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Rate the last film you saw


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Its when they are talking about swimming is it not? Pretty sure it was said around the same time as what O_W posted. Havn't seen it in over 2 years so my I'm not entirely sure if I even quoted it correctly...


Your probably right, I was only half watching when it was on yesterday. :)


Love the film's soundtrack as well.

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Pom Poko


A nice little film. Fun and enchanting and a nice reflection upon society. Got me interested in Japanese folklore which I hope to be able to use when I do a 'Film and Folklore' module next year.



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Survivor Style 5

Craziest movie I have ever seen. The story was so pointless most of the time, yet it was quite interesting to watch.




It's not as pointless as it seems. :heh: I love that movie.


Pom Poko


A nice little film. Fun and enchanting and a nice reflection upon society. Got me interested in Japanese folklore which I hope to be able to use when I do a 'Film and Folklore' module next year.




Pure awesome, isn't it? :D

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The Third Man


"Victims? Don't be melodramatic. Look down there. Tell me. Would you really feel any pity if one of those dots stopped moving forever? If I offered you twenty thousand pounds for every dot that stopped, would you really, old man, tell me to keep my money, or would you calculate how many dots you could afford to spare? Free of income tax, old man. Free of income tax - the only way you can save money nowadays."




Absolutely loved it.

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The Third Man


"Victims? Don't be melodramatic. Look down there. Tell me. Would you really feel any pity if one of those dots stopped moving forever? If I offered you twenty thousand pounds for every dot that stopped, would you really, old man, tell me to keep my money, or would you calculate how many dots you could afford to spare? Free of income tax, old man. Free of income tax - the only way you can save money nowadays."




Absolutely loved it.


That's one of the 20 best movies ever made, in my book. :smile:

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That's one of the 20 best movies ever made, in my book. :smile:


Yeah, it was effing great (personally I preferred Citizen Kane... just). That bit when the lady switches on the light in the apartment and you seen Orson Welles for the first time was probably the greatest movies entrance ever!


I've got Casablanca lined up to watch today. :)

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Diary Of The Dead


Sounded good on paper, but it was a little dissapointing. He should stop making movies now, they're just getting a little boring. Some truly terrible acting and a style that just didn't really work all to well. I'd just watchec Cloverfield before this, and that actually did the whole hand held camera thing well.






Saw it at the cinema and enjoyed it, and I enjoyed it just as much now. It's better on the big screen though. Some great characters and a not so great monster (thought the little guys made up for it).



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The Hitcher (2007)


I loved it the first time round, but thought I'd watch it again a few months later to see if I still did. I'll come right out and say it, the best horror remake in years. (Although that's obviously not much of an achievement). Great casting with Sean Bean and Sophia Bush and some relatively good acting (for Horror movie standards).


I really enjoyed the ending and the fact the Sophia's character survives instead of the male lead. The whole wrong suspect thing is really enjoyable to watch. Anyway, as I said I have no idea why this got such bad reviews from the majority of places. The only good one I remember is The Times, which praised Bean and actually said it was enjoyable to watch.



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Another standard corrupt cop film. It's really standard in every way from character to action to dialogue but it's still fun to watch. There are some boring parts but the action sequences are good overall and Hugh Laurie and Forest Whitaker add a certain amount of awesomeness to it. Hated the ending though, I expected some sort of moral outcome.



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Urrgh, can anyone recomend anything genuinely good in cinemas at the moment? I'm ment to be going tomorrow... but people want to see Indy 4, which i wasn't keen on, even less after seeing reviews and then opinions on here...


Go and see Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Iron Man, or if you're into artistic cinema, check out The Band's Visit, wich seems to be the best option.

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I just saw an advert for Prom Night and I want to see it because the guy in it, Scott Porter, is a regular on another forum I frequent.


Oh cool! Which forum? I'm going to see it on sunday with a few mates, I love crappy teen horror films. Such a laugh in the cinema.

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Guest bluey

toy story 2


...still awesome ^_^ but i still dont like the goofy horse thing... it's GIIIIIANT eyes just dont seem to fit with the rest of the character design.. *shrug*


9/10 ^___^

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Go and see Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Iron Man, or if you're into artistic cinema, check out The Band's Visit, wich seems to be the best option.


We're seeing Iron Man now, The Band's Visit looks pretty good but the chances of it being shown in the sh*thole that is Luton cinema are pretty much 0...


Anyway just watched Oldboy

Now i'm really far too tired to be watching a film like this but WHAT THE HELL kind of ending was that??! Quite good until toward the end though, which was too weird for me...


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We're seeing Iron Man now, The Band's Visit looks pretty good but the chances of it being shown in the sh*thole that is Luton cinema are pretty much 0...


Anyway just watched Oldboy

Now i'm really far too tired to be watching a film like this but WHAT THE HELL kind of ending was that??! Quite good until toward the end though, which was too weird for me...



You know, actually, the ending is the culminating of it's gretness and is by far the best part of the movie.

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Oh cool! Which forum? I'm going to see it on sunday with a few mates, I love crappy teen horror films. Such a laugh in the cinema.


HCRealms, it's a Heroclix site. Though it's honestly the greatest forum ever, just for the community. It's less "comfy" than here, because it's mainly american, but it's more personal, and Chair and I have been on for years, so we're famousies. :smile:


Scott Porter won this year's Drunken Heroclix Challenge, if that's of any interest.


But yeah, I clap everytime I realise I've pseudo-talked to him/ he's a regular.

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HCRealms, it's a Heroclix site. Though it's honestly the greatest forum ever, just for the community. It's less "comfy" than here, because it's mainly american, but it's more personal, and Chair and I have been on for years, so we're famousies. :smile:


Scott Porter won this year's Drunken Heroclix Challenge, if that's of any interest.


But yeah, I clap everytime I realise I've pseudo-talked to him/ he's a regular.


*Cough and I met him on Friday cough* :heh:

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Yeah I know, it was a great ending but just extremely WTF on first viewing...


Meanwhile, saw Ironman today

Was alright I guess, nothing special, wasn't awful



My only peeve with Iron Man was the fact that the action wasn't all that great... wich sadly affects literally all super hero movies. :heh: I mean, Spider-Man should have much better action, right? :(

Anywho, I loved Iron Man.

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