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Show us your bones! (THE EXCITING GAME)


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After some anxious clicking and disappointment in another thread we've all spent some time discussing this evening, I have decided to create my own bones-themed thread. You won't find music in this thread, kiddies (unless you make some kind of horrible bone flute from a hollow bird bone).


Let me proceed with the rules of the game.


Users will post images of a bone/bones and other users try to identify it. You can get real specific about your bones here if you want, guys. This thread is all about combatting inspecific. First poster to identify the bone/bones with indisputable proof gets to post the next image.


So... dust off that old How My Body Works collection, get Google open and put your science caps on and SHOW US YOUR BONES.





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Proper English in your posts, please Daniel. We're being specific here, scientists do not refer to the skull as "teh skullzor". I am sorry, this one goes to Mr. Meik.




Oh, I'm hung up. Hung up like a goddamned skeleton.


I actually feel this could be a good game if people start to post intelligent bone choices, there are some smart people on here.

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