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butterfly effect


OMG....OMG this film is sooooo good :D i remember ages ago my bro saying i got to watch it but i never got round to it until eariler on. great film



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Hijacking a plane to the US, going into a store guns blazing while nude and injecting heroin into yourself, raping and murdering any females who work for the store then stealing the DVD and hijacking another plane back to the UK?


Good luck.


Why not... There is no way i'm being reduced to being ripped off just because we are european.


Don't feel like it(although i might go see planet terror if im desperate and Have calmed downa little)


This is the shit one of the 2.

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Death Proof


Man, there was some awesome dialogue, and some awesome action scenes in that. QT pitches another home run.



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....Cant see where I said she was "pro"....


Aha, I checked your post and it seems I misunderstood. Yes I think she is a pro of the film, but not a pro as in professional. Lol. Sorry about that!


No problem whatsoever. :)


butterfly effect


OMG....OMG this film is sooooo good :D i remember ages ago my bro saying i got to watch it but i never got round to it until eariler on. great film




Ok, the film's kinda nice, but 10/10? Act your age!





It's just a shame they didn't invest more on dialogue, other than situation. Fantastic.


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Hard Boiled


Quite a bodycount Chow-Yun-Fat stacks up and at the same time it has enough character developement and good story. Absolutely awesome from start to finish and I really like the soundtrack.





V for Vendetta


This film gets better every time I watch it. Huge Weaving as V is superb as is Natalie Portman and John Hurt makes an awesome Chancellor. The only thing I don't like so much is the middle part where she is imprisoned because it drags on a bit and the multiple storylines are broken off at that point for a bit.

And I absolutely love that quote: People should not be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of their people.



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Fight Club


Much better than I expected. 8/10.


Only eight?! It's fooking amazing.

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Fight Club


Much better than I expected. 8/10.


Zell's totally right. Only 8???? It's totally 10 material!! How come you expected it to be worse? Did you get a retard reflex or something?

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10/10 in a walk.


Stylistically breathtaking, amazingly acted, wonderfully directed, just flawless. Emotional draining at times, and sad and realistic. Also secretly funny at times.


It's now on my list of my favourite films ever, with the likes of Hard Candy, (Sympathy For) Lady Vengeance, Sunshine, Aliens etc.

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Right At Your Door.


Got bored halfway through. The end was pretty shocking/chilling though.



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School of Rock.


One of my favourites ever.

So funny.

Crap acting by some of the kids, but I love it.



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the scene where Anakin kills them?


that was amazing. Never has psychotic child murder been funnier, or more deserved. I chortled muchly at that scene. In a crowded cinema. Fuck I'm awesome.

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the scene where Anakin kills them?


that was amazing. Never has psychotic child murder been funnier, or more deserved. I chortled muchly at that scene. In a crowded cinema. Fuck I'm awesome.





Oh my god.....It was horrible. the film was great but the acting in parts was too bad for words.

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it was hilarious. :)


It certainly was. it wasn't really supposed to be though in fairness. it one of the most violent scenes in star wars or at least it should be been:)

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According to IMDB, the MTV Movie Awards gave Hayden Christensen the award for "Best Villain", an action which puts me in mind of morbidly obese media mogule giving a cheap action figure to a ten year old boy to suck him off in an alley way. I'm sure the audience applauded.

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It certainly was. it wasn't really supposed to be though in fairness. it one of the most violent scenes in star wars or at least it should be been:)


it's ineptitude (seriously folks, great word) was what made it so amusing. The special school performance from the kid along with Anakin ' miscellaneous anger face!' skywalker was just prime unintentional comedy.

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Hard Candy



Pretty shocking movie. The end was a little strange though. I'm still a little confused too. But still, very wierd movie. My mouth was wide open in shock for quite a bit of it.



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The Usual Suspects

Freaking awesome, Kevin Spacey rules. Predictable, but awesome nonetheless.

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How come you expected it to be worse?


I didn't expect it to have any plot at all.

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No problem whatsoever. :)




Ok, the film's kinda nice, but 10/10? Act your age!



:blank: i loved the film fullstop. great movie just cause you didnt like doesnt mean i cant!

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Death Proof - 8/10


From the people ive spoken to this is definately a love or hate it film. Personally I loved it, thought it had good dialogue and the car sequences were brilliant. Plus Kurt Russel did a great job.

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