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Here is a tip, this hurricane which is heading towards texas, Could shut down 18 refiners in texas, so fill up you cars now, becuase next week petrol prices could be sky high.


This is just my speculation.






More than one million people have begun to evacuate the Gulf Coast of the United States ahead of Hurricane Rita.


The storm, which has been upgraded to Category Five, is heading towards Texas with winds of 165mph (265km/h).


Meteorologists say the hurricane could be the most intense ever to hit Texas, and one of the most powerful ever seen on the US mainland.



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With wind speeds now reaching 175mph!, i think this Rita is the true queen of speed!


Did anyone see the lunchtime news?


They said that the area that Rita is going to strike with the most force, the coastal town of Galveston, whilst not being below sea level like New Orleans, Glaveston is only SLIGHTLY above sea level; and a University has produced a computerised video of the possible destruction, which showed that even a Force 3 hurricane would probably be enough to completely flood the area!!!


They also said that Rita will be the 3rd worst Hurricane to have ever hit the USA (Katrina was the 4th worst)


And that we could now be entering into a time/stage when it's possible we are going to see alot of these types of fierce Hurricanes strike, as apparently they tend to move in 20-30 year cycles where the worst ones appear and we are entering that time now;

They said that warmer sea temperatures also help in creating Hurricanes and that sea temperatures have certainly been going up lately as a result of global warming.


The effects of the Hurricane is going to cost America billions of dollars;


All in all, it's not looking good at the moment!!

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Sometimes I'm really quite glad I didn't learn to drive and get a car before going to Uni. It's like having a leech permanently attached to your wallet.


I'm gonna see if I can just try and avoid a car altogether - easier said than done. How about mopeds :D.




I'm talking about rising fuel prices because of the hurricane i.e. I don't have a car and thus don't need to worry about rising fuel prices. Capiche?

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Sometimes I'm really quite glad I didn't learn to drive and get a car before going to Uni. It's like having a leech permanently attached to your wallet.


I'm gonna see if I can just try and avoid a car altogether - easier said than done. How about mopeds :D


you win the award for the most katiest of comments

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haha shmotz good thinkin


damn oil companies, i know they have technology for cars to run on water or sumthin, greedy bastards


My biology teacher told us about someone who got fined because they were running their car on sun flower oil - apparently it's very similar to diesel and works really well...


When is the hurricane going to hit Texas?

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yeah i thought the exact same thing cheets so i filled up at 90.4 a litre today, full tank should last a while as im going liverpool and manchester next week via train and wont need the car!


hurricane looks pretty bad, it could turn and smack into new orleans again, im so glad i dont live in america.

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Guest Ray Falling
shit, i'm sorry to hear it. i really hope that america has prepared for this hurricane better than they did for katrina :hmm:it's easy for us to forget that it's the safety of the people rather than petrol that's important.


Well 2wo of my friends say they'll be out of the "impact zone" but then again..mother nature is very unpredictable...


But yeah I agree, safety of people is more important now, but like, what happens when things go bad? People will loot places...they dont care about anything, just posessions...T_T so I'm not surpised if people are gonna take up on this.



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it's easy for us to forget that it's the safety of the people rather than petrol that's important.
When is the hurricane going to hit Texas?
It's expected to hit Saturday morning,


There has been good warning and good evacuation this time round

it could turn and smack into new orleans again, im so glad i dont live in america.
I don't think Rita is expected to go through New Orleans, instead it is all the surrounding rain of the hurricane that they are worried about flooding New Orleans!
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I don't think Rita is expected to go through New Orleans, instead it is all the surrounding rain of the hurricane that they are worried about flooding New Orleans!


But then a hrricanes path is very unpredictable and can change very quickly, so new orleans isn't out of the woods yet! :weep:

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Latest news;


One of the 'repared' levee's (dams) surrounding New Orleans has given way (under rising water levels brought in as a widespread effect of the hurrican i guess) and the City is Re-flooding all over!


It did look like they were reparing them badly!! just putting piles of gravel on top of the previosly destroyed ones! Maybe that's the best thing to do (i'm not in construction), but when i saw them doing it on the news the other day it didn't look safe to me!

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