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I actually did watch it in a dream though, but thought it so close to how I imagine it to be (and such a Kaufman-esque thing to do) that I decided to review it anyway.


I don't think anybody has seen it yet, it's slated to premiere at Cannes and the first still has only just been released. Looks very interesting, you can see it over at beingcharliekaufman.com


Well, the part where you said you had a dream kinda let it slip. lol.


Nonetheless... I can't wait to see it.


Really to which bit?


That would be the 10.

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Yeah, it's going to be great. Have you read the screenplay? It really is fantastic, started re-reading again earlier and it's incredibly dark but hilarious at the same time.

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Yeah, it's going to be great. Have you read the screenplay? It really is fantastic, started re-reading again earlier and it's incredibly dark but hilarious at the same time.


Nope. That would be because Being John Malkovich is my favourite script... and that would make Kaufman my favourite writer. And he's directing this one... so the directing is sure to match the quality of the script. Wich means I want the movie to be a surprise. I don't even know what it's about, neither do I want to...

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That would be the 10.


The first one or the second one?








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The first one or the second one?









Why on earth did you watch that? That's his worst movie!!


(deixa-me adivinhar... tiago?)

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It sounds quite interesting to me, think I might check it out. Sounds at least entertaining.

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It sounds quite interesting to me, think I might check it out. Sounds at least entertaining.


Entertaining, no doubt... but it's not really worth a watch, if you ask me. Not when he's got so many other great movies you could & should be watching... mainly Hana Bi, Dolls, Kikujiro, amongst so many others. I mean... he rocks.


Also, rewatched Brokeback Mountain.


Brokeback Mountain

Liked it better this time around. I'll raise it a point from my former score of 7.


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Well, the part where you said you had a dream kinda let it slip. lol.


Nonetheless... I can't wait to see it.




That would be the 10.



Yes really, I love that film ^.^

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Yes really, I love that film ^.^


I know but... I mean... 10? One thing is opinion, other is quality... It's no ten. :(

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To me it's 10 =], what is qhat the thread is about I'm guessing :P.


I love older films, and I think that film is great. I think more than anything it's because no matter how many times I watch it I still find it funny.

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To me it's 10 =], what is qhat the thread is about I'm guessing :P.


I love older films, and I think that film is great. I think more than anything it's because no matter how many times I watch it I still find it funny.


It's not that old... but yeah, it's quite vintage.


...and I won't go into the whole film rating discussion again. I've been a good forumite lately. Except with the Sheikah being an idiot thing.

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Why on earth did you watch that? That's his worst movie!!


(deixa-me adivinhar... tiago?)


No, I like the director, hence I wanna watch all his movies to make my opinion myself instead of using imdb's opinion or something. While it's my least favourite movie from Takeshi so far, it's still pretty awesome. It's weird and you have no idea what you're seeing, Takeshi clearly does whatever the hell he wants, but it also touches some nice issues if you look into it. It was entertaining and I laughed a lot. I mean a DJ that uses a woman's boobs instead of vynil? Awesome.

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Why on earth did you watch that? That's his worst movie!!


(deixa-me adivinhar... tiago?)


Let me guess, never once did you see a movie not so perfect? you gotta watch it to know it...i mean, if i hadn't seen "open water" i wouldn't be able to say it's the worst movie i can remember. While "Takeshis'" isn't his best work, it's, without a doubt, a precious add-on to better understand his style and work.

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Saw Juno today.

Nice little film, I enjoyed it. The music in it was great too. Only thing I didn't like (and this isn't the film's fault but the movie theater) was that the volume was a tiny bit too low to my liking. But ah well. =P


Verdict: really worth watching (plus Ellen Page is cute)

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There's only one problem with Takeshi's, as far as I'm concerned... No substance.

And that's the shit I want from movies. Substance. Wich is why Open Water is such a massive fail. It has literally no substance what-so-ever.


And like any other great director except Stanley Kubrick & Robert Bresson... Kitano is a hit & miss... He's got great movies... and then he's got ok movies... and then there's bad movies. Takeshi's is a pretentious piece of arse... to say the least. It's just a pisstake attempt at 8½, wich every single cult director insists on making, just to show the world how utterly mysterious and bizarre they are... Bullshit. He's just being a proud son-of-a-bitch. But who can blame him? Besides, the movie's quite enjoyable anyway...

I'm just not a fan of pointless cinema. Matthew Barney and all that shit. Seriously... fuck off. You got something to say... say it, if not, shut the fuck up, get out of the way, and don't let the door hit you on your way out.


Yeah, herm... I know I'm stupid.

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i saw juno too.

really nice film, had lots a of random, quirky and funny bits. plus it had a nice ending. it's really not the kind of film it is advertised as being, it's far, far better.


8/10 for me.


and the soundtrack is indeed great, listening to it as i type. :)

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Stopping Distance

An educational film from 2003, was just on BBC2. Surprsingly good, I was expecting it to be another drugs/sexual awareness film, like the sort that BBC2 was screening in the timeslot last night. In actuallity, the film is a Shane Meadows-esque look at a gang rape by 4 teenagers, one of whom is a girl. The actress playing the main role of Lisa (Natalie Roberts) is fantastic as the forlorn and troubled 15-year-old, and it's a shame that she hasn't acted in anything since. There are some negatives - a few duff lines of dialogue, an awful choice of music - but almost every aspect of the film functions well with the rest.



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We've all seen this film, and we all know what a fooking excellent film it is. Proper class.



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Sweeney Todd


Everything about this film is brilliant to me. Tim Burtons ever gloomy darkness, Johnny Depps fantastic facial expressions and, strangley enough, three characters straight out of the Harry Potter movies! The songs are really catchy but yet also tell the story really well.


I was sceptical about it being a musical, but i really enjoyed watching this, and will probably get it on DVD.



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did anyone understand primer?


seriously anyone?

yeah sort of :P being drunk and watching it with adrunk physicist and a drunk mathematician most certainly helped, though... I'd give you a run-down (i think I rated it in this thread anyway? Fat chance of finding it, I guess) but I've just forgotten most of the film, as it happens!

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Some of the situations are scarily accurate to relationships in my life, gripping and emotional stuff.



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Se, Jie (Lust, Caution)

Ang Lee is going back to his roots. Finally.



This Is England

I must say, I'm very impressed. Bravo.

And may I be the first one to say... finally, an abrasive document wich explains the difference between Skinheads and Boneheads. Maybe the world will finally understand that Skinheads are not racist. All in all, great.


(I absolutelly loved the kid)

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