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Monster Hunter Rise


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15 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I’m used to playing with voice chat so I’ve never had to bother with them. Even on the 3DS games we had banter using the PS4. No need to faff on with shoutouts when you can actually speak to people. 

Fair point, but it's still 10 minutes of your time to make yourself look more interesting to randoms or people who might not be able to voice chat at any time due to background noise (*Cough*Me*cough*).

Anyway, I've done every village quest now (Didn't even get a Guild Card award for that, which is pretty telling that the game is incomplete). Got every Sword & Shield tree as far as I can get them as well.

Got nothing left to do now, so I guess I'm shelving Rise until I can get back online.

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1 hour ago, Kav said:

I’m going to spend my time changing the default chat options to complaints about a lack of voice-chat and saying how the game & Switch itself could do with voice-chat.

See? This guy is the kind of guy I'd want to run into randomly.

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It's not that I don't want to make some custom shout-outs, I had them in the other Monster Hunter games, it's just that every time I get on Monster Hunter Rise, it's usually in the evening, and I just get on with quests, plus there's loads to do in the game, but when I load up the game and play it single player offline, I'll likely change the shout-outs. :smile:

Yesterday was the first day since the game came out, that I didn't play it, as I was playing PSO instead, but I would have done that regardless of whatever other game happened to be out, I may well be doing the same today for a bit, but after that I'll likely be back on the hunt in the eveninings during this Bank Holiday weekend.

I did miss not playing the game a bit, but I don't really miss playing games like I used to... out of all the games, Monster Hunter certainly sticks with you, as a series. :peace:

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I’ve now finished every quest in the game.




Crazy to see this happen so soon, especially when I didn’t really start playing the game until Saturday and have been at work all week. Usually I take a couple of days off work for these games and still don’t make a decent dent into the content but here it was a breeze.

I’ve played all the mainline MH games and this is definitely the easiest and most disappointing. The game practically plays itself. The slaying and gathering quests are more pointless than ever, what with everything being marked on the map. The series was slowly becoming easier and easier but World reintroduced a bit of a challenge the games. This entry has went in the complete opposite direction.

Given the lack of challenge in the game, I’m not too hopeful that any of the eventual added content will up the difficulty to the point where you are in danger of carting. As a base game though I found the whole thing really lacking. 

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15 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I’ve now finished every quest in the game.

I’m only 2 away from having done all of the village ones myself! Still got lots of hub quests left though.

Will be interesting to see just how much content is added in the future. 

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I picked this up last week, its my first Monster Hunter game and I'm enjoying it so far. I was wondering though, are the hub quests necessary to finishing the story? I've done all of the 1 and 2 star village quests but only the Aknosom 1 star hub quest, which seemed to take longer than a usual hunt so I'm worried the later ones might be a bit of a slog. 

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20 minutes ago, killthenet said:

Cool, thanks. The way I'm going I can see myself tackling the hub quests at some point, it just seems like too big of a commitment while I'm still finding my feet.

Hub quests are designed for multiplayer and Monster Hunter tends to have really long legs as far as player base goes, so there's no need to rush through it. Village quests are a great way to learn the ins and outs.

Anyway, I won't be able to get online until May at the earliest. So you'll at least have me to play with. (And to be fair, a decent amount of N-Europe players)

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While I would agree it does seem easier than past MH games I've played, it is not hampering my enjoyment of it so far.

I'm at 6star village and 4star hub now. (Only does one quest in each)

I've got about 6 low rank armour sets. In previous games I remember just building a Rathian low rank set to get me through LR so I could get to High Rank.

In this respect I think it has been easier to build the sets, I think less items required so fewer farming requirement (at low rank at least).

But I did enjoy looking at what was coming next, planning for what armour and weapon might be best and getting those first.

So after 1 week I've only just unlocked High Rank Hub quests which I'm pretty sure I would have done in first weekend previously. Less available playtime due to work and family might be a factor also but that said I have enjoyed taking my time with LR this time.

I've only done 3 Rampages so far, 1 in village and 2 online, not formed a full opinion of them yet. Not a big fan of Tower Defense games and these seem to be lacking the type of strategy and pattern planning of fights lie the Jhen Morhan fight which I loved (can we have him back please...I know I came close to driving the species to extinction but almost certain I left a few alive.....)

I did enjoy the online Rampages more than yhe solo one. First one was with Sam and Blade...though chatting on Discord might have helped with the enjoyment of it.

I did the 3star urgent rampage with randoms. The Apex was enjoyable to fight, I would like to have some Apex quests on the normal maps.

The QoL changes do make some things easy and I'm a bit double sided. On one side I miss how things used to be but on the other given my limited available playtime these changes have probably helped me spend more time hunting less time managing items.

But also I do feel it takes some of the strategy and planning away. Like the loss of Cold and Hot drinks for environments. Those I felt always gave the game that little be extra immersion.

Everyone basically having the Capture Guru skill by default and able to see monsters on map with a skill (can't remember that skill name) is a big downer for me as I used to love building an armour set specific for tracking and captures.

Notvsure about skilling the armour yet. Not built anything for specific skills yet but hope to start now that I have high rank. I am however not liking how the Tailsmans and Decorations are done yet. I miss finding tailsmans from mining. Probably need to look up a guide for how to make the properly on this. I assume I have to unlock new skills to make with them cause my list seems very limited and nothing of what I want.

Only just unlocked decorations not looked at them yet but they seem to be made similar to talismans but I could be wrong.

Unless there is more story from completing all of 6star village if what I saw is the end of story that is very disappointing...and the factvwe know there is free DLC that will add to the story makes me think they released the game a few months too early and unfinished. i would have preferred waiting a few more months to get a full game. But at least knowing there is more to come I am looking forward to it.

My biggest gripe so far however is whwre are the event quests????

Where are the events for special armour band weapons? Will these be added in the update end of April? I want my Biker Set armour damnit!!!!!!!

All that said overall, I am enjoying the game. I won't have an issue with clearing all the quests as for me clearing all quests is just a box ticking exercise. My main enjoyment is from repeating quests to farm for items building more sets etc. And at some point going to random hubs to help randoms out and if anyone from N-E still needing help then all the better. And I def have a lot more of that to do :)


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14 minutes ago, Mokong said:

Everyone basically having the Capture Guru skill by default and able to see monsters on map with a skill (can't remember that skill name) is a big downer for me as I used to love building an armour set specific for tracking and captures.

Yeah, this is weird. Especially being able to see all the monsters on the map. But with the maps being so big, it might have been a necessary evil because some of the areas can be a bit confusing to traverse. Especially when you need to go to an underground section.

There's a TV advert showing off the multiplayer aspect with a group of 4 hunting a Magnamalo and one of the people asks "Where is it?"

Excuse me, but what? You're hunting a monster like that and you still haven't figured out that the map shows you!? How have your friends not told you this!?

Oh, and they're all using the default shout-outs. Yes, I noticed, so be warned. If you're a group of 4 and none of you have customised your shout-outs, you're no better than a typical Nintendo TV advert!

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Saw @Ugh first aid

Had a lobby with one free spot earlier so joined for a few hunts, thanks. Some good hunts there and they helped me build some new armour (Tigrex LR) and some new Switchaxes (Almudron and a Thunder axe called the Shredder that looks like a chainsaw in sword mode)

Some hightlights of the hunts.



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<3 Thank you for all your help @Mokong Really did appriciate your help! 8'D I was playing with IRL friends who I had gotten into the Monster hunter games... May I mention that I Didn't mean to pick a British kinda voice for my character...it was a complete accident! <3 it was somuch fun getting to play though! 

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Can’t say much so far as I’ve only played up to 3 Star Village and not done any Hub yet but it has felt easy so far (I’m not upgrading armour)... although so did World, can’t remember anything being a challenge in that to be honest, albeit I didn’t play Iceborne.

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Its definitely easier than previous iterations. I've only had to make one real alteration so far and that was to craft a fire hammer to get past the Khezu, who funnily enough was the bastard I got stuck on in Tri. Still loving it though, and the game is such a time sink that I don't know if I'd stick with it if I hit a wall too early. I just love the way matchmaking works - find a monster you want to fight and enter via a join request, and you're right in it, racing to the rescue of a guy who is already engaged. Great fun

Does anyone know how the scaling of monsters works? Do the up the HP of an monster when someone joins the hunt? Does it decrease if they drop out?

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5 hours ago, LazyBoy said:

Its definitely easier than previous iterations. I've only had to make one real alteration so far and that was to craft a fire hammer to get past the Khezu, who funnily enough was the bastard I got stuck on in Tri. Still loving it though, and the game is such a time sink that I don't know if I'd stick with it if I hit a wall too early. I just love the way matchmaking works - find a monster you want to fight and enter via a join request, and you're right in it, racing to the rescue of a guy who is already engaged. Great fun

Does anyone know how the scaling of monsters works? Do the up the HP of an monster when someone joins the hunt? Does it decrease if they drop out?

That is exactly how it works.

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6 hours ago, LazyBoy said:

I've only had to make one real alteration so far and that was to craft a fire hammer to get past the Khezu, who funnily enough was the bastard I got stuck on in Tri.

I think you mean Gigginox, they're quite similar. But Khezu wasn't in Tri.

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Ok I only figured out last night about "Optional Subquests" just giving you extra tasks and rewards while on hunts. I thought it was full on gathering quests so ignored till now :p The amount of armour spheres I have missed out on haha.
Also last night figured out what the "join hunt request" option meant. For some reason I thought you could use this to send invites to friends or join invites...no it lets you just search for a lobby currently in an active hunt of your choosing. WTF...the time I have wasted lobby hunting looking for decent randoms or sitting in my own lobby waiting for randoms to join :p


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