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Rate the last film you saw


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You're picking out problems people don't care about. It's an action film things like the acting was fine.. you can look at any review and they will all say Bruce Wilis performance was good.


It WAS a good solid action that only you hate.


OK let me ask this question did you see snakes on a plane?


Well the action was poor; there's no doubt about that.


And as for the comment about me being the only one that hated it...LOL! Seriously, about 15 people in my year have seen it, 5 liked it and that's because they're all girls and want to marry Willis. Most of the guys thought it was boring and one of my friends found the film 'hilariously bad'.


I admit I was a bit too harsh about it, and that this was mainly because I liked the original and 3, and found it disappointing. I mean, out of 10 i'd give it a 5.


Also, to whoever said that the hero speech was good...what were you on? it's was bloody awful. I wanted to laugh during it. I mean, compare it to the 'Tell Holly I'm sorry' speech in the original and you'd see he actually put heart into that. If you honestly can't see this was a cash in then I don't know what to believe.


Yes I saw Snakes on a Plane (twice). What was your opinion of it?

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Well the action was poor; there's no doubt about that.


And as for the comment about me being the only one that hated it...LOL! Seriously, about 15 people in my year have seen it, 5 liked it and that's because they're all girls and want to marry Willis. Most of the guys thought it was boring and one of my friends found the film 'hilariously bad'.


I admit I was a bit too harsh about it, and that this was mainly because I liked the original and 3, and found it disappointing. I mean, out of 10 i'd give it a 5.


Also, to whoever said that the hero speech was good...what were you on? it's was bloody awful. I wanted to laugh during it. I mean, compare it to the 'Tell Holly I'm sorry' speech in the original and you'd see he actually put heart into that. If you honestly can't see this was a cash in then I don't know what to believe.


Yes I saw Snakes on a Plane (twice). What was your opinion of it?


Really I can't write back about 15 people I don't know.But I can only assume if MOST THE GUYS hated it it's some sort of cool trend going on.


5/10? Are you serious. It will always be your opinion but so far you are the only one HERE that dislikes it....so far anyway.Also find me a bad review. I'm sure there is one but you are in a far minority here.


Yes the hero speech was stupid but again who cares.. These are the small minor things.


The action was impressive. Some stunts were impressive and cgi was used in parts but compared to action films these days it's rarely used.


Also it was the funniest die hard film.

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Really I can't write back about 15 people I don't know.But I can only assume if MOST THE GUYS hated it it's some sort of cool trend going on.


5/10? Are you serious. It will always be your opinion but so far you are the only one HERE that dislikes it....so far anyway.Also find me a bad review. I'm sure there is one but you are in a far minority here.


Yes the hero speech was stupid but again who cares.. These are the small minor things.


The action was impressive. Some stunts were impressive and cgi was used in parts but compared to action films these days it's rarely used.


Also it was the funniest die hard film.


Funniest die hard? Hmmm i'd say that's 3. A lot of the lines in the film never got laughs when they were expected to. There were some hilarious moments though (can't remember them off the top of my head).


Also, why did you want to know about snakes on a plane.

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Harry Potter POA



I love everything about this movie. The humour is brilliant. The acting vastly improved. The effects. The last hour is classic movie making imo. The best harry potter movie so far and one of my favourite movies ever. (HP book virgin here btw lol, so I can't compare it to the book).


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Haggis the books are so much better. If you have a good imagination that is.


But I also love the movies. But the books are highly recommended :)


I am starting to read them now :) Just started on the first. I still won't read past the movies because I want to see them first,

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no dude read the books before the movies lol.


I don't want to now though lol. I've seen all the movies so far, and I don't want to ruin them by reading the rest of the books before seeing the last few movies.


I know that sounds wierd, but I just love the movies so much.

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i can't see how so many people woul;d find 4.0 boring, the action was pretty relentless, i can't think of any major lulls in it.


as for there being no heart in the hero speach, i think thats kinda the point of it, hes old and fed up and hes stopped caring.


still, if you don't like it you don't like it, totaly up too you. im not a big faan of snatch, even though my mates rave about it (the film, not the lady part slang)

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Harry Potter POA



I love everything about this movie. The humour is brilliant. The acting vastly improved. The effects. The last hour is classic movie making imo. The best harry potter movie so far and one of my favourite movies ever. (HP book virgin here btw lol, so I can't compare it to the book).



Well, compared to the book it's an instant 0.5.

Seriously, if you love the movies, read the books!


Haggis the books are so much better. If you have a good imagination that is.


But I also love the movies. But the books are highly recommended :)


The books are... ok. If you're talking specifically about "children/young people" books they're very good, even though Philip Pullman will ALWAYS take the cup with His Dark Materials.

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Well, compared to the book it's an instant 0.5.

Seriously, if you love the movies, read the books!


I am much more a movie person though. I've only (well except for when I was younger) read one full fiction book. It was about teenagers, drugs, weening of them and growing up. I was such a great book but I can't for the life of me remember the name of it. All i can remember is one of the characters names was lily lol.


Ahwell, I will read all the books, after the movies.

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I am much more a movie person though. I've only (well except for when I was younger) read one full fiction book. It was about teenagers, drugs, weening of them and growing up. I was such a great book but I can't for the life of me remember the name of it. All i can remember is one of the characters names was lily lol.


Ahwell, I will read all the books, after the movies.

No... you're doing it all wrong. Read the books BEFORE THE MOVIES COME OUT. At least try and do so for the 6th and 7th movies. Do bear in mind that you must read them all and not only start from where you are in the movies.

Hell, "movie person" or not, it's a fact that the books are 100x superior to the movies. That works for almost every book to movie adaptation.

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No... you're doing it all wrong. Read the books BEFORE THE MOVIES COME OUT. At least try and do so for the 6th and 7th movies. Do bear in mind that you must read them all and not only start from where you are in the movies.

Hell, "movie person" or not, it's a fact that the books are 100x superior to the movies. That works for almost every book to movie adaptation.


Thats what I'm saying!!


If as you say they are better than the movies by far than I would rather finish watching the movies before the books. I have watched up to 4 in the movies and don't want to ruin the last 3 before they end. I don't want to have wasted god knows how many hours watching the first movies only to find I don't want to see the rest of the movies because the books are so much better. is anyone even slightly understanding what i'm talking about?

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Die Hard 4.0 was another in a line of disappointing blockbuster sequels, the action was entertaining but the story was dull and Gabriel is now the worst Die Hard villain, he just sat there in his command center blubbering.


And what was with the Chinese woman? Was she a fucking terminator or something, she had zero emotion and driving a car into her at 50 mph did jack shit.


Willis did not utter one memorable line throughout, every time he took out someone or something he just gave a sigh or said 'whoo'. I'm guessing the supposed humour was meant to come from Justin Long? Man what an asshole, I really hate that guy.


The biggest gripe I had with this was the toned down violence and language, how this got a 15 I don't know as it's more suited to a 12A. Muffling out the motherfucker quote at the end was stupid, infact so was the inclusion of his daughter, and the inclusion of Kevin Smith, and the inclusion of the French free running dude.


I'd seen most of the good shit in the trailers so what was left was lame dialogue and cliched bollocks. I've seen worst films this year mind you.



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Hmmm It is an action movie, the action sequences are supposed to be over the top Goron. I mean the USA's security backup system is being stormed and the feds are at there last possible point, is sending out a f50 bomber really that hard to believe?


And the hero speech was good in my books, as you would feel like that.


I enjoyed it, I know at least 30 people who have seen the film and 2 disliked it.


I'm aware it's supposed to be over the top, but the action was just poor. It just looked like they were running out of ideas tbh.

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just back tracking to a film addaptaiton thats better then the books, id have to say lord of the rings. Now the films have duller moments, but the book is at times aggonising, you read through two excrutiatingly dull chapters, and just when your about to give up hope, a great moment comes along, justifying the past 30 or so page trek.


i saw the first film before i started to read the book, finnishing the two towers just before the film came out. ive gotta say, i liked the films alot more, though a couple of great bits in the book were left out of the film.

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I didn't like Monster. Charlize Theron didn't deserve the Oscar at all, I thought Christina Ricci was much better in that film.


I'm intrigued. Why does the fact that Monster got made in Hollywood give you hope for the species? It's not some kind of jibe, I would genuinely like to know the reason why.

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Forrest Gump- rewatching it, I realised it's a film you have to see a number of times to get. Tom Hanks is excellent, and its probably his finest moment.


You really believe that Forrest is a real character- 8.5.

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