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One of the most beautiful films I've ever seen. Bear in mind, though, that it wasn't one of the best.


Visually, absolutely stunning. Perfect 10, no doubt. As for everything else, none of it was bad, rest assured (well, maybe it was just a bit too predictable, which isn't "good"), the characters are solid, the plot is exactly what you'd expect but it raises some good points, the action is solid enough although not outstanding, the narrative is usually good-ish and peppered with some bits of genious here and there. Well, to put it shortly, it's not by any means a bad movie. At all.


But where it sins is in it's insistancy on playing it safe. Seriously, 12 years in the making and this is what we get? I mean, it's a good film, yeah, but I was expecting something special!!! Not a masterpiece, but at least something that didn't rely so much on this stupid old tried-and-tested formula.

My main gripe with it is that it could've been the best sci-fi film since T2, the script concepts were very promising, all the pieces were in the right position... and then Cameron lost his dare and we got a film that's quite good, but never really rises above that margin of predictability. Nothing about Avatar sparks any reaction in me other than the usual fare in action adventure romps of proportions such as these. It's a good effort, but it looks like it was done half-heartedly.


And being released on the same year as the brilliant District 9 only makes it look that much more of a "safe bet".


But I enjoyed it for what it was. Go see it, even if you're disappointed, as I was, it'll still be worth it, it's a good one.


Ambitious in it's scope, but never really pushes the envelope on anything except visuals.





PS: What the fuck is up with the creative minds of today? I mean, these alien races are getting less and less imaginative as time goes by! Sure, the Na'vi were pretty cool and likeable, but they were really nothing more than blue native-american basketball players!

Edited by Oxigen_Waste
Changed the score.
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The Exorcist


I'm sure at its time it was considered quite scary, but with the random swearing I found parts of it amusing. But what I disliked about this film was the length, I'm glad I had it recorded, as I was able to fast forward through the non-talking bullshit, which there seemed to be too many of.


Mildly entertaining, but doesn't deserve the praise it got.



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Avatar (3-D)

I'm extremely cynical of 3-D in films, it's just a gimmick usually, but I know this was "meant" to be watched in 3-D, so I did.


It's was absolutely amazing visually. The "blue people" as presented in the trailer looked awkward and cartoony almost, but as a lush, utterly captivating world on screen, the humans and the Na'Vi existed in a totally meshed world. It was beautiful. The 3-D was as I expected, subtle and used masterly. The only points in which is was "Things coming out at the audience!" was where it was approprate, used sparsely, and added to the scene at hand. So perfect there. Definitely go see it in 3-D you bitches. Immersive, lush, lovely depth manipulation.


As O_W says, it was perfectly fine, solid otherwise too. I think once you're immersed in this 3-D world, your cynicism will be slightly impaired, but there's nothing to dislike technically.


I was moved during the intended-to-be-moving-but-in-action-films-never-really-are parts, because the world they'd created was so enthralling... *trails off to avoid spoilers*


But yeah. Sigourney Weaver. Yes, Said. And I loved when Michelle Rodriguez was Bat For Lashes.



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Absolutely astounding. James Cameron delivered a movie well worth the wait for him to return to the big screen. Both CGI and 3D effects were on a completely different scale from anything I'd experienced before. The planet design was incredible, as were the colour schemes at work and the astounding attention to detail.


Was the plot completely fresh and original? No. Do I honestly care? Absolutely not. I want to be entertained by cinema. I don't care about drawing inspiration heavily from other material as long as the concept as a whole works convincingly, the dialogue is good and the characters are played well with enthusiasm.


I was not disappointed with this film's story. It done the job more than well enough for me to care about what was happening and become engrossed...and at the same time, be completely blown away visually.


Easily one of the best films I've ever seen. James Cameron knows how to create memorable entertainment, that's for sure.



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My Step Mum got the choice of film to watch tonight. She chose a film that I really did not want to watch.




First of all, it's utterly slow. The first hour seemed to set up absolutely nothing, and there wasn't any interesting moment. None of the characters seemed to care about anything - they all seemed like someone with headphones on who's just repeatedly saying "uhu" to everything they were told.


The asshole vampire (the main guy) had no good features about him, and it looked like a kid had smothered flour all over his face (main girl with no thoughts or emotion looked much more like a vampire due to her unnaturally pale skin).


The vampire family was barely explored - the film would have been much better if they had chucked in some really bad comedy moments with them, as the characters looked as if they had been designed for a comedy, but then they decided to cut all their parts out of the film. The chase involving the evil vampire also seemed to last 10 minutes (and the big fight finale was around 20 seconds), and seemed rather pointless.


In fact, the "You're a vampire" scene in the forest was pretty much the only thing that happened in the film that wasn't filler.


They also had big continuity problems with time of day. For example, girl decides to go shopping with dull friend so she can visit a book store close to the shops. It's in the middle of the day when she heads to the nearby book store. At the nearby book store it's dusk. When she leaves it's in the middle of the night, just so they can set up the pointless "OMG! They're going to rape her! Oh wait, the vampire is stalking her." - there wasn't even a bad fight scene.


Overall, it's a dire film that really can just be summed up in one tiny clip lasting a few seconds. The rest of the film is utterly pointless and uninteresting. Unlike other "popular" films, I really can not see the appeal to anyone. The soundtrack was also dull (except for Muse)



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Where The Wild Things Are - 8.5/10


It was brilliant. Really did well at describing what a nine year old boys imagination cam be like, and runs with it. You can also see tje film without having to worry about hating the lead child actor - much credit goes to him for a fantastic performance. I didn't recall the story so seeing it was totally fresh for me. And yes, I cried (but it's ok because my girlfriend totally cried too).


In short(er), go watch it. Why has no-one else here seen it?!

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Friday the 13th. 8/10 for a horror film. (Minor spoiler below)


Ok so I don't like horror films but I always wind up watching them with a certain friend circle and this was pretty good I think. Predictable in most places, with some obvious brutality, in particular one chinese guy getting a long nail pushed through his neck centimetre by centimetre. Lasted for about 30 seconds, so I was wretching for 28 seconds as I can't bare slow fatal bludgeoning of any nature.


The murderer was killing so many I thought he'd done enough to use the nuke. (That went down quite well amongst the gamers in the room)

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Up In The Air


- excellent film. Funny, moving, has something to say, original




- Sort of looks good I suppose. But utter dross everywhere else. Story, script, characters are painfully bad. And in a few years, when the "wonder" of how it looks has worn off, that's all we'll be left with. A shit, predictable, derivative film

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10,000 B.C.

Ehhh, this film was pretty crappy to be honest. I knew it was before I started watching it but my sister wanted to give it a try. Can't say there was anything about this film that was good or interesting. It all just seemed quite dull. =/

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Watched Avatar... In 2D.


Complete waste I know but they'd sold out on the 3D showing and it was either this or St. Dickwads. I thought the first half was pretty entertaining but it did drag. I have 3 problems with it:


-Every film that shows humans taking on another civilisation without being provoked or over a very shitty reason really annoys me. Especially so in this because the the whole army are controlled by two intolerable dictators. How did they get their positions? I wish there was some sort of system of government that decided to invade and that they had a decent excuse to go ape shit over Pandora.


-How come the main guy didn't die when the people gassed the tree out? His plug was pulled so his avatar shell thing was just left there to inhale it, but obviously it had no effect.


-Why did the robot tumble after the cock was shot by 3 arrows? He only controlled the arms so I was just waiting for the rubbish illogical collapse. (Plus I'm not sure why he didn't just murder the real-life protagonist dude that I can't remember the name of, but I'm bordering complete pettiness here)



Overall I'd say a 6/10, the 3D wouldn't have hid the flaws.


Edit: NB - at the start I was not bothered by the fairly simple plot and 'in your face' style of production, but the amazing visuals did start rubbing by the end and so I thought it needed something with more substance to counter the red carpet of clichés that just kept rolling.

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I thought it was amazing. Great acting, epic, rich world that has been designed, all the creatures are amazing....


The massive yellow/orange/red dragon was fucking awesome, absolutely loved him. Hated that they "don't need him anymore" at the end.



Thought the Nivi/Nuvi/Navi etc were awesome. Felt kinda like I was watching beastiality occasionally, but thats fine. Yeah loved it loads.



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Raiders of the Lost Ark


It's still aged brilliantly. The HD version really shows how much detail went into the sets, and apart from a few minor tweaks (the text on the logos/credits is clearer and I believe they've removed the reflection so you can no longer see the glass between Indy and the snake) they haven't altered anything (unlike Star Wars). The only problem with the film's looks is the CGI in the opening the ArK scene is dodgy - but that would still look as stupid as surviving a nuke in a fridge if they had updated it anyway.


I love how these films are way over-the-top at times and really don't take themselves seriously.



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...you're laughing because it actually looks amazing, I suppose?


It was pretty clear he was down playing it though.


Because in actual fact most don't go to watch a movie based on special effects.


From a comment like that, he knew what he would say about the movie before he even saw it.


And the movie isn't about special effects, it's about the visual treat + Cameron's basic plots.

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So it's about good visual and a basic plot?


That still averages out to a poor movie in my mind.


I retract the basic plot with plot that has been done before, but done well. When I mean basic plot, is not in the negative sense at all. It's about outlining the premise of a movie in a single sentence.

Have you seen Avatar yet?


"Good visual, basic plot" summarises a Michael Bay film :heh:


Vulgar nonsensical visuals, no plot is what a Bay film is.

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Not necessarily. Raise the Red Lantern is a visual treat but not because of special effects. Granted, with Avatar it is more possible that there is an overlap, but on the other hand it could just be a nice movie to look at due to lighting, cinematography etc.

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