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one major improvement is the letters section, i can now read it without threatening somone with a knife

Yeah, there aren't as many stupid fanboy letters anymore.


Not really, it's "To be confirmed" for a start and there was never any official announcement confirming it to have been started OR cancelled, so no one really knows for sure what's going on with it.

I reckon it means the release date is TBC, but it is confirmed for this year. After all it says "Official Release Dates" if it isn't true, we swamp them with letters and bug them on the forums :grin:

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Not really, it's "To be confirmed" for a start and there was never any official announcement confirming it to have been started OR cancelled, so no one really knows for sure what's going on with it.

Well if the OFFICIAL Nintendo magazine had it in the release list then it pretty much confirms it in my eyes.

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On first appearance the magazine is very sleek, it's a got a "first issue sheen" about it (which I doubt will be kept up). But there's one huge problem with it that I can't bring myself to forgive: it's official.


It's all blatant Nintendo advertising. Everything Nintendo does will always be perfect and wonderful. The news section is a joke, it's just propaganda for Nintendo, it even has a piece how GameCube is outselling 360 in Japan but doesn't mention the other consoles. To my horror it even bashed the PSP ("people are getting bored with their handheld movie-player"), it's comments like that that remind me of the old NOM. I need magazine that tells it like it is and doesn't twist everything to Nintendo's advantage, I don't need to be told that "I must have this" and "I need one of these" just because it comes from Nintendo. I'm sticking with NGC, even though it's shrinking.


Howver the previews section is admittedly very nice.

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On first appearance the magazine is very sleek, it's a got a "first issue sheen" about it (which I doubt will be kept up). But there's one huge problem with it that I can't bring myself to forgive: it's official.


It's all blatant Nintendo advertising. Everything Nintendo does will always be perfect and wonderful. The news section is a joke, it's just propaganda for Nintendo, it even has a piece how GameCube is outselling 360 in Japan but doesn't mention the other consoles. To my horror it even bashed the PSP ("people are getting bored with their handheld movie-player"), it's comments like that that remind me of the old NOM. I need magazine that tells it like it is and doesn't twist everything to Nintendo's advantage, I don't need to be told that "I must have this" and "I need one of these" just because it comes from Nintendo. I'm sticking with NGC, even though it's shrinking.


Howver the previews section is admittedly very nice.


Well they're obviously gonna hype up the DS and Revo, that's the whole point, that doesn't make it a non interesting read.

And by the way, as far as I know, a lot of people are getting bored or their PSPs due to the extreme lack of games.

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The forums are still better than NoE, anything's better than those. I'd jsut be expecting them to be using a better mone. Like these.


Do you realise how much AMN pay for these forums?


Anywho, picked it up today and flicked through while drinking in nero earlier. Will mooch through then leave it at work for others to enjoy. Right after I make the controller at the back.

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Just subscribed there. Even though I have all the games up, I got myself Donkey Konga again just for the free extra bongo (thats 3 now lol), I'll probably give the game away free to a mate =D


So yeah, more looking forward having a 3 player bongo bashing day than the actual mag :heh:

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The review staff includes four people that have worked on NGC. Two of them are current members, who are involved in both NGC and NOM this month, and one of them was NGC's editor until he left for this. I doubt the two current memebers will be juggling between two rival magazines, so this all indicates that NGC most probably won't be around for much longer.

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Lovely clean design and photography - especially the little genre indicators from Army of Trolls (they've done work for EDGE and GamesTM in the past) - and full of pretty harmless, entertaining writing. The humour isn't up to early N64/NGC standard but I imagine they're just testing the water with the first issue. I'd like to see them be a little bolder.


Great free gift though, I've got Miyamoto's signature on the front of my DS with the Mario Kart logo and character renders.

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On first appearance the magazine is very sleek, it's a got a "first issue sheen" about it (which I doubt will be kept up). But there's one huge problem with it that I can't bring myself to forgive: it's official.


It's all blatant Nintendo advertising. Everything Nintendo does will always be perfect and wonderful. The news section is a joke, it's just propaganda for Nintendo, it even has a piece how GameCube is outselling 360 in Japan but doesn't mention the other consoles. To my horror it even bashed the PSP ("people are getting bored with their handheld movie-player"), it's comments like that that remind me of the old NOM. I need magazine that tells it like it is and doesn't twist everything to Nintendo's advantage, I don't need to be told that "I must have this" and "I need one of these" just because it comes from Nintendo. I'm sticking with NGC, even though it's shrinking.


Howver the previews section is admittedly very nice.

Agreed. The news section really irritated me. I expected a much more objective view of things, given the crop of writers on board, but I suppose I shouldn't have asked so much from an official magazine. The cover feature also seemed too biased, failing to elaborate or even mention the potential shortcomings of Nintendo's new philosophy. It seemed to imply that the sole intention for this change in direction towards more "innovative" software and hardware was for Nintendo's concern for the gamer. I somehow doubt if Nintendo were still market leader that they'd be trying to "revolutionise" the industry. They'd be be much more pragmatic and complacent with their approach.


Don't get me wrong, the magazine wasn't awful. I liked the previews and reviews section, and it is certainly an improvement on the absurdity that was NOM. However, I think it's fair to say that I'll be sticking to EDGE.

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i for one ADORED it! i think it is just the kind of magazine we deserve after the kiddie image of the previous NOM. ONM is a lovely breath of fresh air, much more mature to appeal to all age groups, i like the wee bits of humour, and seeing as it is a nintendo magazine you gotta expect them to "up" the ninty cause, just like a ps2 or xbox magazine would.


i agree with the comment about psp owners getting bored i have to say.


flaight, if you didn't have the option of choosing the game then it looks like you're not getting it. give them a call to straighten things out, when you ring the number on the subscriptions page in the mag, you'll hear a recorded voice that tells you the number for enquiries.


i love the magazine, and have subscribed already! usually i wait a few months before doing so, but this has me hooked already, absolutley class! just gotta decide between the signature and the mkds decals now, damn it!

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The review staff includes four people that have worked on NGC. Two of them are current members, who are involved in both NGC and NOM this month, and one of them was NGC's editor until he left for this. I doubt the two current memebers will be juggling between two rival magazines, so this all indicates that NGC most probably won't be around for much longer.


Due to the slow death of the Gamecube and thus the lack of avialable content I think the magazine will go under and relaunch around May, after E3, with new staff and such. Kind of the relaunch that NOM had.

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