of) is Avatar The Airbender.......






The Sixth Sense - 8/10


Unbreakable - 9.5/10


The Villiage - 7/10


Havn't seen Signs (someone told me the twist and I thought it sounded stupid) or Lady in the Water.


So my cinema choice this Wednesday is Happening, Superhero Movie or Sex and the City.




Or drive aaagggeeeesss to see Harold and Kumar (so worth it...but work day...ages drive...after work...late night...can I be bothered?)


Edit;/ Fuck it, I give in Im reading what happens in the Happening,...Ill read your spoiler posts.




...Okay after reading your posts and then Wikipedia Im still wholely confused.

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It's retarded, somehow the plants in america decided the population is too much and releases toxic gases, which haven't been found by sciencists who study plants by the way. These gases make people commit suicide...




oh and it happens in paris too, why? because killing most of america isn't enough i would imagine, the frenchies need trimming too...


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