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Rate the last film you saw


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Maybe he works in a convenience store?


I mean, the movie is good, but to call it one of the most significant movies of our time... is just ignorant.


Interesting you take that stance. It seems critics mostly favour the film and watchers mostly dislike it for being too dull and boring. I personally think its a very well made film as it captures the isolation of what a kurt kobain would of endured near perfectly and shows that the people around him were not helping. Not alot happens and large sections are just a man walking through a forest, but I think that was needed to properly convey the situation.


Dislike the film, but the death scene and soul passing is beautifully shot.


It's not that I find it boring... I just didn't like the way he portrayed some scenes. But yeah, I can understand the movie got praised. I'm the one who didn't like it. :heh:


5/10 for Full Metal Jacket? Oh dear.


The first hour of boot camp scenes shits on the whole of Saving Private Ryan tbh. Saving Private Ryan has probably the best opening in cinema history and then goes downhill from that moment onwards. A very good film, but not a classic. Schindlers List will always remain Speilbergs best war based film.


I love you.

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I dunno. I go with my emotions when I'm watching a film, and apart from the scene where Joker is helping Pile with his shirt, it offered very little. Especially the second half. The characters were one-dimensional. Did they want to go home? Were they scared? Do they want anything apart from a fuck?


At least Saving Private Ryan had something to say about cowardice. At least it had something to say about the complete helplessness of the individual in a war situation.


I likde these quotes from metacritic:


"A perversely fascinating movie--one that answers no questions, offers no hope and has little meaning. In a way this is perfect for what the film has to say about war, but you find yourself numbed and apathetic as the film progresses. "


"The concluding image of men silhouetted against the dying flares of explosives, as they march to the raucous refrain of the Mickey Mouse Club theme, is masterly, but leaves a viewer curiously discomfited. Whereas "Platoon" shattered civilian complacency about that war, Full Metal Jacket is merely numbing."


"The footage on the Paris Island obstacle course is powerful. But Full Metal Jacket is uncertain where to go, and the movie's climax, which Kubrick obviously intends to be a mighty moral revelation, seems phoned in from earlier war pictures. "


Anchorman: 3/10...not as bad as Talladega but pretty bad. Steve Carell kills though. He is fantastic.

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I dunno. I go with my emotions when I'm watching a film, and apart from the scene where Joker is helping Pile with his shirt, it offered very little. Especially the second half. The characters were one-dimensional. Did they want to go home? Were they scared? Do they want anything apart from a fuck?


To be fair though, in an attempt to gather as men as possible to fight in Vietnam, the US government tried to portray an image of being part of the US Army as rather laid back and even somewhat fun. The knock on affect to this was an army which was rather laid back and had a 'couldn't give a fuck' attitude which you described. Kubrick was merely portraying this in FMJ.


And while were on the subject of Full Metal Jacket. Why do people care about the first half, but not so much about the second. In my humble opinion, it was every bit as engrossing as the boot camp sequences. The last scene was chilling.



The Wire Season 2


Technically not a film, but screw it. It's like a 12 hour movie anyway. But anyway, in one word, brilliant. It amazes me how far the characters developed in just two seasons, and how deep some of the themes dwell. For example, after a decline in sales due to, along with other factors, a poor stash, Stringer starts to incorporate some business-style marketing, which is quite an intriguing move from mere black gangsters, and actually has an effect on the overall story. If your'e not watching The Wire yet, at least check it out. You owe it to yourself. Season 2, although I slightly prefer the first season, is one of the best things on TV in this decade.



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Full Metal Jacket: 5/10...I agree with the "empty" and "numb" reviews I have come across. The best moments are between Joker and Pile. In fact the best of the film is on the Island...the rest has nothing to say. Spielberg might not have the aura of Kubrick but Saving Private Ryan is a better movie, is a better piece of film-making and has more to say.


I agree that spielberg may indeed be able to create an aura which the layman can understand and sympathise with, but Kubrick simply does not work on the same level, and requires more effort. If FMJ was a spielberg film... well for a start we'd have some seriousfamily values that were not present, but we'd also not have the same film at all. Kubrick could have easily made SPR if he wanted to, but the fact is a movie which aspires to the emotions of the majority of the populations is precisely not what Kubrick aims to do... FMJ is not his best film by a long shot, but I don't think you're doing anyone any favours by comparing the two films in that respect.

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Little Miss Sunshine




I loved.


Am I the only one who thinks that movie was kind of meh and heavily overrated? >.>;


Anyway, saw 'I am Sam' yesterday. Pretty nice movie and very very sad. Made me burst out in tears oh so many times (though that's mostly cause of my unstable emotional health at the moment). ='3


Worth a watch.

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Am I the only one who thinks that movie was kind of meh and heavily overrated? >.>;


No. I'm sure there are others.


I'm one of the lovers, though. The message it delivers about acceptance is just too strong. And the way it's shot... is beautifull, clever and funny. I think it's a jewel.

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No. I'm sure there are others.


I'm one of the lovers, though. The message it delivers about acceptance is just too strong. And the way it's shot... is beautifull, clever and funny. I think it's a jewel.


Well I thought it was nice and different from the usual Hollywood crap, but I felt a bit let down by it after everyone here clamouring its greatness and humour and whatnot.

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Well I thought it was nice and different from the usual Hollywood crap, but I felt a bit let down by it after everyone here clamouring its greatness and humour and whatnot.


The humour is great. And what about it did you not find to be great? Everything's in it's rightfull place, it's very tightly well put-together and is a perfect cinematic conversion of the average family.


I love it but it was definately advertised wrong. I mean it should never have had one of those "Funniest movies of the year" tags.


It was the funniest movie of the year. Subtly, of course, but it was such a fantastic satire.

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Maybe I forgot, but I don't remember much of it being funny? Or it's some kind of humour I don't understand or something.


I'm not saying it's a bad film, but I thought it was highly overrated and I was expecting more than I was getting. Thus leading me to be disappointed.

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Anchorman had my full attention. Don't get me wrong, Steve Carell kills but Will Ferrell is completely, categorically unfunny and it's a Ferrell script and it isn't funny. Steve Carell only kills because he's a comic genius. And I like to think I have a sense of good humour, so Airplane 1/2, Blazing Saddles, History of the World: Vol 1, Marion and Geoff, 40 Year Old Virgin, Police Squad!, Garth Marenghi, The Thick of It to name some recent comedy stuff I've watched, they're funny. Anchorman isn't.


Sexism/the male ego is only funny for a few scenes.


FMJ: I guess if I had the opinion going into the film that Vietnam was a sweet swang-song for nation-building, FMJ might have had a big impact on me. But that wasn't my opinion going in.


I cannot see the subtlety that Kubrick put in there to appeal to the elite minority of film enthusiasts. I did not see any higher plane achieved. I won't pretend to like a film because it's Stanley Kubrick. People talk about the photography but SPR is more interesting visually.

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Maybe I forgot, but I don't remember much of it being funny? Or it's some kind of humour I don't understand or something.


I'm not saying it's a bad film, but I thought it was highly overrated and I was expecting more than I was getting. Thus leading me to be disappointed.


I don't think it's overrated, I think it's underrated. The humour is satirical, it's not laugh-out-loud humour, it's evil smirk with occasional laugh-out-loud moment humour. Second, it's marvellously acted. Third, the screenplay is divine. Fourth, the soundtrack is fantastic. Fourth, have I mentioned the screenplay is divine? Because it is! I can't remember a film embracing so well the concepts of acceptance, loss & comprehension. There's not a single moment in it wich feels out-of-place and I personally think it's a masterpiece of modern cinema. Maybe it's not your type of movie and you should instead focus on more thrill-packed movies, but this is a thinking man's delight.

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Anchorman is genius. I dont even like Will Ferrel and I love that movie. Contains one of my all time favourite quotes too -


"I dont know how to put this, but im sort of a big deal"


The way Ferrell delivers that line is fantastic and Steve Carrell owns in it ("the toilet store" lol) too.

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Now I've never seen "Little Miss Sunshine" but my impression of it has always been that its a proto-Wes Anderson film masquerading as a left-wing low budget indie flick, when in actual fact it has a lot of that dirty studio money behind it.


I'm still intrigued by it, but i can't help thinking that if I watch it i'll just be comparing it Anderson's work and won't judge it for what it really is.

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Now I've never seen "Little Miss Sunshine" but my impression of it has always been that its a proto-Wes Anderson film masquerading as a left-wing low budget indie flick, when in actual fact it has a lot of that dirty studio money behind it.


I'm still intrigued by it, but i can't help thinking that if I watch it i'll just be comparing it Anderson's work and won't judge it for what it really is.


Yup, it's false Indie all the way to the end.


And yup, it drinks alot from Anderson's fountain. But it never steals, it's got a mind of it's own.


I believe you won't much like it and will find it to be overrated.

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Yeah, I've read the indie-lite criticism. I couldn't give a shit. It's a great script and a great cast.


And the "big deal" line is the only decent Ferrell line in the whole of Anchorman.


And LMS is nothing like an Anderson movie. Completely different tone.

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FMJ: I guess if I had the opinion going into the film that Vietnam was a sweet swang-song for nation-building, FMJ might have had a big impact on me. But that wasn't my opinion going in.


I cannot see the subtlety that Kubrick put in there to appeal to the elite minority of film enthusiasts. I did not see any higher plane achieved. I won't pretend to like a film because it's Stanley Kubrick. People talk about the photography but SPR is more interesting visually.

Well there's a fair few years and a fair few dollars difference between them :P I think both movies are good films, but really all they have in common is 'war'. Sure, taht might seem a lot (:P) BUT FMJ is more about the war unseen, while SPR is explosions and dead bodies from the start... I mean comparing them directly just because they're war films both makes sense and it doesn't...


I haven't seen either film for a few years, mind, so I can't give you anything coherant :) What we can both agree on perhaps is that surely this is the sort of movie Spielberg should concentrate on more often?

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I don't think it's overrated, I think it's underrated. The humour is satirical, it's not laugh-out-loud humour, it's evil smirk with occasional laugh-out-loud moment humour. Second, it's marvellously acted. Third, the screenplay is divine. Fourth, the soundtrack is fantastic. Fourth, have I mentioned the screenplay is divine? Because it is! I can't remember a film embracing so well the concepts of acceptance, loss & comprehension. There's not a single moment in it wich feels out-of-place and I personally think it's a masterpiece of modern cinema. Maybe it's not your type of movie and you should instead focus on more thrill-packed movies, but this is a thinking man's delight.


Thrill-packed movies? Not my type of thing.

Like I said, I kinda liked the movie, but I got disappointed cause I was expecting more. Not because of reviews in magazines or what not (I don't read that stuff), but because of people on here saying how awesome the film was.

It made me smile a couple of times and had some great scenes yes. Can't say I can remember the soundtrack, but I never do with a movie.


I just know that from now on I won't be picking out movies to watch any more based on what people on here say. I'll be my own judge. =P

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