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Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (29th July 2022)


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The start of chapter 5 is absolutely fantastic.


Being brought to the Lost Numbers base was pretty cool but the conversations and scenes that followed were pretty powerful and so well done. The team seeing a new born baby and having their fingers grabbed was very impactful and them having the conversation about where babies come from and how life should be lived was just the icing on the cake. Great moments. Again, so very well done.


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1 hour ago, Hero-of-Time said:

The start of chapter 5 is absolutely fantastic.

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Being brought to the Lost Numbers base was pretty cool but the conversations and scenes that followed were pretty powerful and so well done. The team seeing a new born baby and having their fingers grabbed was very impactful and them having the conversation about where babies come from and how life should be lived was just the icing on the cake. Great moments. Again, so very well done.


Think that was my favourite moment in the game, glad you've highlighted it too.

I finished the story on Thursday night, absolutely fantastic game though I'm not sure where to rank it against the other entries, they're all so different and unique in their own ways - all very special experiences.

Will post my detailed thoughts once you guys have caught up - there is a lot to say!

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OK trying to be very careful coming in here as it looks like people are ahead of me now.

I'm on Chapter 4 myself and my gods the story bits so far have been great.

That shot of Noah in the sunset HoT posted previously, loved that shot and that scene.

I've gotten to the next area and was about to just follow the main quest marker as I had run out of side quest in the previous areas but then I just about noticed there was a ? on the opposite side of were the story wanted me to zip to and wouldn't ya know, found some lovely new side quests and characters :D

I've now given up on trying to not get too over leveled, if I'm too strong when I get back to main quests it's the games fault for not having it's main quests enemies be stronger, of course I'm going to be distracted by side quests and exploring a much of the lovely world as I can :D 

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27 minutes ago, killthenet said:

I only watched the first 30 seconds or so, that guys attitude was too exhausting, but yeah, it's Xenoblade, there are a lot of repeated lines of dialogue - that's the whole point of the game 

To add on to this, audio cues through dialogue are how you know what the AI controlled party members are up to. Without it, you'd have more difficulty adapting to what's going on.

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How accurate is the video? [emoji14]

Also saw this earlier, it's pretty hilarious how much Dunkey dislikes anime mannerisms. To be fair to him, they are pretty damn stupid. I had to laugh at his line that the robot was the best character on account of it not talking. :laughing:


And yep, as someone who played Xenoblade 2 the main character would utter the same idiotic lines every time he clicked a gather spot. "Come out, come out!"

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Man, I haven't played Xenoblade Chronicles 3 so I won't watch the whole thing, but I watched the first 30 seconds of that video just to see what you guys were talking about, and I don't know how you can get any sense of an attitude from it ::shrug: him cutting together a bunch of repeated lines makes sense is just for comedic effect, it's low-hanging fruit with which he has a small bone to pick (see: his previous Xenoblade and Horizon videos), but I don't think it's from an ill-meaning place, or meant to convey a certain attitude. He also just isn't a huge fan of JRPGs and their anime-isms, so leaning into his humour makes sense? 

Different strokes for different folks and all that, but yeah, as he's been said, he's never one to take too seriously outside of his Zelda and Mario reviews, where he does a great job of digging in and doesn't really throw in too many laughs, and they're also edited wonderfully :smile:

Personally, his sense of humour works for me, so thanks for posting @drahkon, I imagine it'll give a few others a chuckle too. I'd be curious to know what some of you guys think of his Spider-Man video, where he basically just rips into IGN for saying it made them "feel like Spider-Man" :laughing: seem to recall that getting a whole lot of backlash from reviewers back then 

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I guess attitude was the wrong word, just didn't really vibe with his whole "everything sucks, why am I even playing this game" schtick. It's a very tired trope that isn't for me at all, same reason I stopped watching James Stephanie Sterling's stuff.

But yeah, Xenoblade can be a bit over the top and anime at times but it's part of the charm, which can easily be overlooked by the fact they still manage to pull off genuinely affecting moments.

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24 minutes ago, killthenet said:

"everything sucks, why am I even playing this game" schtick. It's a very tired trope that isn't for me at all, same reason I stopped watching James Stephanie Sterling's stuff.

That's pretty much what most of YouTube seems to be these days, it's really sad.

Also Jim Sterling lol.

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37 minutes ago, killthenet said:

I guess attitude was the wrong word, just didn't really vibe with his whole "everything sucks, why am I even playing this game" schtick. It's a very tired trope that isn't for me at all, same reason I stopped watching James Stephanie Sterling's stuff.

Oh yeah, I can totally get that.

I really pick and choose when it comes to that stuff these days - you're right, too much of it can be really grating - and I don't think I ever got into Sterling's stuff because it was an even more extreme version of that type of schtick. At least with Dunkey I feel like it's pretty much all in jest and it's very up front about it, but for me Sterling never really struck me the same way. 

38 minutes ago, killthenet said:

But yeah, Xenoblade can be a bit over the top and anime at times but it's part of the charm, which can easily be overlooked by the fact they still manage to pull off genuinely affecting moments.

100%! It's part of the appeal of JRPGs in general I think, don't think it's a coincidence that there's a whole load of overlap between anime watchers and JRPG lovers.

Some stuff some can lean into it a little too hard (from what I've seen and heard some of the Tales of games sound very guilty of this), but from what I played of the first Xenoblade, like you said, it really strikes that balance well between genuinely well written and emotive moments which are visually striking, and moments of goofier anime-like fun :peace:

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Finished chapter 4 last night.

OMG those last few sequences at the end of it, WOW.


The battle on the Analator with J & P was awesome and how frakking mind blowing is it that the first Moebius you encountered at the start when becoming Ouroboros was an interlink of 2 Moebius one of which was Joran! 

While I expected Joran to return as a Moebius when it was shown he died I would have never called that he was one half of that Moebius.

And Eunie at the end of cutscene, how she overcame her fear...didn't think she could become more badass but there she was taking badassery to a new level.

Was expecting that battle to be the end of the chapter so was surprised it kept going, when they ended up in the Throne room I was expecting the Matrix like growth pods to have an Ethel clone, I thought the group would run away before being found and we'd maybe see the Queen watch them run...but nope, full on encounter with her and N and a fight too.

Loved the after fight cutscene and N name dropping Melia to confirm that, even though I was expecting it, I was still like "OMG it really is Melia"... then all the questions of how, why, this doesn't make sense for Melia (and you'd have to assume other Queen is def Nia now). But then the fake Queen reveal, really glad they actually didn't leave that reveal for another chapter, now it makes sense...kinda. Man I can't wait to meet the real Melia and Nia....hoping for a cutscene towards the end of them explaining how the two worlds combined and maybe how Shulk and Rex brought both land together...followed by whatever or whoever broke divided them again.

N being a version of Noah was easy to call when he first showed, but I never thought there would be a Consul of Mio also...if she was shown previously I obviously missed or forgot haha. I wonder why there are two of them, for everyone else it seems like there is only one active clone at a time that a new one is not "born" till the currently active one dies. And maybe J is not really the Joran they know resurrected, maybe he is like N and M, maybe he was always there even when Joran was alive and just took his memories when he died?


Did a bit in Chapter 5 up to a point where you are asked to take a rest before continuing the story.


really glad Swordmarch wasn't too much further after the Castle, didn't expect to have a character that was Vandamme's daughter...loved how the main characters were like "what does she mean by daughter".

The long walk up through and up the sword, I kept getting distracted by different paths which made it longer haha, finally reaching the City and laughed that it is actually just called City as it's name haha.

Loved how the main characters had to be learn what children are and what a real life cycle is...and the Doc asking them if they want to learn how babies are made haha. Though I am a little disappointed they just skipped right to after it, while I wasn't expecting a scene with the actual details explained or shown (could you imagine if Nintendo let them do that haha), there wasn't even anything after to show their reaction, again not expecting any full on details but like I could imagine Taion for example saying something like when Sheldon in Big Bang Theory talks about sex. Or some sort of joke scene where one character says something like "who would have though you could do something like that with another person" and another character getting all shy or nervous.....hell they made a One-Eyed Monster joke on XBC2 afterall.

The only thing that threw me a little bit after seeing how the characters don't understand family structures and don't know what words like descendants means but Lanz in one scene uses the word generations in correct context. Granted it was after they learned about aging and families so he may have picked it up from there but it just felt a little quick and out of place given what happened before that.

One thing I did pick up on though that threw me more is that it seems even though the people of Keves are clearly based on Homs, High Entia and Machina and Agnus is Humans, Blades and Flesh Eaters.... it seems everyone is just considered "Human", like does nobody question why Eunie as wings on her head, or Mio's half blood core, or Sena's hair being constantly on fire?

 Maybe it is cuz they have that 10 year countdown so would be interesting if when they get to end of the game will Eunie, Lanz, Mio and Sena all have extended life spans of the races they are based on.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm scared of coming into this thread. But I just wanted to say that I love this game :D I'm about the same level as most of you here, at the start of chapter 5, level 50 on all characters and doing sidequests more than the actual story. It's been a blast so far, and how they've managed to polish the game to this level on the switch is beyond me. Just having 7 main characters on screen at once while batteling 1-10 monsters where all hell breaks loose is mind boggling. 

Also, I want Eunie to step on me and Sena to lift me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just finished Chapter 5 and started Chapter 6 (well like the opening cutscenes bits and stuff) and I don't know how I feel right now, they just took my emotions and put them through a blender and then topped it off with a dolop of wtf.

I gonna need a few days to recover after that.

Man I love this game and this series so much!!!!!

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On 22/09/2022 at 10:49 PM, Mokong said:

I just finished Chapter 5 and started Chapter 6 (well like the opening cutscenes bits and stuff) and I don't know how I feel right now, they just took my emotions and put them through a blender and then topped it off with a dolop of wtf.

Just reached this point myself...


I'm not sure how to process it all.


The whole battle with N and M was fantastic but I wasn't prepared for the aftermath. Having the team imprisoned and making them watch Mio slowly whittle her remaining time away until death was heart breaking to watch. I was certain that someone would pull something out of the bag and stop it but it never happened. Then you have poor Noah having to watch over and over again as different versions of himself continued to have Mio torn away from him. The scene where they had a kid but she died and then he passed away...man, that was rough. :( 

There were loads of lovely shots during all of these events. Here are just a couple that I captured.



Does each version of Noah remember what the other one went through? Kinda felt that way but then I wonder why our Noah doesn't remember anything? 

Also, this scene seemed very fitting for today's world.



It certainly feels like that these days. :( 

After that, the big twist happened and I was practically in tears. 

YARN | I believe they call that the old switcheroo. | The Big Bang Theory  (2007) - S02E01 The Bad Fish Paradigm | Video clips by quotes | 12134454 | 紗

I was absolutely buzzing. :D 

One last screenshot...


The narrative is this entry of the series is on another level compared to the others. Loving the stupidly long cutscenes as well. It's MGS4 in JRPG form. :D 

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I'm progressing the story in chapter 5 now after a two week long hiatus. I've just been doing side quests and getting new heroes (only need three more base classes now). I had actually thought that with so much being revealed about the plot and world by the end of chapter 4,there wouldn't be too much left but it seems I was wrong? :)

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You're done Chapter 6 already?

My next main story target is "Return to Castle" so I have ignored that and gone everywhere else and found a bunch of side quests. I'm level 62 and the main story recommended for Chapter 6 is 48 and I no longer care about being overpowered haha.

Just unlocked an ascension quest for a hero and have a couple other sides on the back burner so be awhile before I get back to main story haha

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20 minutes ago, Mokong said:

You're done Chapter 6 already?

My next main story target is "Return to Castle" so I have ignored that and gone everywhere else and found a bunch of side quests. I'm level 62 and the main story recommended for Chapter 6 is 48 and I no longer care about being overpowered haha.

Just unlocked an ascension quest for a hero and have a couple other sides on the back burner so be awhile before I get back to main story haha

As I said, it's very short. Even more so when you are stupidly overpowered. My team are in the mid 60 level range.  

I've stopped the main quest at the moment as i'm trying to find a new area to do a spot of grinding. It's getting harder and harder to do so. :( I also have a few sidequests to mop up, as well as a couple more Heroes to find.  

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I just finished chapter 5, and I was utterly destroyed. I haven't cried like that in ages.


As a father, the scene when Noah and his son watches Mio made me cry so much. And the following scene, oh man oh man. That's the one which tore me apart. Noah and his son walking through the woods, and I'm like "Oh hey, that's a sneaky firefly. How nice" .....but it was not nice. It was Noah dying, ffs. My heart just jumped, and I felt so fucking heartbroken for the kid who lost his parents just like that. This game is playing with my emotional strings like a prog rock guitarist. And I'm not sure if I like it :cry:

Aw shucks, who am I kidding, I love this game! They've done it again, god damnit.


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Well, I've reached the last boss/point of no return. I'll probably wait until the weekend to finish the game and use the time between now and then to just grind some levels. I will say though that the final dungeon is very disappointing. It's just a giant, linear area that lasts too long and all looks the same. Kind of a low point of the game for me. :( 

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I decided to have a crack at the final boss. After 40 minutes of fighting and cutscenes I ended up dying. it was very weird because I had characters all around me that had the ability to pick me back up and so I'm not sure what exactly happened. No checkpoints are granted and so it's back to square one I go. :( I haven't used a single exp boost yet and so I may finally cash these in, boost my levels well above the boss and then go back in and butcher it. 

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