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On the subject of Milla Joyovotoavich, I love her face. And IIRC she made a quite decent hit single in the 90's.


AND when I was in NY, some friends and I spotted her in the gift shop in The Frick Museum.




Shawshank Redemption finally!!!

I've been studying film over the last 6 years and I'd never seen this film (Captain let down I know!) but now I have :yay: It's amazing!!!

The cinematography of this film was second to none, the part that I'll never forget for this was in the beginning when the chubby chap loses it, it made me feel so claustrophobic!! - The characters complimented each other perfectly and were so solid and well acted! - The narrative had some unexpected moments and even when you could guess the ending it felt perfect, I wouldn't have settled with it any other way!! It was so emotive too, the situation with Brooks I'll never forget!!

Anyways I best not jabber on too much about it but I will watch this again and again and again........ a definite 10/10 :bowdown:


Resident Evil: Apocalypse


I decided to watch it on TV and I still love the movie!




Resident Evil: Extinction


I decided to watch this since I seen Apocalypse on the TV and I found it better than the first time I watched it. BRING ON DEGENERATION :D




Death Race


I loved this movie, it was just simply awesome in every way. The story, the action, the acting, everything, just loved it.




Seen the trailer for Saw 5 yesterday, I can't wait for it. It looks awesome!


Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace


The menace here seems to be more mechanical than phantom-esque. Even though I think the deleted scenes are on the second disc, I'm sure I saw one on the first disk, where Anakin loses one of the "reins" on his pod racer.


Good family fun with people being cut in half. Genius.


Seven Shabba's





One of my favourite films...visually stunning, in a dirty, hedonistic way. Deals with themes subtley and intelligently, and the characterization is excellent. Plus it has great music, very evocative (rightly) of the 30's. Refreshingly un-musically (in that the songs are actually in the context of a club, not just random outburts in the street) musical, that's really more of a drama.


Perverse, engaging and socially aware.



  d666 said:
Resident Evil: Apocalypse


I decided to watch it on TV and I still love the movie!




Resident Evil: Extinction


I decided to watch this since I seen Apocalypse on the TV and I found it better than the first time I watched it. BRING ON DEGENERATION :D




Death Race


I loved this movie, it was just simply awesome in every way. The story, the action, the acting, everything, just loved it.




Seen the trailer for Saw 5 yesterday, I can't wait for it. It looks awesome!


I think you're gonna be my new scapegoat.


  Nami said:
I've been studying film over the last 6 years


Explain the hows and the whats.

  Oxigen_Waste said:
I think you're gonna be my new scapegoat.


Me? Scapegoat? I think not to be honest. :smile:




Was alright. Wasn't good, wasn't bad. Tried a little too hard to be like Superbad in my opinion




Battle Royale


One of my all-time favourite movies.



  d666 said:
Me? Scapegoat? I think not to be honest. :smile:


You just rated Death Race a 10 and RE 2 & 3 8s. I think so (to be honest).



Rescue Dawn... haven't seen it. most people say it's shit, but it's Herzog, so I'm still gonna see it for myself eventually.

  Oxigen_Waste said:
You just rated Death Race a 10 and RE 2 & 3 8s. I think so (to be honest).


So what if I did, it's my opinion. I rate the movie on how much I enjoyed it and I thought it was a good movie. Ain't gonna change my opinion on it.


Oh, and I think not! (to be honest) :smile:

  d666 said:
So what if I did, it's my opinion. I rate the movie on how much I enjoyed it and I thought it was a good movie. Ain't gonna change my opinion on it.


Oh, and I think not! (to be honest) :smile:


What, so I can't use you to vent my frustrations? Dang it. :(


Also: I know it's your opinion, if it wasn't your opinion then I'd call you retarded. Not saying I don't because it's your opinion, but it's obviously a much less serious offense. However, regardless of your opinion, Apocalypse (which is the only one out of the 3 which I actualyl watched) is clearly not an 8/10 film. And all the opinions in the world can't change that. So your opinion is pretty much wrong. (And that's not "my opinion", that's a fact.)


Yeah, but 10's should really be reserved for actually astounding films. (Or whatever, 5's, 7's, whatever the max is)




The Breakfast Club


Surprised by how good it actually was. Recommended! Very interesting and actually very sad at bits. I want to make love to the retarded art whore one.



  Oxigen_Waste said:
What, so I can't use you to vent my frustrations? Dang it. :(


Also: I know it's your opinion, if it wasn't your opinion then I'd call you retarded. Not saying I don't because it's your opinion, but it's obviously a much less serious offense. However, regardless of your opinion, Apocalypse (which is the only one out of the 3 which I actualyl watched) is clearly not an 8/10 film. And all the opinions in the world can't change that. So your opinion is pretty much wrong. (And that's not "my opinion", that's a fact.)


Nope, 'fraid not :)


I suppose my love for Resi Evil doesn't help, lol. Oh, and there isn't no right or wrong in an opinion, if there was then everyone wouldn't have a say in a thing. If people agreed with one thing all the time, then it would be a boring place to live in ;)


Disaster Movie


OH MY GOD! THIS IS THE SH**IEST MOVIE I EVER WATCHED IN MY ENTIRE LIFE! I only watched it because my friends wanted to see how bad it was. I regret going with them!






Finally got round to watching it last night, but decided to watch it in its' wholeness. Quality film, but I fear the DVD I have is a semi-censored edition. When Arnie kills the bloke on the plane, I've seen a youtube video of him elbowing the man, then breaking his neck, but you only see the elbow action on my DVD.


It is a genius source of one liners, and appropriate quips. Killing someone with a pipe and steam erupts from it? "Let off some steam Bennett!" It also introduces the only proper comeback from someone saying "Fuck you asshole"


It also shows you can't trust Arnie 100% of the time, no matter how convincing he may be.


The explosions are a bit tacky towards the end, from Arnie planting bombs outside houses, then the explosion comes from within and at other random places [atop the guard tower] but it doesn't detract from the sexiness.


Also, he doesn't seem to age much, yet his co-actors do. Here's his daughter Jenny:



You probably recognise her.






Clear cut Arnie madness, fun for all the family.


Eight Shabba's


  d666 said:
Nope, 'fraid not :)


I suppose my love for Resi Evil doesn't help, lol.



I love Resident Evil. Don't insult me, please.


  d666 said:
there isn't no right or wrong in an opinion, if there was then everyone wouldn't have a say in a thing. If people agreed with one thing all the time, then it would be a boring place to live in ;)


That's 100% correct... if you're refering to subjective things. However, quality is objective. There is such a thing as right or wrong opinion, when your opinion contradicts a fact. For example... take Maltese Falcon (which is on right now on TV): it's a better movie than Death Race. That's a fact. It's undebatable, it's the truth. It has far greater quality than Death Race. However, you rated Death Race a 10/10, which implies you either think Death Race is better than Maltese Falcon or as good as Maltese Falcon (in the eventuality that you'd have rated MF a 10/10). Both of these contradict a fact, therefore, your opinion is wrong. There, I just proved how it is possible for your opinion to be wrong. Now, unless you're saying that there's absolutely no difference whatsoever between The Godfather and 3 Ninjas: High Noon at Mega Mountain (or Disaster Movie, as you so well put it), I believe I've just demonstrated that quality is objective, and therefore, by contradicting an objectivity, your opinion would be proven wrong.


I can exemplify with myself. One of my favourite movies is Visitor Q, in my opinion, it's a 10/10 movie. However, my opinion is wrong, because even though it's a very good movie indeed, it's not good enough to be a 10/10 film. My opinion is proven wrong.


All a matter of deductive logic, I believe. I'm not saying that quality is a 100% quantifiable thing, but it's most definitely quantifiable.


I mean, Middle-easterns' opinion is that women are inferior beings. But I guess they must be right, because apparently opinions can't be wrong. And this is a bad example, because human rights don't "really" exist, we created them (as opposed to... say... emotions, which are an universally truthful existence).

Let's put it this way, and this is true: My opinion is that maths are not an exact science (you can ask around, I once went on about it in a thread), and it's a universal fact that it is, so I'm wrong about that, my opinion is wrong, because it's contradicting an objectivity.

  Cube said:
Objective is 99% subjective.


Ah, subjectivity! But you're wrong, Objective is 99% subjective, yes. In regards to relativity, that is... physics. When it comes to people, there's the personality factor to take into account, which transforms that 99 into 100, so everything that is human is, objectively, subjective. But I'm not trying to deny that, I'm merely attempting to have a meaningless discussion, to which your point contributes up to the total amount of 0. Because I believe it's pretty obvious I was talking inside the little world of humans, where objectivity, as used practically, is 100% objective/non-subjective.


Care to add anything, or are you just gonna play the Silent Bob part till I shut my mouth?

  Oxigen_Waste said:
What, so I can't use you to vent my frustrations? Dang it. :(


Also: I know it's your opinion, if it wasn't your opinion then I'd call you retarded. Not saying I don't because it's your opinion, but it's obviously a much less serious offense. However, regardless of your opinion, Apocalypse (which is the only one out of the 3 which I actualyl watched) is clearly not an 8/10 film. And all the opinions in the world can't change that. So your opinion is pretty much wrong. (And that's not "my opinion", that's a fact.)



For ****'s, learn to accept that a subjective rating of something cannot be fact all the time, you are beginning to sound like a very dreary broken record.


Can infractions be handed out for causing the same pointless argument again and again and again, because he really would deserve a few.


I mean, Middle-easterns' opinion is that women are inferior beings.


If you want to be considered a smart lad then differentiate between situations. On the one hand you have people discriminating due to ignorance and on the other hand you have people rating media that everyone rates differently and can never be 'definitely correct'. Even if more people say they prefer something that doesn't mean jack.


When people are rating things 8/10 the quality of the film does not decide their rating completely. This is why you are completely wrong in saying their opinion is 'factually incorrect'. Every time you see someone's rating as something quite good for a film you deem to be 'factually inferior in quality', they aren't just judging the quality of the directing or film. They might not like the plot or the fact that something is of lesser quality (e.g. the budget-style film Billy Elliot) but still prefer it to something that is in your books 'factually superior in quality'.


So please be quiet. It's rather annoying.

  Sheikah said:
For ****'s, learn to accept that a subjective rating of something cannot be fact all the time, you are beginning to sound like a very dreary broken record.


Can infractions be handed out for causing the same pointless argument again and again and again, because he really would deserve a few.


The bolded part, I agree with, you're right. I know I always cause the same argument over and over and over again. :heh:


The underlined part: wrong word, I'm not beggining to do anything, I've been doing it from the start. My bad, I guess. :heh:


Anyway, why answer the rest of your post... I'm pretty sure you can post for me... judging by the number of times we've had this discussion. :D


(you know, the usual... I'm not having a problem with his opinion, I'm having a problem with him not admitting it's wrong when it is and bla bla bla).

  d666 said:

Disaster Movie


OH MY GOD! THIS IS THE SH**IEST MOVIE I EVER WATCHED IN MY ENTIRE LIFE! I only watched it because my friends wanted to see how bad it was. I regret going with them!




Why do people keep going to these things? How do they keep getting this crap made?


  Mundi said:
Wow it´s been a week already since the last time this discussion came up?

Man how time flies....


Remember folks, you're not an individual until you agree unconditionally with whatever somebody else says.

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