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N-E Café Podcast


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Just finished listening to it. 

  • The reason I think Capcom are more of a disappointment than EA is because we've come to expect such shoddy support from EA. Capcom on the other hand have worked closely with Nintendo in the past, Nintendo show some of their series love in Smash Bros and then to repay them they deliver stupidly expensive ports of games that are years old. I love Capcom games and i'm happy that I can play their latest titles on my PS4 but doing so is a stark reminder of just how much they have shunned Nintendo this generation. The recent announcement of the Monster Hunter Stories game on mobile is a great example of this. Why not create the game for the Switch? The Nintendo user base are the ones that bought and played the original on the 3DS but instead of continuing the series on Nintendo platform, a platform which could easily run the thing, they instead chose to put it on mobile.
  • As for Nintendo's mobile games, I loved Super Mario Run. It was a game I was happy to pay for (back when my iPhone 4S could actually run apps/games :D) and it was how I hoped Nintendo would continue their venture into the mobile space. Sadly, it wasn't to be due to their differences in audiences in the mobile market and the difference approaches needed in order to succeed. Years ago Iwata spoke about the race to the bottom and how it would have a negative impact of the industry and that's exactly what we seen with SMR. It was a great game but because the market was so used to getting everything for so little or free, the game didn't sell what Nintendo were hoping for.
  • The discussion about playing a mobile game but not putting down money and still having a good time is a difficult one. It comes back to what I mentioned when I asked the question in that we know that these games can be played for free but we also know that these games are created in a way to manipulate those who have certain tendencies to throw money at them. Fire Emblem Heroes can be played for free but the carrot on a stick approach is used to gain money from others. It's something Jim Sterling has talked about many times in that it doesn't matter if you can play the game without the need to spend. Some poor soul somewhere is emptying their bank account in order to get the character they want because the game is built in such a way that effects them. This was the point I was making with the question when I said at what cost. I don't care about the quality of the games, it's more that Nintendo IP are being used in these mobile games in an exploitative manner, which in turn is funding Nintendo's other projects. From a moral standpoint it's pretty messed up.
  • At the end of the day Nintendo are a company and they are in the business of making money. The whole mobile business shows that they are not really any different to any other publisher, which is something i've said for a while now. The are willing to exploit the mobile gamers/market in order to bring in money. It's not as bad as putting such mechanics in console games but in no way, shape or form should it be seen as an acceptable thing to do. For me, Nintendo are now just a lesser evil than the others, where as at one time I would have held them in a higher regard.
  • Super Kirby Clash on the 3DS did have a maximum amount of money that you could spend on it, making the game essentially a normal purchase. However, this changed with the Switch version, which is something I didn't find out until I actually upgraded the tree to it's full amount. It's another example of Nintendo changing their practices in recent times for the worse.
  • Nick mentioned the discussion that was had on Sacred Symbols. As a listener of that show I also enjoyed that conversation I did agree with what they were saying ( games cost more = more DLC means less sequels and new games ) but it's something I don't really care for. What if the few games that are released don't fit into the genres you like? Greg is a perfect example of this in that his tastes are very narrow these days ( saying that, I think it's always been that way :p ) which means if there are only a few games being released, and none of these appeal to him, then he is left waiting longer for a title he will like because the games are constantly getting DLC rather than new games being made. 
  • GaaS is something I really dislike. I'd much rather pay for a finished product, complete the game and then move on whatever is next. Again, a lot of these FTP/GaaS games are built to get it's hooks into players and keep inviting them back to play even if they don't want to. An example of this is Tetris 99. How many people on here don't really play the game but fire it up just because a new theme is there to unlock? I imagine it's most of us. The game isn't part of our regular gaming time but because a shiny new thing is being given to us for free we all jump back on. It's baffling because I think most unlock the new theme and then shut the game off never to actually use it but we feel the need to have it. A lot of GaaS and FTP games use this kind of thing to keep players hooked on a regular basis.
  • In a way Animal Crossing was already kinda monetised in a full priced game on the Wii U. Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival could be played with the two amiibo that came with the game but certain things were locked behind amiibo and amiibo cards, meaning you would have to buy them in order to get everything out of it. 
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Oh, I finished another earlier episode this afternoon. It was where you guys were talking about the Game Awards. 

Nick: There's no way anyone could play all of these games.

H-o-T: Hold my beer... :D 

To be fair, I did miss playing a few of them. I still need to get around to playing Sekiro.

Also, I had a good laugh at Greg and how he kept saying "I've got nothing to contribute." :laughing:

It was an enjoyable listen. :peace:

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2 hours ago, londragon said:

Transition Tunes are hard this week, but there is a free copy of Hypercharge Unboxed up for offer, any takers?

I agree, also the clue only makes it trickier I think as even though it's narrowed down to a SNES game which Rare was involved with, I'm pretty sure that they were involved with a lot of SNES games beyond the ones which they developed themselves.

I might have a guess if no one else does but I'm not even confident about guessing at this point. :p

Edited by S.C.G
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19 minutes ago, S.C.G said:

I'm pretty sure that they were involved with a lot of SNES games beyond the ones which they developed themselves.

This is true. Have a guess, what's the worst that could happen? You win the code? :cheeky:

There has already been one correct guess (from Facebook), but I'm going to drop another clue tomorrow, so he / she has a little competition. 

@londragon will draw the winner from a hat, so guess, guess, guess. Only send him a PM, don't post your answer here or you risk lowering your chances!

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Oh damn... I've just figured out what it is, well played @Nicktendo well played indeed. :D

I'll say no more but I will PM the answer to @londragon now anyway. :)

I'm just glad to finally figure out what the games is as it's one of those which would have driven me mad if I couldn't have figured it out. :p

It's like @nekunando's videogame track guessing podcast game all over again. :heh:

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I forgot to mention the clue yesterday...

Probably only going to be applicable to U.K. based members (Sorry Dutchies. Not sorry Drakhon :laughing:)


(N-E Cafe clearly coming becoming a throwback to 80s/90s actors and singers).

Edited by Nicktendo
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3 hours ago, Nicktendo said:

I forgot to mention the clue yesterday...


I'm looking at the clue and thinking how you can get from Craig Charles to the game that the music is from, unless I've missed something. :p

Anyway, I'll say no more all I know is that the plot thickens with the introduction of this latest clue.

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13 hours ago, S.C.G said:

I'm looking at the clue and thinking how you can get from Craig Charles to the game that the music is from, unless I've missed something. :p

Anyway, I'll say no more all I know is that the plot thickens with the introduction of this latest clue.

If I wasn’t confused enough before about which game that music came from, now I’m completely flummoxed (& I like Craig Charles too!).

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