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Rate the last film you saw


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Jesus Christ Superstar:

Please dont ask me why i watched this. Please dont ask me what it was like, im slowly trying to erase it from memory and please dont remind me of the blind geezer in the desert singing in a loincloth with his dong hanging out the side of it I want that 1 and a quater hour of my life back...



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Star Wars Ep III - 7.5/10


Started off really poorly, Hayden Christensen seemed to be bored, completely underplaying his character. I thought I was going to be disappointed all the way through but around the point where he started down the "dark side" the whole movie turned around and became quite good, including the acting :)

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BATTLE ROYAL ROCKS! I only saw ten minutes of it a few months ago..


were did you buy/watch it?


It's awesome, I got a VHS of it off ebay for like £2.


A friend of mine works in a comic shop and gave me a Battle Royale T-shirt he got free through work that was too small for him.







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Miami Vice

Very cool movie, stylish, realistic and not a lot of bs like you see on most movies. Great actors and cars too. The whole movie screams Micheal Mann.


I enjoyed the film aswell, but found it difficult to follow because the accents from some of the actors were so strong I couldn't here what the fuck anyone was saying.

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E.T. on ITV2 earlier (technically last night).


It has a puppet alien, which is endearingly cute and contains a legless boy inside waddling it about. It is also a cleverly filmed piece of cinema that never ceases to bring to a tear to my eyes.


Also the concept of a flying bike is one that fills me with hope.



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The Bodyguard (Not the Whitney one, This is a Thai film).


7/10 It was a funny action film. They are some really strange funny moments like when the guy squirts the main character up the bum with a water pistol and his bum shakes in rhythm. Very unique, lol. It also has a cameo of Tony Jaa and he even calls the main character Humlae. For all the people out there that don't know, he was a character in Ong-Bank

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Guest Stefkov

Kingdom of Heaven: I kinda like it, sometimes i couldnt understand a word some of the saracens(?) were saying which spoilt it for me, even on the second time i watched it. still good 7/10

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Princess Mononoke


Whoa this film is amazing I just saw it on sunday on Filmfour and it was one of the best Animes I have ever seen (well I've only seen four animes but they were all class films) and I strongly reccomend anybody who hasn't seen this film should watch the repeat on Filmfour (Freeview channel 31) at 4:45pm on Friday.



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Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai


Well, this came out of no where. I original was going to watch a little bit after The Motorcycle Diaries (also good) on Film Four the other day, but I was so immersed I ended up watching the whole film. I assume it's about the western (and world) influence of the Hagakure, but nevertheless a great little indie, and certainly the best gangster/urban/samurai hybrid I've ever seen, even if it is really a simple revenge story.



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V for Vendetta -

An entertaining but somewhat nerdy adaption of the classic comic book. Hugo Weaving does well as the mysterious V, alongside a couple of decent supporting performances including John Hurt rather excellent turn from Stephen Fry. However Natalie Portman is rather flat as the stories heroine, and much of the subtlty and politics of the comic book is lost to some unweildly dialogue, but the high action sequences just about keep things ticking over.




"Underneath this cloak I wear a bullet prooof vest. And bullet proof vests are bullet proof."

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V for Vendetta.





It was so damn boring. Points for Natalie Portman (if thats her name)...mmn she good...


Even in her Bald state? Ive yet to see this main reason being that my mates havnt got the patience to watch anything with a structured plot or anything without guns/cars.


Dont worry, ive hit them many times:indeed:

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She can act. She's just been mentally disturbed by Lucas' 'scripts'.


QFT, even though i loved Star Wars

The only actors to come out of the Prequal trilogy with some credibility were Ewan McGregor, Sam Jackson and Yoda, but i dont think he'll be getting any more offers ::shrug:

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Even in her Bald state? Ive yet to see this main reason being that my mates havnt got the patience to watch anything with a structured plot or anything without guns/cars.


Bald chicks give me teh horn :heh:.


don't worry though she wasn't a scunner for the whole of the movie.


Dont worry, ive hit them many times:indeed:


That makes me happy...

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Actually I think she's pretty good. If you watch Léon (that film with Jean Reno), she's only 12 there with little acting experience and still pulls off her part credibly.

But if the writers don't give her good lines to work with it's not really her fault.

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