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Game Builder Garage


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  • 2 weeks later...

It looks like Nintendo are bringing back developer interviews. Pretty much like what Iwata Asks was. The first interview is all about this game.


I’m happy to see this kind of thing make a return. Hopefully they will have one for each of their major releases going forward.


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Just read it.


I see. So, you focused on the feelings of happiness at having completed something.

Teshima: Something happened to me that inspired me to convey the fun of completing a project and having that sense of accomplishment. I had visited the Nintendo Labo Toy-Con Garage VR hands-on event. We had beginners try out some simple programming, combining the control stick node and the person node to make the person move using the control stick. Then, when the character started to move, there was a big "Whoa!” in the hall, like a boom. We were surprised by this reaction! (Laughs)

Things that are obvious to developers might be a surprise to beginners.

Teshima: Yes. I didn't know that people who had never programmed before would be so impressed by the fact that they could make things work with their own programming! I was really impressed by that experience. I stayed conscious of this experience in the development of this game.

That’s an important realization.

Teshima: I myself felt that the experience of doing the work and seeing something slowly come together is interesting. I had the thought to create something that would get people to experience that feeling right up until the end. In programming, there is a learning method commonly known as "sutra copying,"4 in which you learn programming by copying sample code. It’s an effective method, so we referenced it.

"Sutra copying" is a Japanese phrase for describing a way in which you learn programming by transcribing sample code.

I see, so transcribing the code is a surefire way to get to the end then.

Teshima: Yes. But one thing that tends to happen in scripting is that it is hard to notice if you enter something wrong, and if there is an input error, the program won't run. Of course, finding out for yourself where you've gone wrong is a very useful way to learn programming, but I thought that this software should use a guided system so that you don't get lost in typing mistakes, pushing that moment of completion to the forefront.

We always associate Nintendo with effortless simplicity and accessibility but it seems that sometimes even they cannot see the forest for the trees. Interesting to read that observing beginners reactions to simply connecting the character to the stick and moving them was a eureka moment for Teshima just as much as it was for the beginners. Then the team focused on keeping it simple by implementing this guided system to programming to ensure people wouldn't get bogged down in typing code and correcting syntax errors.

Good stuff. 

6 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I’m happy to see this kind of thing make a return. Hopefully they will have one for each of their major releases going forward.

Is this an admission that Game Builder Garage is a major release? :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Well, I finally made/finished something: :heh:

Here's some gameplay:

There are definitely a few bugs in there still which I unfortunately just couldn't seem to squash. :hmm: Some of them are the fault of GBG's wacky physics/collision detection though. :hehe: It also plays much slower/floaty than I would've liked, but the Nodon limit has been reached so I'll leave it at that. :D

Anyway, I hope those of you with access to the game will check it out.


Oh, and yeah... there's a Baby Face cameo to look out for too. Naturally. MPface.gif


Edited by RedShell
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So I think SNES Pinball might have violated the GBG term and conditions due to flashing lights (and I already got in trouble for an "inappropriate" :indeed: custom Smash Bros. stage, so I'm not taking any chances). Have re-uploaded it with those effects disabled:

It's easy to enable them again though, just make the following connections:

All of those Nodon are under the SMK sprite so they're easy to find. I believe they will already be on screen when you open the code anyway.



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  • 4 weeks later...
On 15/07/2021 at 9:38 AM, Vileplume2000 said:

A physical version is coming September 10th:


Was just looking around at prices as I'm curious about getting this game and kept seeing it was released next week and thinking "but its already out..."

That explains it.

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