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Paper Mario: The Origami King


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On 21/12/2020 at 8:36 PM, Hero-of-Time said:


Another favourite is one of the standard battle themes.

Wonderful stuff.

All the music in this game is great but yeah I absolutely love that battle theme!


I finished this last week, for the most part I thought it was incredible, I especially loved Bobby as a character and thought the desert area was so fun to explore. 

I was against the notion that battles were pointless for the first half of the game as they give you coins needed for better weapons but it does become really apparent later on that there is no point as you get showered with coins eventually. I generously bought loads of weapons and collectibles and still had something like 60,000 coins at the end of the game.

I really started to drift off in the spa and felt it was quite a slog to finish, especially with that bloody gameshow, though I'm not sure if that's because I wasn't into the area or if the game had just overstayed its welcome. It did redeem itself on that epic last section though. Overall it was a joy to play and I'm glad I got it as I was on the fence due to previous entries. 

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Am I the only one that buys or picks up the more powerful items but never seems to use them? I find in these games that I tend to use the regular hammer/boots 90% of the time and I never have any trouble beating them. I’m sure I had about 3 or 4 of the legendary hammer and boots that I never even touched. 

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  • 2 months later...
5 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I sat and watched this last night.

It really highlights how great the soundtrack is in this game. Also, it’s always good to watch David Wise unleash on the sax. :) 


Just watched through it myself.  Absolutely incredible production!! Just amazing all throughout!!

Incredible arrangments and fantastic performances! Can't imagine how much work went into this thing! Just superb! :peace:

And Origami King absolutely deserves it.  Easily the best soundtrack of this generation! Nothing even comes close :D 

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  • 7 months later...

I picked this up from LAME earlier. It was £35 and sealed which is pretty unheard of in there. 

Now I’m done with Metroid, I am looking forward to giving this a go. I don’t have much experience at all with this series, so perhaps not the best one to start with… but it piqued my interest at the time so hopefully I enjoy it. 

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13 minutes ago, Aneres11 said:

I picked this up from LAME earlier. It was £35 and sealed which is pretty unheard of in there. 

Now I’m done with Metroid, I am looking forward to giving this a go. I don’t have much experience at all with this series, so perhaps not the best one to start with… but it piqued my interest at the time so hopefully I enjoy it. 

This was easily in the top 3 favourites games I played last year, I had a brilliant time with it. Hope you enjoy it too. It's also probably a good thing you don't have much experience with the series, you can enjoy this one on its own merits rather than compare it to the Gamecube instalment like everyone seems to.

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14 minutes ago, Aneres11 said:

TBH I just want to experience this amazing water effect everyone went crazy for haha. 

The upside of Miiverse being shut down is that there's a chance that guy (You know who) hadn't seen that and subsequently died from happiness.

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Wowsers. :o

I've only played 30 minutes but this game is gorgeous. I'm blown away with the aesthetic! 

And I know I sound like an absolute broken record now about the OLED switch :D but I can not believe just how much better games look on it! Especially really vibrant games like this! 

Looking forward to playing more. :)

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Played some more of this. I really like it! 

Having such fun...

However. I do not like this battle mechanic. I know that's all part of the series, but at the moment it basically feels like I'm playing Pokémon Blue and trying to get through Mt.Moon with no Repel. One after another after another. 

It's just a bit relentless. And I don't enjoy having a timer annoying me to line the enemies up. If it were just a game without this, then it'd be amazing! But it adds absolutely nothing to me. It isn't fun. At all. 

Maybe it'll grow on me! 

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2 hours ago, Aneres11 said:

Played some more of this. I really like it! 

Having such fun...

However. I do not like this battle mechanic. I know that's all part of the series, but at the moment it basically feels like I'm playing Pokémon Blue and trying to get through Mt.Moon with no Repel. One after another after another. 

It's just a bit relentless. And I don't enjoy having a timer annoying me to line the enemies up. If it were just a game without this, then it'd be amazing! But it adds absolutely nothing to me. It isn't fun. At all. 

Maybe it'll grow on me! 

Honestly, this was my problem with Origami King. Outside of the actual bosses, (which are amazing) the battles got tedious.

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2 hours ago, Aneres11 said:

Played some more of this. I really like it! 

Having such fun...

However. I do not like this battle mechanic. I know that's all part of the series, but at the moment it basically feels like I'm playing Pokémon Blue and trying to get through Mt.Moon with no Repel. One after another after another. 

It's just a bit relentless. And I don't enjoy having a timer annoying me to line the enemies up. If it were just a game without this, then it'd be amazing! But it adds absolutely nothing to me. It isn't fun. At all. 

Maybe it'll grow on me! 

Yeah… the standard battles are absolute butts. They’re incredibly repetitive and never develop any interesting new mechanics throughout the entire game (with the exception of literally just TWO enemies).

The boss battles and their surrounding dungeons are so good though that it’s worth slogging through the standard battles to get to them though.  They’re a massive highlight!

Like I said in my review, it’s a 10/10 game anchored to a 3/10 one.

Edited by Dcubed
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Ah interesting to hear you both felt the same. 

The actual game play outside the battles is so much fun. It's not taxing at all, but the game looks so good and is bursting with charm that it's just a joy to play. I could have a whole adventure of just that without the battle system. 


I really hope I don't get fatigued with the battling and it prevents me from finishing it. 

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1 hour ago, Aneres11 said:

Ah interesting to hear you both felt the same. 

The actual game play outside the battles is so much fun. It's not taxing at all, but the game looks so good and is bursting with charm that it's just a joy to play. I could have a whole adventure of just that without the battle system. 


I really hope I don't get fatigued with the battling and it prevents me from finishing it. 

Personally I enjoyed the battles, the music is great and I treat each one as a little puzzle to solve. Don't be scared of using up coins to extend the time limit too, I did that all the time after a little way through the game.

But yeah everything else is flat out amazing. One of those games I wished kept going, similar to Metroid Dread.

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12 hours ago, Ronnie said:

Also you might already know this but as you make your way through the game you can kill weaker enemies in the overworld by jumping on them or with the hammer.

Yeah I got to that bit last night. 
I just reached the Autumn section. Good god I didn’t think the game could look any better. It is visually stunning. 
Had to fight two bosses in quite quick succession with the dreadful battle mechanic yesterday. The pencils and the turtle. Both torture.

But the rest of it is keeping me hooked so far. 

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Sad to hear you're not enjoying the bosses. If it helps, I found that if you start by charting a course from the inner ring where you want to attack the boss, and then working backwards to be much easier. Also open the chests if you want a hint on how to beat him (though you prob know that already). And obv don't be afraid to slide panels, not just spin them, you shouldn't need to slide too much but 1 here or there can help.

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Already followed a YT guide for it and still didn't manage to beat it. It's far far too complex to understand that you need to use the eart turtle thing to raise the platform so you're not wiped out by its wave. 

Add in the stupid sliding rings and how complex that can be AND the fact that the boss scrubs some of tiles off the floor with water... And you've got one of the worst sections of gaming I've ever seen. 

All the YT comments echo how bad it is, sadly. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 14/11/2021 at 8:07 PM, Aneres11 said:

Already followed a YT guide for it and still didn't manage to beat it. It's far far too complex to understand that you need to use the eart turtle thing to raise the platform so you're not wiped out by its wave. 

Add in the stupid sliding rings and how complex that can be AND the fact that the boss scrubs some of tiles off the floor with water... And you've got one of the worst sections of gaming I've ever seen. 

All the YT comments echo how bad it is, sadly. 

I started with Origami King a few months ago and I think this was the last thing I did. Keep meaning to hook the Switch up and go back to it. 

It was a lengthy battle for me but since there was no real danger of dying if you plan a route to pick up health, I just kept at it turn after turn until I figured out the order to do things in to actually damage the boss. When you get it, I think it only took three or four turns? Don't blame you for looking it up if you were banging your head off a wall with it.

Seems like a really good game though. Finding the last Goomba cockroach was definitely the most difficult thing for me so far. :blush:

On 31/10/2021 at 4:37 PM, Aneres11 said:

feels like I'm playing Pokémon Blue and trying to get through Mt.Moon with no Repel.

Played Red and I think I used one repel just to see what would happen. After that, I just dumped them in the PC! Same with escape ropes. Do the battles and quit whinging! :heh:

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