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Rate the last film you saw


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whisper of the heart


not like i haven't seen it before, being the ghibli-fangirl that i am, and all... but i like this one ~ some of the dialouge and character relationships are just a bit off but i guess it's a cultural thing... i like the story and the setting - it's a rarity for a ghibli film to be set in tokyo so it's nice to see studio ghibli giving their magic treatment to such everyday scenes in the background art.




corpse bride


ahh tim... timmy timmy tim... i remember watching this the first time and being genuinely excited to see how the hell it was gunna end!! i just couldnt see a happy ending for any of the characters... really nicely animated and unpredictable film. and helena-bonham carter's character is soo cute XD


6.5/10 <-- i'm so harsh!


finding nemo


AAHAHA i love it!



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What????? Are you people retarded??? Two movies who happen to have the same name are instantly acknowledged as remakes????? What the fuck??

Crash by Cronenberg has nothing to do with Crash. Except cars, perhaps.


Calm down, before I hit you in the face with a glass bottle.

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What????? Are you people retarded??? Two movies who happen to have the same name are instantly acknowledged as remakes????? What the fuck??

Crash by Cronenberg has nothing to do with Crash. Except cars, perhaps.


it's quite true how that happens. Can be annoying There are a few other examples i can't think of right now but it annoys me as well.

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It has it's moments. Other than that, I don't see what the big fuss is. It's quite enjoyable, but that's about it.



Judging by the trailer, they utterly missed the point of the book - it was supposed to be using the land of a fairies as a contrast to the Victorian society as the time. It looks like they've gone more down the "enjoyable fantasy romp" route.

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i'd give it much higher it's brilliant:)


Hmmm. Looking back I suppose I was slightly harsh. Maybe because it didnt make me laugh too much, and Im holding that against it. And I shouldnt...just because its Pixar, doesnt mean it should be hilarious.


I would like to reassign the rating a 8.09

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It is all about Anton Ego in Ratatouille. What a fantastic character. The movie really has things to say, especially the whole family vs. ambition thing which resonates with all of us I think. And the criticism monologue really puts to bed any conception that says animated films can't handle the intellectual.




Friday Night Lights was as enjoyable and uplifting as the book. And a good lookin movie it is!


Talladega Nights: How did this film get made Oh Yes it has Mr. Ferrell in it. One of the worst scripts I've ever come across.


Also Part 2: I agree that Ratatouille come have done with a couple more laughs.

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Pans Labryinth - 7/10


Nice movie, well acted and shot but after reading peoples comments on here I was expecting a lot more. I mean the story seemed a bit weird, its really hard to explain what I think of it other than it wasnt what I expected (and not knowing what I was expecting has made it even more weird)

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It is all about Anton Ego in Ratatouille. What a fantastic character. The movie really has things to say, especially the whole family vs. ambition thing which resonates with all of us I think. And the criticism monologue really puts to bed any conception that says animated films can't handle the intellectual.




Friday Night Lights was as enjoyable and uplifting as the book. And a good lookin movie it is!


Talladega Nights: How did this film get made Oh Yes it has Mr. Ferrell in it. One of the worst scripts I've ever come across.


Also Part 2: I agree that Ratatouille come have done with a couple more laughs.


You have an amazing avatar.




Whoops, back to topic, last film I watched was Collateral and I like Michael Mann because he makes stuff explode and stuff, but in a good way.




Knocked Up

Hilarious, with great dialogues and actors and can be serious without being lame like most american comedies. Also good to see most of the Freaks and Geeks cast back togeter.


Knocked was pretty good and all but I depise sentimentality in any form.

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Ok! Saw a few movies on Sky while on "holiday".


First was The Departed.


Not usually my kinda thing, but it was very good.




Little Shop Of Horrors


I love. I love Steve Martin being a random in it. I love it's voice. I love Crystal Meth or whatever those singing girls were called.


I loved how Audrey has an amazing deep singing voice hidden underneath her high speaking voice.






I expected it to be trashy, but this was awful. Looking back there was no actual story. All very confusing (Vampires? FOr no reason?) , and I thought her hair was meant to like change colour all the time? It turned purple once.


Boring, and badly shot. Fialry cool action scenes though.


3/10 (Possibly the lowest score i've ever given)

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Apparently the S60otSS pilot owes half its script to Network. Must catch it.


Inside Man: Jodie Foster nearly kills this thing, but it's a good movie. The twist could have been twistier, that's all I'm sayin.



Yeah, I remember seeing that a few month ago. The opening is similar to Finch's speech, and they kept referencing it throughout the show. Wasn't particularly interested in it.

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