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Zelda delayed to Autumn and Rev confirmed for 2006


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The article on the front page has been updated to include part of the interview with Reggie and in it, he basically says that TP has no Revo control capabilities. If that is true then why the hell has it been pushed back a year? Surely if they think they need that long on the game that they would have known sooner and wouldn't have said it would be out last year! What could they possibly be adding?

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well if they include revolution controler support even if the controler just works and doesn't need the gamecube controler they could sell it as both a gamecube title and revolution title.

i have plently of games to last me till zelda comes out and the ds is getting a ton of new titles over the next few months.

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Hopefully not for marketing reasons. It should be more to do with development reasons. This game has to surpass Ocarina Of Time, which is one of the greatest games ever mad. Maybe in its current state it does not pass the experience it offered, maybe it equals it. Nintendo dont want that. They want Twilight Princess to be recognised for itself and not be compared to any other game.


So let them work on it some more. When it comes out im expecting great things.

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A couple of people have touched on it but i think the point is to have Zekda:TP as a quasi-launch title for rev. Lol yeh i know im stating the obvious but, isnt TP meant to be nintendos most expensive game ever or something to that effect??


Saying its still a GC game gives them an excuse to get away without having true next gen visuals (spending more money), because if they take the time to upgrade the graphics and everything properly (to both rev and zelda quality) it probably wont come out till late 2007


It also means cube owners unsure of rev can still play it on their current GC while they decide whether or not to get a Rev.


But whatever happens TP is more than likely going to be a must have game for both GC and Rev, which is only a good thing for nintendo


I just hope it doesnt feel like playing OOT again, that was my problem with WW id felt that "magic" before, the great thing about Majora's mask was it felt like a different game, and im hoping TP manages to feel like its own game too

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meh meh meh, they push it back once, then a second time, this is pissing me off.

And they pushed back the EU launch of mph to may from march(they like to push big name games back, dont they...)so im getting it from canada im march


NoE have stated that imported copies of Metroid Prime: Hunters will not work on WiFi in Europe, apparently they're having to work out some licensing difficulties regarding the voice chat function which is the cause of the delay. Simple fact is, if you want to play MPH online in Europe, you have to buy it here.

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The "Spike: Game Head" Reggie interview video is now available online. It's a really good watch, you can find links here. :hehe:
:shock: :shakehead


ARGH!! Twilight Princess footage!! Dammit!! :cry:


Sony = frankly just playing the same games with a little bit better clarity

Sony/Microsoft = Are all about more of the same with more horsepower


Nintendo = we're going to give the industry something different, something that is certainly lower cost, certainly more innovative!!


We've already had 850,000 unique consumers go onto Nintendo Wi-Fi;

It took Xbox LIVE something around 9-10 months to get to that point;

We're at 15 weeks!!


DS LITE currently un-announced for America;

When we launch we want to make sure we have the right level of capacity;

We don't wanna be like that nasty competitive system (Xbox 360) that ran out right away!


500,000 Zelda pre-orders already!!


Revolution = Wi-Fi enabled out of the box and it can play DVD's, Probably other controller extensions at launch, New Nintendo franchises,


"I really don't care what Sony and Microsoft are up to! I really don't!!"

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NoE have stated that imported copies of Metroid Prime: Hunters will not work on WiFi in Europe, apparently they're having to work out some licensing difficulties regarding the voice chat function which is the cause of the delay. Simple fact is, if you want to play MPH online in Europe, you have to buy it here.


Wow! Good-job i don't care about Wi-Fi (well it won't work for me)! Otherwise thats a HUGE blow. :)

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NoE have stated that imported copies of Metroid Prime: Hunters will not work on WiFi in Europe, apparently they're having to work out some licensing difficulties regarding the voice chat function which is the cause of the delay. Simple fact is, if you want to play MPH online in Europe, you have to buy it here.


Hello! Could you post this in the Metroid Prime: Hunters official thread in the handheld forums and explain where you got this information from? That would be really helpful. Thanks. I've let people know, but of course they want to know where you got the information from and if it's 100% correct, it be awful if people cancelled theres preorders for no-reason.


Thanks! :)

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with so many games publishers rushing out mediocre crap for deadlines, repect goes to nintendo for wishing to finish the game properly. they know all GCN owners will buy the game, they have no reason to rush out an unfinished product. i fully expect LOZ:TP in autumn a couple of months before revo's launch, meaning we can all say "goodbye" to the old way of playing games, and already HAVE a revo title for when the machine is launched... imagine actually playing it and thinking how the revo controller could make it even better!


it's not for marketing reasons, they're simply making the best videogame ever!

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Exactly. Making Zelda half a Rev launch title is not something they need or want - they'd only profit from it if they made it a Rev only game. The game's simply not done, and that's not because of the Rev controller implementation which should hardly cost any time, but they are making the game bigger and better than anything we've seen so far. I hope they have enough time :smile:

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Sorry to rebump, but thought the topic could move on to this news from the French.


Revolution-Europe news:

Nintendo of France's new marketing director has suggested that Revolution controls for Twilight Princess are a cert, in one form or another...


Marketing director Mathieu Minel has been interviewed by French gaming site Jeux-France, and was questioned specifically about whether Twilight Princess would include Revolution controls - quite the ongoing saga of late in the world of Nintendo.


Jeux-France: "Will the next Zelda, still scheduled for Gamecube be, also playable on the future Nintendo Revolution and the exclusive functionalities of its controller? Will the game be released this Spring?"


Mathieu Minel: "I just know that Nintendo will release either a special edition of Twilight Princess for Nintendo Revolution's controller new functionalities or include these functionalities directly into the original sourcecode, thanks to the compatibility between the two systems. But actually we still don't know which option will be chosen. We don't have any releasedate as well, but we're already working on all the marketing aspects of Twilight Princess so I think the game will be out soon, even if the exact date is yet unknown. It all depends on the compatibility with the Revolution and a lot of others things. You know, this game will be a full set of surprises, especially with a new and violent battle system but I can't tell anymore."


We've heard many different things from all corners of late, but this appears to be the clearest indication yet that Link will be swinging his sword via your Revolution controller's movement. We will of course keep you posted.


Just curious what everyone's thoughts are.. this is Nintendo of Europe which is about as low down as we can get on the heirachy of information at Nintendo.. so if this guy is out there with information to spill perhaps it is likely we will see freehand control.


We could have the GameCube edition pushed back to fully integrate Revolution control, which would result in 1 edition of the game, that everyone could enjoy.


Or we could have a relatively fast Twilight Princess launch with no free hand control exclusively for the cube, and then a Revolution copy with extras like freehand control, someone mentioned improved graphics.


Personally I think 1 edition is far better on all consumers, especially those who feel cheated by nothing having the extras that may be included.


Sorry to necropost but this seems like the news everyone has been waiting for as far as Revolution and Zelda is concerned.

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It kind of makes sence to delay it to come with Revolution. No one is going to buy a GameCube at that point in time anyways to they might as well buy a Revolution.


It sucks that a great game like that is delayed time after time but the more they delay it the better it will be. :P

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If they do two version, they need to release it on the same day as the Revolution becomes available, plain and simple. If you release the GC version first, you're forcing some people to buy that one first, followed by the Revolution version when that becomes available.

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If they do two version, they need to release it on the same day as the Revolution becomes available, plain and simple. If you release the GC version first, you're forcing some people to buy that one first, followed by the Revolution version when that becomes available.


yeah true. although couldn't they just bring out the cube version and when you put it in the revo these new features become available.


I think it should be held back to the Revolution now, it's just taking so long to come about, it was going to be a very late big franchise title in the cubes life cycle anyway now it will be even later, leave it for the Rev's launch and make it THE killer app launch title of the next gen consoles.

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I believe that they should hold it back and make it a Revolution title, and I believe that they will.


For starters, its potentially a Triple A game, better than anything during the Gamecube's entire lifespan to date. The gamecube is a dying console and though some people with Revolutions will buy it there won't be that many, don't forget the average public won't know that it can run gamecube games also and the average consumer will still see it as a last gen title, in spite of any included Revolution compatability.


Secondly, a triple A game at launch is a sure fire way to sell a console which doesn't already have consumer support. People seem to have forgotten now but when Xbox arrived not many people were interested prior to launch, then word of how awesome Halo is got round and people started buying the system. Didn't happen with Cube because though overall it probably had better launch games it had nothing of the quality of Halo. Twilight Princess looks like a mature game graphically (As opposed to something like wind waker, awesome game though it is) and will hopefully be of the kind of quality that it can sell systems. To launch it on a system, probably leaving it as the only cube game on most shops shelves would potentially be disastrous.


Finally, Nintendo have already stated how easy it is to transfer development from Gamecube dev kits to Revolution ones. From that it would suggest to me that they could quite easily take Twilight Princess to the Revolution, improve the graphics and add revolution controllers and release it as a Revolution launch title.


I think it will happen, despite Nintendo's constant denials that it will - I think they just want to spring a surprise on us, they've seen superb games like Conkers BFD and Paper Mario flop on N64 because they were released too late in the systems lifespan, I doubt they'd do the same with Twilight Princess.

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I think leaving the GameCube user base like that is extremely unlikely. I remember the word promse was used when they talked about Twilight Princess back in November time.. The promised it would be a GameCube title and not shifted to Revolution.


By adding Revolution functionality or following on the Cube version with a beefed up Revolution performer they would not be breaking that promise.


End of the day it will be destined for the GameCube I'm certain of that.. so the idea of a 'springy suprise we lied to you' promotion for Zelda TP. exclusive to Revolution is unlikely.


I'm quite ethical as a person, I can dig that many people may not be able to afford Revolution or simply may not want it.. so I feel Nintendo should release one game, GameCube disc format at GameCube price and just add in Revolution support to the code as the frenchy spoke of.

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I think leaving the GameCube user base like that is extremely unlikely. I remember the word promse was used when they talked about Twilight Princess back in November time.. The promised it would be a GameCube title and not shifted to Revolution.


By adding Revolution functionality or following on the Cube version with a beefed up Revolution performer they would not be breaking that promise.


End of the day it will be destined for the GameCube I'm certain of that.. so the idea of a 'springy suprise we lied to you' promotion for Zelda TP. exclusive to Revolution is unlikely.


I'm quite ethical as a person, I can dig that many people may not be able to afford Revolution or simply may not want it.. so I feel Nintendo should release one game, GameCube disc format at GameCube price and just add in Revolution support to the code as the frenchy spoke of.


They also promised Eternal Darkness and Dinosaur Planet would be N64 titles...

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