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1 hour ago, drahkon said:

Immediately made my heart drop. Did not know it's about a young man whose father died, which resonates with me. Seems like it's a story about grief and feelings associated with it.
Might make me tear up...

Not sure if you've seen it already, but if you haven't, Abubakar Salim's speech to reveal the game at the TGAs last year was genuinely one of the highlights of the show. 

I still remember the surprise that this game looked absolutely nothing like what I expected, I think just based on some of the other wonderful games others have put out in remembrance of lost ones a lot of people were expecting something different, which I found a really wonderful reminder of how we all grieve, process, and move forwards differently. 

Anyways, hope you enjoy it and that it handles its subject well :peace:

Edited by Julius
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Well, that made me tear up :cry:

It's funny, my parents kinda introduced me to gaming, too. Not by saying: "Look at this, this is cool, this is a form of art.", but rather by buying a Game Boy with Tetris for themselves :D
And sure enough, 5 year old drahkon hogged that little handheld and it grew into his biggest hobby.

My parents eventually bought a SNES and my dad and I played Super Mario World a lot. I still play this game every year around Christmas.
My dad got into gaming more and more, my mom as well but not as much. They both entered the Nintendo DS phase and I remember my father playing Final Fantasy III (among other games) and being completely absorbed. :)

He died in 2009 and I obviously remember more about him than the occasional gaming session of his, but some of my fondest memories are seeing him playing games.

I'm sure he would've loved the Switch. Same as my mom does (for her, the device is basically an Animal Crossing and various farming games machine :laughing:).

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While waiting for The Plucky Squire I've been jumping from game to game these past few days...

Managed to complete two more episodes with The Witch in Dicey Dungeons. Hope I can finish the last two with her soon, so I can move on to other characters :p

Also re-installed Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2. Always wanted to get the Platinum but it's a doozy. I've now collected all stat points for three pro skaters and will slowly but surely work my way through their challenges.
That's very tame, though. You need to reach level 100 which will take ages, and you need to do every single gap in the game. Gonna be a long one. TITLE OF MY SEX TAPE.

Been also playing MLB The Show 24 without really going for any trophies. It's actually quite enjoyable. I don't particularly enjoy watching baseball but playing a videogame based on it is fun :D Might look up the trophies soon and see what they're like. I assume there will be a myriad of online trophies which will rule out the trophy hunt for this particular game.


And in PSVita news: Started playing Resogun and after finishing up Nex Machina, the muscle memory is completely gone. Got my ass kicked during the final boss on Experienced. Guess the Veteran run will have to wait a little longer.

Edited by drahkon
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