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I think they also look at in long term appeal. It's great, yeah, but will you honestly be playing it three months down the line? I've barely touched my other Wario Ware games since "finishing" them in the past, they hold very little long term appeal for me, and thats something I would mark a game down for.

  Android18a said:
I think they also look at in long term appeal. It's great, yeah, but will you honestly be playing it three months down the line? I've barely touched my other Wario Ware games since "finishing" them in the past, they hold very little long term appeal for me, and thats something I would mark a game down for.


you could say the same for about 95% of all games.


the truth is, people expected more because there is no other game like it.

  Kurt R said:
Yeah....nearly anything without multiplayer has less replay value.

Anyway....ONM's out tomorrow right!?!? :grin:


It sure is! :hehe:


Well...hopefully...my local tescos have never let me down yet! :hehe:

  Owen said:
It sure is! :hehe:


Well...hopefully...my local tescos have never let me down yet! :hehe:


My tesco at the end of the road never has it, ill be at co-op bright and early.

That is a great, shame I have them already. But I recommend that people pick up Pikmin 2 from the deal as its very rare that the game comes down in price whereas Metroid 2 and Donkey Konga have been on special offer many times.


Really? My local Xtra-Vision sells it for €13, which is even less in Pounds.


The new cover looks incredibly dull. It doesn't look "cool" or anything. It looks lifeless. It does have some improvements, like not having people staring at you when you buy an issue with Pokémon on the front. But, come on, does it really look all that great? Doesn't look "mature", unless by mature, you mean "boring".


Other then that, I don't see many reasons to complain, I just hope the content doesn't try to be too professional. Professional is good, but when they over do it, it just makes you want to look at the score and nothing else. Add a bit of "fun", as you could put it. Of course, haven't read it, so I'm just guessing here.


I'll have to see if the shop will have it first of all, then I'll pay €7 for it. (Which is slightly insane I think). Of course, even I don't like it, I'll probably pick it up again around E3.

  Sooj said:
The Donkey Konga game comes with bongos right?

It says on the Nintendo Europe site that Donkey Konga does come with bongos:


"Free Game - Yes, that's right, subscribe to the all-new Official Nintendo Magazine and you can choose from one of three Gold Award GameCube games. Metroid Prime 2 Echoes? Pikmin 2? Donkey Konga with a set of bongos? One of these games will be yours when you subscribe!"


I've just read through most of the magazine, and have to say that I'm a little disappointed. It is sort of a mix of the old NOM and Edge, but it hits the middle ground so much that it just seems a little dull..


The cover is plain and simple, and thats good. Im sick of magazines and having a million headlines splattered all over the place and often having them cover the main cover picture so much theres no point in having the picture in the first place.


It looks good from the outside, and im sure its greatly improved inside.


I have it but i havent read it yet(meant to be doing Geography Coursework)

look at this http://gonintendo.com/wp-content/photos/metroid_hunters.jpg

already confirmed but still good to be now officialy confirmed by the official mag, atleast 25 mp maps!

Oh, and the second page says that Noxus is kind of Samus's ally(it'll probably end up as an against a a common enermy thing-like another hunter- in a similar way to the USA and UK being allied with the USSR in WWII), and in game it will probably be used as a bit like the final battle in RE4- Noxus uses Samus to kill another hunter who has an artifact, by doing something like freezing them(Noxus's special weapon) and then nicking the artifact, like how Ada gives Leon the Special RPG, but puts a gun to his head when he tries to take the sample.


Read half of it. Very good. Love the cover. I decided to put the Miyamoto decal on in the end. Might cut out that controller....

Review are very good. Much better than the old ones and the mag looks so much more proffesional.


What the hell is Metroid Dread? I haven't heard of it..


I guess the mag was okay..

I tried the cut-out controller, but after eventually managing to cut out the slits, found it very difficult to glue together, and gave up. Now my ONM is missing a back cover!


Had a quick look through, looks much better than the old mag. In recent months the old mag had never really made me want to go back to it after having a quick flick through after buying it, will definitely have a better read of this though.


It's much better then the old NOM magazine.


Theres loads more writing then pictures and it all looks cool and stylish!


Loving it so far! :)

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